Autism or Superhero?

Today, we live in a society purely built on profit. Life flies by at a million miles an hour all because businesses need to be more efficient, profits need to be higher, and things need to be made cheaper. Among all the chaos of everyday life, we never stop, take a second and realize we are all people on this big earth living and working hand in hand. That being said, if you have a disability in this society you are most likely out of luck. Businesses cannot have people who are slower than usual or work by different standards or communicate in “awkward” ways. We need everyone to be “normal” in order to function properly. This closed-mindedness is hurting us if you really stop and think about it. There are hundreds of thousands of highly capable minds out there that function much differently than the normal brain but are crucially important pieces to the puzzle and those special brains are called autism.
What is Autism?
Autism begins with a combination of genetic components and environmental factors such as abnormal eating, copper overload, viral diseases during prenatal care, perinatal stresses, parental age, toxins, low melatonin production, and gastrointestinal abnormalities. The complex interaction between these environmental factors and genetic components can lead to an overall zinc deficiency or immune dysfunction. As a result of one or both of these problems, glutamate synapses in the brain begin to develop “out-of-wack” because zinc is always a very important component in normal protein function in many brain pathways. Overall, imbalances in excitatory (stimulation) and inhibitory (depression) pathways arise in the brain due to deficiencies and this is known as Autism, or overgrowth of the brain and many more synapses.
Of all the diseases I have studied so far in my biology and chemistry careers, autism really does not seem all that bad, if a more functional type is involved. In fact, more synapses and higher brain power seems like just the kind of thing our society is looking for in order to prosper. Yet, we continually overlook the superpowers of these special but important people and the many impacts they can have on our society.
I am left with a final question:
Why would we choose “normal” people brains to do our work when we have superhuman brains with superhero abilities among us to do an even better or different job?

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