If Yes to Marijuana, Why Not LSD? How About Ecstasy? Ketamine? Cocaine? Mushrooms?

These illicit drugs have been shown to have medicinal properties, too, so why aren’t we voting to legalize them?
Because that isn’t how the system should work. Since when does the general population, with little to no knowledge on the scientific research, get to vote on whether or not a new drug should be legal and used in medicine?
It is mind-boggling to me that we have been allowing these votes to take place in recent elections. I understand that research has shown that the active ingredients in marijuana, such as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), have been shown to be beneficial in treating certain disorders, but I don’t understand why all of a sudden we can bypass the system that is in place to keep us safe from the harmful effects of drugs.
These same compounds have also been linked to long-term brain problems, psychotic symptoms, lung problems, and heart problems, but people aren’t discussing the problems with marijuana. Ultimately, this is because they aren’t truly known yet.
The FDA has not determined that marijuana is a safe and effective drug. It has not been put through the proper human trials to be declared so, and it might not be for a long time. There has not been a significant number of long-term studies that can draw reasonable and consistent conclusions based on the results.
There are two main reasons that I believe we are going about legalizing marijuana incorrectly. I think we are jumping the gun and there is no reason that this should have ever come to popular vote.
We have moved very quickly when it comes to legalizing marijuana, and I hope it does not bite us in the butt. It is unlikely that we have a repeat of something like the tragedy surrounding the use of thalidomide, but I don’t think there is enough consensus within the scientific community and backing by the research to support the recreational or medicinal use of marijuana.
In addition, there is a reason that the general population does not vote on things related to medicine and science. The general population does not have the knowledge base or research to support what they are voting for. Maybe we should vote on vaccines in a few years and see where that gets us. Fifteen percent of people don’t believe vaccines are safe, that number is growing, according to statistics released by the CDC, only 35% of the population in some states get vaccinated for certain diseases. If we leave what drugs we should and shouldn’t take up to popular vote, why not the prevention of disease with vaccines? As a future health care professional, I think that is a scary thought.
I want to be clear and say that I am not saying I am against marijuana, I’m just arguing that we are going about legalizing it in the wrong way. Marijuana should go through the proper channels just like any other drug, and we, as the general population, should not be voting on what should or shouldn’t be used in medicine. Further research should have been done before the scientific community, its research, and the FDA determined marijuana to be safe and effective for medicinal and recreational use, but it is too late for that now. I guess we will just have to keep our fingers crossed and hope that the current and future research has good news.

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