The Role of Serotonin and Estrogens in Development of Bulimia nervosa

Bulimia nervosa (BN):a disorder characterized by repetitive episodes of binge eating (consuming large amount of food at once and feeling unable to control) and purge behaviors (compensatory behaviors such as excessive exercise, self-induced vomiting, and ect.).
Causes of BN:

  • serotonin dysregulation
  • disturbances in estrogen system

Low serotonin caused behavioral disturbances such as alcohol use disorder, binge eating, drug use and other risky behaviors. Estrogen is needed for prenatal brain development. After birth, serotonergic and estrogenic systems lead to overeating and fat deposits. As puberty emerges, the level of estrogen rises. Societal perceptions of “thin body” causes dissatisfaction of weight and height of individuals especially women. Changes in serotonin and estrogen systems at this period of life cause mood dysregulation as well.
An overvaluation of shape and weight influences self-evaluation; this leads to negative feelings, anxiety, anger, and depression. As a consequence, emotional eating occurs. This is binge eating and followed by purge behaviors, which either reduces the negative feelings at the end or distract and decrease self-awareness of the individual while conducting the behavior.
Culture of eating and development of BN:
As we discussed in our group, people tend to eat more than what they actually need. This can be due to the fact that there is too much food available. We tend to eat even if we are not hungry. The quality of food is not always the best. We mostly consume high fat and carbohydrate foods. It was mentioned in our group discussion that BN is not as common in developing countries. The main reason for that is not having access to food more than people actually can survive on.

What can parents do to help children?

Thinking happy kid in glasses with idea bulb above
One of the interesting questions we discussed was the role of parents in personality development of children. It is very critical and challenging for parents because of the huge role of media and social perceptions on the behavior of children. But, it is essential for parents to ensure to value their children and not criticizing them for how they look like. It is responsibility of parents to encourage a critical thinking habit in their kids. That is the secret of having them survive the poisonous thoughts and stimulations outside of home and even on the media.
Important lesson I learned by taking this course:
During the semester, we have gone over several diseases. Some of them are not well known to people. There is a significant need of raising awareness about diseases and causes of them. The education for the public can be in terms of slight changes they can make in their life styles. Diet and exercise are the main issues need to be changed. It is education and raising awareness that can help people with their decisions. Since we have access to lots of food, it is our responsibility to respect our bodies and our minds. We need to feed them and take care of them properly.

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