
Should smoking marijuana be legal? Should using marijuana for medicinal purposes be legal? These are some hard-hitting questions that, in today’s society, are difficult to ignore. Some of the topics in our science classes can seem a little dry and boring to the general public, but it’s hard not to have an opinion on this week’s subject.
The article we looked at this week, “Endogenous cannabinoids revisited: A biochemistry perspective” looked into the chemistry of what is really happening when marijuana enters our system. Specifically, what happens in our brain and what implications this may have for medicinal purposes.
Marijuana has long history of being seen as a terrible and useless drug that makes people lazy and hungry. Not many people have a clue, (or want to admit they have a clue) that marijuana can be used for medicinal purposes. Could smoking weed really help people? In our society today, it seems like a crazy thought. But it’s true, and there is science to back it up!
A little science for ya:
The active ingredient in marijuana is tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. Humans produce endocannabinoids which act similar to THC, anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoyl glyceride (2-AG). AEA and 2-AG bind to cannabinoid receptors, and THC mimics these actions and also binds to cannabinoid receptors. By binding to these receptors, THC causes adverse effects on the mind and body.
Many people smoke marijuana recreationally due to it’s psychological and physiological effects, making users feel relaxed and mellowed, bringing a sense of joy and entertainment to many. Of course it is important to note that marijuana can also have negative effects, such as problems with memory and learning, distorted perception, difficulty with thinking and problem solving, and loss of coordination. In spite of these side effects, scientists are looking into potential benefits to using marijuana for medicinal uses. Marijuana has been known to suppress nausea, relieve eye pressure, decrease muscle spasms, stimulate appetite, stop convulsions and eliminate menstrual pain. Medical marijuana has been seen to be helpful in many disorders such as alcohol abuse, asthma, bipolar disorder, depression, epilepsy, Huntington’s disease, leukemia, sleep apnea, anorexia nervosa, etc. The list really goes on and on. The fact that marijuana can be beneficial is really undeniable. The situation becomes difficult simply because of so many users that use for recreational purposes, and also the stigma behind the drug. Many patients who are in need of help, put off trying medical marijuana simply because of how it is seen in the public eye. If medical marijuana were to be made legal it would take time for the public view to change.
As of right now there is and will continue to be much controversy over legalizing marijuana. Due to its past and stigma, many people will continue to stand against the legalization of marijuana. There are many reasons why I believe that legalizing marijuana would not be such a bad thing, and this article only enforced those thoughts. The science behind it is fairly clear; there are not many, if no major or long term negative effects. In comparison to substances such as tobacco and alcohol, this simply confuses me. According to the World Health Organization, alcohol kills 2.5 million people per year. The information for cannabis provided by the World Health Organization does not even mention death. This statistic alone, speaks volumes. I am not saying that all marijuana should be legal, but I believe that both recreational and medical purposes for marijuana should continue to be looked at closely.

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