Concussions: Education Matters

How serious are concussions? Well, before taking this course, I was largely unaware of how dangerous concussions are. Of course I knew that they were not “good” for the brain, but I didn’t know the extent of their negative effects.
There are several immediate symptoms of concussions including vomiting, headaches, swelling of the brain, and decreased reaction time. But in addition to this, there are also long-term effects that may include decreased blood flow within the brain, memory loss, migraines, trouble sleeping, and water imbalances, just to name a few.
Since I have graduated from high school there has been increased discussion surrounding the topic of concussions within schools. It is extremely important for kids to understand the severity of a concussion since it can have life-threatening effects, especially if someone receives multiple concussions. Most importantly, the teenage brain isn’t fully developed, which is what causes most of my concern. Since there is not a lot known how concussions and how long it takes to recover from one, how do we really know when it is appropriate for a child to return to playing a sport? Because even after the symptoms appear to be gone, there may still be damage to the brain.
So the question remains, “Should sports be banned?” due to their degree of danger. Well the answer is of course not! Children need the exercise and it is a great way for them to form new friendships. But as a society, we need to be more educated about the serious effects of concussions, in order to better prevent them. For society to become more aware of the seriousness of concussions, there needs to be more research focused on better diagnosing and treating concussions, and also more time spent informing the public of the dangers of concussions.

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