Neurochemistry at Concordia: A New of Learning

Being that I am a chemistry major at Concordia, I have taken my fair share of chemistry courses, none of which are anything like my experience of taking this Neurochemistry class. This course is a capstone course, meaning that it is a writing intensive course designed to be a final experience prior to graduation where one can apply everything they have learned in one course.
Although this course was far different from any other class I have taken at Concordia, it was a nice change of pace.  It allowed me to learn material in a different way, by struggling alongside my peers in order to decipher the material we encountered each week.
The group discussion portion of the class was a great way to end the week and it was beneficial to have time set aside to discuss pressing issues with my peers. In this day and age more things are discussed over social media, so it was refreshing to have face-to-face interactions.  I feel that it is important to be open about our opinions, and everyone brought their own experiences to the table.  This allowed me to think deeper about the issues at hand and consider views that differed from my own.
The writing portion of this course allowed me to develop skills in communicating science to the public.  This is an essential skill for anyone who is heading into a career path related to science. Science seems pointless if we are unable to communicate it to the general public.
I have had previous classes with every single person in this class, but I really got to know them through one-on-one interactions with them on a weekly basis. I have established friendships from taking this class, and I owe that all to Concordia for bringing together such a fantastic student body, and I will be forever thankful for the friendships I have developed here!
As a parting remark, I would like to thank everyone who has read my blogs, and I hope you enjoyed reading each week about the new material we encountered!
cobber C

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