Glial cells and their role in development of neurological diseases

Types of glial cells and their role in the nervous system:
Glial cells include, astrocytes, microglia, oligodendrocytes, and schwann cells. The nervous system is built from neurons and glial cells. Gila cells’ functions include providing support for the brain, assisting in nervous system repair and maintenance, assisting in the development of the nervous system, and providing metabolic functions for neurons.

Glial cells and production of NO:

Activation of glial cells in response to trauma, ischemia, and inflammatory damage express iNOS enzyme, which synthesizes nitric oxide (NO). This is a bioactive free radical, which acts as meuromodulator and neurotransmitter in the brain. Although NO performs these important roles in the brain, over production of it by the glial cells induces harmful effects on neuronal function. High concentration of NO has role in neurologic disease such as stroke, neurodegenerative disease, demyelination and neuroinflammatory disease.

Overproduction of NO:

The result of high concentration of NO leads to production of toxic derivatives of NO, which alter the function of mitochondria and other proteins in the brain. NO increases the permeability of blood-brain barrier (BBB) in MS patients. This causes further inflammation and demyelination of the brain cells (neurons). Demyelination means destruction of the protective sheath that cover axons of the neurons. Ultimately, all these lead to loss, destruction of the brain.
 Glial NO and neuroinflammatory diseases in children:

    • Krabbe disease
    • Periventricular leukomalacia (PVL)
    • X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD)

Is it worth it to research and try to treat neurological diseases occurring with againg?


            One of the topics that we discussed was the importance of various research have been going on to understand and find treatment for neurological diseases; Are these diseases part of aging and there should not be such research about them done? Everyone in our group had different ideas about this question. In my opinion, what we gain from various research is to understand the disease and as a result learn more about the physiology of the brain. No matter how old one’s loved one becomes, that person still needs to be taken care of in any possible way. Aging is a process, which everyone is facing. By progress of science about disease associated with aging, people can enjoy their lives as they become older.

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