Alzheimer’s Disease and You: Can It Be Prevented?

Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible progressive brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills. In most people with Alzheimer’s, the symptoms first start appearing in their mid-60’s. Although estimates vary, there are an estimated 5 million Americans that may have the disease.
If after reading that you say “but I’m only 25, should I even worry about it?”, the thing is that you should at least be paying a little attention to it. A lot of the steps to preventing the disease will even improve your quality of life now! Even younger people can be affected by the disease, and if you have ever had an older loved one that has had it you can know the struggle.
In people with Alzheimer’s disease, there are a few things that are consistent with all patients. The first thing is that there are “Plaques” that have developed between drying brain cells. Another thing that goes wrong is that there are “tangles” in the brain neurons that form from a protein called tau.
Now that you have a little bit of background information on the disease, how can you at least try to prevent it? I am not going to say that following this will completely prevent the disease, as there is currently no way that will lead to a 100% prevention, but we can at least slow it down or make it so that it is not as serious. Well, there are a few unavoidable risk factors such as age, family history with the disease, and having a few specific genes. But, there are also some avoidable or modifiable factors which I am here to tell you about today!
These factors are “avoidable” or “modifiable” because changes in lifestyle can lead to improved resistance to the disease.
1.) Regular Exercise
According to the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation, regular physical exercise has been shown to reduce the risk of developing th disease by up to 50 percent. Not only will regular exercise decrease your chances of the disease, you’ll look good and feel good doing it as well!
2.) Healthy Diet
The lifestyle change that you always here about going hand in hand with exercise, eating healthy is next on the list. Alzheimer’s is sometimes called “Type 3 Diabetes” and there is strong research to show eating healthier can reduce inflammation and protect your brain.
3.) Mental Stimulation
Those who continue learning things throughout their life are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. So, start learning something new! Study a foreign language, learn an instrument, or start up a new hobby in general. Who say’s that you can’t have fun while protecting your brain? It doesn’t all have to be about diet and exercise!
4.) Quality Sleep
You’ve got to sleep! It is not uncommon for people with Alzheimer’s to suffer with a sleeping disorder or have other sleep problems alongside with it. Establishing a regular sleep schedule will not only help prevent the disease, it will also keep you healthy and alert now!
5.) An Active Social Life
We are highly social creatures, and nobody does great in isolation. Our brains are the same way. Being socially involved in things may prevent Alzheimer’s later in life, but it will also improve life as it is now! Being active and social can make us feel more connected and may even develop new friendships. So get out there and participate in something!
social life
Now I know that it takes a lot to have a change of lifestyle, and a lot of what I just said gets repeated so much in so many situations that you might not take it to heart, but I hope you’ll at least consider it! Following these steps will not only lead to a healthier lifestyle today, it will also help prevent a terrible disease like Alzheimer’s in the future.

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