Should our friend Mary Jane get some credit every now and then??

Puff, Puff, Pass….
Many people associate marijuana with crime, other drugs, laziness, etc. But then why do we see a growing number of users? Why do we see states legalizing the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes? The social stigma and common associations we make need to be put on hold for the majority of this reading. So sit back, relax, and keep an open mind, as you might be surprised with what you learn.
We learned this week about the endocannabinoid system in our brain. Like all neurotransmitters and molecules in the brain, these endocannabinoids have specialized receptors in the brain that bind these molecules and produce responses in our body. These endocannabinoids can be responsible for pain relief and appetite, for example. The two endogenous endocannabinoids that are in the brain are AEA and 2-AG. Now, if you really want me to throw you for a loop then take a wild guess at what molecule is strikingly similar to AEA and 2-AG….
Believe it or not THC, the molecule that is commonly associated with the smoking of marijuana, is your answer. So what does this mean? Well, our brains contain specialized receptors that are made for molecules just like AEA, 2-AG, and THC, meaning that THC, though it is not made in the body, is also not foreign to it. So our body can handle the intake of THC, cool, but why does that mean anything?
The paper we read this week was all about how there is a plethora of science out there that supports the notion that marijuana has therapeutic effects as it binds to the same endocannabiniod receptors that AEA and 2-AG bind to. It has been shown to calm nerves, limit seizures, and even stimulate appetite in patients who need nutrition. Sure, drug companies will come up with some sort of drug at some point in our lives to deal with these same things but the scary part about those is that we don’t ever know what kind of side effects they will have. Doesn’t it at all seem odd to you that when you take a pill, you don’t fully understand what you are putting into your body or how it will affect you because it is more than likely synthetic? All I’m saying is how is marijuana worse for you than those drugs when at least marijuana is an ALL NATURAL variation of medicinal treatment. I mean it’s a plant, made in the soil of our earth, not synthesized from God knows what. If used in the correct manner marijuana doesn’t even have addictive properties so what are we waiting on? This is a chance that we don’t have very often, the chance to legalize a drug that is natural and can be used to treat a wide variety of medical conditions with minimal to no side effects and/or risk. I think our first step is to take away many of our predispositions towards the drug, take a step back, and breathe in the facts.

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