Consequences of Concussions – What happens if you get one in college?

Concussions are becoming more and more prevalent in our society. Our culture has a central focus on sports, and players and coaches are becoming more and more aware about the side effects and the dangers of concussions. When you think about sports and concussions, the first things that come to your mind are probably football, wrestling, or another high contact sport. What about college sports? What happens if a player in a college sport gets a concussion? Most schools do not have an academic plan for students that get a concussion. Do you take a semester off? If it happens at the beginning of the semester, do you drop all your classes (after you have paid your tuition already)? Symptoms of a concussion (dizziness, confusion, among many other things) make it very difficult and sometimes impossible to focus and go to school. Because there is no cure for a concussion, the treatments are simply to rest and try not to do anything to stimulating or stressful. This makes it nearly impossible to go to college following a concussion injury. I feel that colleges and universities across the country need to develop a universal plan for student-athletes that get a concussion while they are in school.

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