CBD Oil – A Better Alternative to THC

Pharmaceutical companies are rushing to develop and start distributing cannabinoids, which are the active ingredient in CBD oil. With increasing amounts of research backing CBD oil for a treatment of autism, depression, anxiety, brain cancer, pain relief, and many more diseases, it’s not hard to see why CBD oil is one of the hottest therapies on the market.


 CBD oil differs from marijuana in that it is just the cannabinoids and not the THC. With no THC present, the user won’t experience the high one would from smoking or ingesting marijuana. THC creates a “high” by binding to specific CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain. CBD doesn’t bind to these receptors, so it is safe to use at any time of the day, and the user will receive all of the benefits with no CNS side-effects. In fact, CBD oil is legal in all 50 states.

Digestive Benefits

 A normal appetite is vital to helping the body heal from illness, allowing the body to take in the nutrients it needs to repair itself. Some sicknesses and diseases decrease the appetite enough that it impairs the body’s ability to heal itself.

CBD helps with loss of appetite in diseases such as cancer by binding to cannabinoid receptors in the body that stimulate hunger. Scientific studies have shown that cannabinoid receptors are linked to the feeling of hunger.

Additionally, CBD helps to relieve nausea and vomiting, which are experienced by most patients going through chemotherapy.

Anxiety Alleviation

 CBD has also been shown to help with anxiety, including social anxiety. This is especially important because many THC users complain of social anxiety or a paranoid feeling after using the drug.

A scientific study in 2011 tested a group of people with social anxiety disorder who had never received treatment. One group took CBD daily while the control group received a placebo. All participants participated in a simulated public speaking test while their blood pressure, heart rate, and other markers for stress were measured.

The control group experienced higher anxiety compared to the CBD group, proving the benefits CBD oil has combating anxiety.

Pain Relief

 CBD binds to CB1 receptors throughout the body to relieve pain. It has also been shown to create an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce swelling.

 Importance of High Quality Product

 There have been numerous studies that point to a whole marijuana plant extract being far more effective than lab-synthesized, fully purified CBD. The best plants contain a very high CBD to THC ratio, with less than one percent THC concentration. Users should also take precaution to purchase CBD oil that is free of additives and third party tested.

Is CBD Oil Right For You?

 CBD has scientifically proven benefits for almost any health condition imaginable. From acne to Alzheimer’s, or from motion sickness to diabetes, CBD oil can be useful in anyone’s health regimen. Even if you feel that you are completely healthy, CBD oil can still be useful if you’re feeling stressed out, or simply if you want to relax after a long day of work.

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