The Balance of Autism

Autism is a neurodevelopmental which presents in early in childhood. While the symptoms vary, it is characterized by a general in ability to effectively communicate and interact with other people. The causes of autism are currently unknown. Autism is diagnosed off of behavioral, communicative, and social observation. Genetics have been suggested to play a role due to the increased chances of risk when a family history of autism is present Due to the recent increases in the number of diagnosis made, it has been said that an environmental factor may be involved. The following video presents a further introduction to autism.
The argument that an environmental factor being the cause behind autism is an interesting one because, if proven true the resolution proves difficult.  The environmental hypothesis is that heavy metal exposure leads to autism. Heavy metals bind to proteins leading to their activation and disruption of key cellular pathways. The disruption of these pathways leads to autism. We are exposed to heavy metals through various sources; preservatives in foods, body cleansing products, and the crops we eat. If there is a link found between the food we eat and autism how will we deal with this problem? We can stop eating canned foods loaded with preservatives. This means living off of fresh produce. Produce that is grown in fields, which are sprayed with fertilizers and pesticides, contain heavy metals. If we stop using fertilizers and pesticides, crops are going to grow less efficiently. With the rising world population and growing hunger problem where do we find the balance? The link between heavy metals in our crops and autism has not been made, however the correlation has been suggested for other health issues outside of autism. This issue raises a general problem between science and social issues of where to find the correct “balance”.
ction to Autism

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