Reflection on The Wonders of the Brain: A Dr. Mach Experience

Neurochemistry was my capstone course in the second to last semester of college and what a wonderful experience it was. To think of how much I learned in just a few short months is incredible. I know more about the brain and how so much of our lives and destiny is controlled by the brain and how it interacts with the many different systems in our body. We learned about ALS, endocannabinoids, the effects of concussions on the brain, alzheimer’s disease, obesity, parkinson’s disease, autism, etc. We covered many of the important brain-related topics of our time and it was truly a fun and education-filled experience. Dr. Mach did a fantastic job in picking relevant, understandable, and important papers. I cannot thank he enough for making the class worthy of showing up 3 days a week. The discussions were always unique and some tangent would bring you into a completely different quadrant that you didn’t even expect to end up on. There was always fresh material and new information to be shared with the class. I can definitely say there were not many dull moments!
I would recommend this class to any student, whether a science major or not, due to its ability to expand your ability to critically understand scientific papers as well to learn new info about how crazy the brain is and what exactly you still have yet to learn about it. Dr. Mach is the best and as long as you do your work every week, you cannot let her down. She will strive to make sure you understand every week what we are getting ourselves in to. And that is what makes this class great.
Cobber Neurochem. Take it.

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