How Important Is the Environment in Autism Development?

Autism Risk Factors

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder in which problems with communication, interest, social ability, and behavior are exhibited. There are many environmental risk factors that contribute to the development of autism and/or genetic risk factors. It has not been determined if there is a certain percentage that environmental risk factors contribute to autism compared with genetic risk factors, but it is commonly agreed that the major risk factors for autism are genetic. One important piece of information to note is that there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that vaccines cause autism, and this hypothesis has been disproven time and time again.
These environmental risk factors are grouped into two different categories: zinc deficiency and immune system abnormalities. Many of these risk factors are able to be grouped into both categories as well, and zinc deficiency can also lead into immune system abnormalities, so it is a complicated web of risk factors.
A big picture disruption in the body that can lead to autism is glutamate. Many of these risk factors will lead to glutamate excitotoxicity, which then has a multitude of effects throughout the brain and body.

Zinc Deficiency Environmental Risk Factors

  • Copper overload
  • Malnutrition/Atypical eating behaviors
  • Gastrointestinal Tract abnormalities
  • Low melatonin levels
  • Maternal diabetes

Immune System Abnormalities

  • Toxins
  • Psychiatric drugs leading to prenatal stress
  • Perinatal stress
  • Increased parental age
  • Pronatal viral infection
  • Zinc deficiency
  • Melatonin deficiency

Is A Cure Possible?

After learning about the long list of not only genetic, but also environmental risk factors associated with autism, it seems as though a cure is far off, if not impossible. This is not true though; researchers are optimistic about being able to make a more specific hypothesis attributing the cause of autism to a specific event or pathway.

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