Reflections on My Experience at Concordia College

Liberal arts education provides a wide-breadth of knowledge for students to deal with the ever changing and complex problems facing our world today. This is the foundation that Concordia’s educational mission statement is based upon.
The purpose of Concordia College is to influence the affairs of the world by sending into society thoughtful and informed men and women dedicated to the Christian life.
As students at Concordia, we complete a core curriculum that provides educational experience in areas outside of our primary focus. This includes language, science, religion, arts, and history.
If you happen to ask any student about what this means for them, you will most likely have the term “BREW’ing” yelled at you. This term is frequently used on campus and stands for Becoming Responsibly Engaged in the World.
It is the idea that behind learning connections between diverse areas of study and how that can be used to make positive impacts locally and globally.
Personally, at the begging of my education I did not fully grasp what BREW really means. My ‘aha-moment’ came during a religion class where I made connections between the importance of understanding the issues facing societies across the world through different perspectives. For example, how religion can act as a source of empowerment for marginalized groups that can bridge gaps in literacy, healthcare, and more.
A recent psychology course I took also brought my attention to an issue of the career path that I am currently on. This is the gender disparity that exists in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). A metaphorical leaky pipeline exists that describes the loss of women at all stages along the STEM pipeline.
I was inspired to BREW and do something about it. I participated in an outreach program that encourages young women onto the STEM pathway. The experience inspired me to continue efforts after my time at Concordia and into my own science career.
The neurochemistry course I took this semester was the culmination of my global liberal arts education. Through this class, we learned how neurometabolic pathways are impacted by environmental and biological factors associated with disease pathology. Topics included stress, obesity, neurodegenerative disorders, and more. We also had the opportunity to engaged the community regarding these issues. Communication of current science with the public is important for improving outcomes of these diseases. My group focused on raising awareness for the critical need for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) research and support.
If you have been on social media recently, you may be aware of the current fight for science regarding issues facing the scientific community. A major disconnect exists between the scientific community and public. Part of the blame falls to scientists that for too long have neglected this relationship. Members of the scientific community need to more effectively communicate to separate facts from misconceptions. This will demonstrate the importance of science with improving many aspects of society.
BREW’ing during my time at Concordia has helped me identify, and creatively help solve issues such as this. I plan on using the skills gained during my time here to do my part as a engaged citizen. As a young hopeful scientist, I have a passion for issues in regarding STEM. I now have the tools and drive to make lifelong positive impacts and I have my liberal arts education to thank for that.
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