The Environmental Autism

Autism is a disorder that most of us have heard of and are aware of some of the behavioral issues that can accompany someone diagnosed with this disorder.  Autism is a developmental disorder that can range on a wide spectrum from Asperger’s disease to severe autism.  It’s characteristics include awkward social behavior and trouble communicating with others.
Scientist have been conducting research about this disorder but are still unsure what exactly causes it.  They have learned that like most brain disorders genetic factors can play a role in it.  Also they have found that nutrition and other factors such as stress during fetal development and early childhood can have a huge impact in developing Autism.
This poor nutrition, such as a deficiency in zinc can lead to learning and memory impairment.  Because of this it is important to make sure that pregnant women are maintaining a diet that balances their zinc concentrations.  Aside from nutrition, stress can also increase the risk for autism by weakening the immune system which increases the risk for viral infections that can hinder brain development.  Scientists have not found a direct cause of Autism, but being conscience of the environment a child is developing in can greatly reduce the risk of Autism.
It is always hard to admit that there is a limited amount that scientists know about such an important disease, but they are making great progress in the right direction.  One thing we can do as the general public is inform ourselves on the disease.  Knowledge is a very powerful tool that can be used to help people understand how to interact and be patient with a person who has autism.

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