Canninbinoids: Saving the Brain

The endocannibinoid system has very complicated interactions within the brain. A very important role of this system is to control the rate of synaptic transmissions. They are the resistors of the brain, just like in an electrical circuit. Neurotransmissions can’t go at max speed all the time, the neurons will burn out, plus it is not necessary to constantly be transmitting at max speed. The endocannibinoid system saves on the resources that can be limited in the body and saves the neurons from the wear and tear of synapses. Marijuana tunes these resistors, by adding different concentrations of different cannibinoids into the cleft. Since all cannibinoids have similar properties to a certain extent, they will all react with the CB1 receptors in some way, and can activate G-proteins, which can lead to different activations or inhibitions of pathways.
I think that if we could study the processes and connections of this system and understand it better, we could be able to enhance the productivity of this system. This could lead to advancements in the treatment of different diseases and help in the full recovery of head injuries like concussions.

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