Parkinson's Disease: Another Result of Brain Injury?
I’m willing to bet that you have heard of the boxing legend Muhammad Ali. If you haven’t, I would definitely recommend watching some of the highlights of his il...
I’m willing to bet that you have heard of the boxing legend Muhammad Ali. If you haven’t, I would definitely recommend watching some of the highlights of his il...
In the United States, more than 200,000 people are affected each year from Parkinson’s disease. As much of the general public knows, this disease is a debilitat...
When most people think of Parkinson’s Disease (PD), they may think of Micheal J. Fox or Muhammad Ali and their symptoms of jittery and slowed movements. O...
What is Parkinson’s Disease ? The Mayo Clinic defines Parkinson’s Disease (PD) as a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects movement...
With greater detection potential and the ever-increasing average age of citizens in the United States, neurological disorders are increasingly diagnosed in our ...
Cannabis, also known as Marijuana, is a flowering plant most famous by its use as a recreational drug. However, the Marijuana medical use was described in many ...
What do the words weed, pot, dope, blunt, Mary Jane, blaze, grass, 420, cannabis, ganga, and last but not least marijuana bring to mind? For many there is an au...
First off, this discussion is NOT about legalizing recreational cannabis (marijuana) because, as a college student in today’s world, I’m not even sure how I fee...
Will legalizing marijuana make the United States fall apart and become a troubled country? Fear of what could happen if marijuana is legalized has been instille...
We have a problem with hyperbole. In the interest of grabbing headlines and inciting reactions, extremism and polarizing statements rule the day. Journalistic i...