THC or CBD, Stripping Away the Abuse of THC for Medical Applications

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The abuse of marijuana is a highly prevalent in the US society, as there is a major push for legalization for recreational usage. This results in a high potential for abuse to obtain the “high” and euphoric effects from THC. This results in a major stigma for doing research and attempting to utilize endocannabinoids for medical applications. One solution to this would be to completely change the form of administering THC, by changing the face of it from smoking something to another means. This would reduce the seemingly abusive nature of the drug. This would give more control to the pharmaceutical industry to better control dosage and administration of THC and CBD.

The glamorization of smoking marijuana is glamorized in our culture, by stripping away the abusive nature and controlling THC content, this may result in a more acceptable means of legalization of THC for medical applications. As the usage of CBD offers many of the positive effects of THC, however without the euphoria. This would potentially limit people from abusing the medically administered CBD and THC, as the content of THC could be controlled to meet the minimum dosage for treating a patient, thus by decreasing THC, the euphoria and abusive nature of the drug is severely hampered.

Another question that seems to be irrelevant to many Americans is the  double sided outlook on smoking. Many young adults seem to discourage usage of cigarettes, however the concept of smoking marijuana and vaping further socialize our culture. Many Americans utilize the argument that smoking marijuana isn’t bad, and their claims are there’s no research as to it causing harmful effects. However, it has been shown to cause serious issues with the developing adolescent brain. Unfortunately many see the euphoria of the drug, rather than the potential future outcomes of its abuse.

With the current schedule system, marijuana is ranked I, this prevents research of it, this could be due to the wide range of other drugs that are synthetic cannabinoids that feature a more abusive and dangerous implications upon their usage. By potentially reclassifying THC to a schedule II drug, this would allow for more research to better understand the underlying benefits and harms that its usage entails.

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