Learning a New Way

This semester I had the pleasure of being in a Neurochemistry course at Concordia College. This course is classified as a capstone course and offers a unique classroom experience. The professor, Dr. Mach, does not teach, she facilitates the discussion. The first few weeks of class were traditional lecture style classes, however that soon ended and we began to learn in a whole new way.
On Monday, we would come to class having read an article covering a ‘hot topic’ in neurochemistry. We would discuss everything we learned as well as all the questions we had. We would make a list of all the things we did not know. Everyone chose a topic from the list and prepared to research it.
On Wednesday, we would go ‘speed dating’ with our new knowledge and share our information with the rest of our classmates.
On Friday, our class split into 2 groups, each with 2 peer discussion leaders. We would spend the class period, discussing the paper and its social implications.
The following is a list of the topics covered in class:

  • ConcussionsLDS_Art_Home
  • Marijuana
  • ALS
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Nitric Oxide
  • Obesity
  • Bulimia Nervosa
  • Autism
  • Alzheimer’s Disease

This course was a great way to spend my senior year, as I learned so many new things.

  • I learned how to read scientific articles and actually understand them.
  • I learned how to research a scientific topic.
  • I learned how to communicate with my peers both in discussions and while teaching them about my topic of the week.
  • I learned how to write about scientific information in a way that others would understand.
  • I learned that it is perfectly ok to say “I don’t understand.”

In some ways I wish more course on Concordia Campus were set up this way as I had fun in class and I learned a lot.


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