Myths About Marijuana

The amount of misinformation about marijuana is astounding. Even though it is becoming legal in more and more states many people still don’t know much about this drug. Here are a few common questions and answers about marijuana:
Is it addictive?

  • Yes, 10% of adults who smoke marijuana regularly become addicted. Seventeen percent of those who smoke marijuana as a teen become addicted.

Is it safe?

  • No, especially for teenagers. Long term effects of marijuana include decreased IQ and memory loss. It can also cause respiratory infections, cancer, liver disease, and diabetes.    There are also adverse effects on mental health, especially for teenagers. Marijuana can cause depression, anxiety, and even increases the likelihood of schizophrenia.

Can you drive after smoking marijuana

  • No, recreational marijuana impairs vision, judgement, and motor skills. It is not safe to drive after smoking marijuana.

How are recreational and medical marijuana different?

  • Medical marijuana has low or no THC. THC is what causes people to get high. Medical marijuana is mostly a compound called cannabidiol. It has a lot of potential for long term pain relief (it is less addictive than opioids like OxyContin or Vicodin) and has also shown a lot of potential for treating seizures.

Is marijuana worse than tobacco or alcohol?

  • Unknown. There is not enough research about recreational marijuana to tell. Currently in the United States marijuana is a schedule one drug. This makes it almost impossible to do research on it.

Marijuana is becoming more and more common. It is important for everyone to be educated about it so we can make responsible decisions.

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