Schizophrenia: Breaking Down the Stigma

Schizophrenia is a neurodegenerative disease which has often been portrayed through various forms of media. However, this depiction is often a misrepresentation of the disease. Movies and tv shows often portray the disease as making an individual very aggressive, delusional, allows them to hear voices, and all around crazy. Although some of these are symptoms of the disorder, this stigma does not nearly encompass the whole disease. Schizophrenia is very complex and still not very well understood by the scientific community. Symptoms span a wide range and often differ dramatically between individuals leading to various treatment options. Current research has shown how each of these treatment options is closely related to the Wnt pathway and Wnt signaling. By better understanding how each of these treatment options affects the Wnt pathway and subsequently schizophrenia, scientists are obtaining a more complete understanding of the disease and breaking down the stigma created by the media.

As previously stated, the symptoms of schizophrenia vary dramatically. According to the Mayo Clinic website symptoms of schizophrenia involve delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking and speech, disorganized or abnormal motor behavior or negative symptoms. Negative symptoms are those that reduce the ability to function normally. Examples are lack of personal care and disinterest in everyday activities. These negative symptoms often lead to a misdiagnosis of the disease, as many of these symptoms resemble other neurodegenerative diseases such as depression. Of great importance is the time at which symptoms of schizophrenia begin to manifest as this usually affects how the disease is expressed. For example, symptoms in teenagers are a withdrawal from friends and family, drop in school performance, trouble sleeping, and lack of motivation. These symptoms, which can often be diagnosed as depression, are a far cry from the media’s depiction of the disease. Only by accurately displaying and discussing the disorder can the stigma surrounding the disease finally be torn down. Scientists are also attempting to break this stigma by learning more about this complex disorder. By examining how current treatments affect the disease with respect the Wnt pathway scientists are discovering vital information thus breaking the stigma.

One of the main methods for treating schizophrenia is through the use of psychiatric pharmaceuticals.  Many of these small molecule drugs often directly or indirectly target Wnt signaling. One such molecule is dopamine (DA). DA signaling has been shown to inhibit Akt which inhibits GSK3. If GSK3 is not phosphorylated, then b-catenin cannot enter the nucleus and allow for proper gene transcription. Not having proper gene transcription can lead to the degeneration of neurons thus leading to an increase in neurodegenerative disease such as schizophrenia. However, DA pharmaceuticals are not the only drugs used to repress schizophrenia. Lithium has also been used as a viable treatment option. Lithium directly inhibits GSK3 activity by competing with magnesium as well as indirectly inhibiting it by increasing the inhibitory phosphorylation of GSK3. This leads to an accumulation of b-catenin, which leads to proper gene transcription thus allowing for proper cell growth.

Scientist are not only working on treatments for the disease but also working on identifying potential genes which could lead to the disease. Current research has shown that genes such as DISC 1. DISC 1was first identified in a multi-generation Scottish family that suffered from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depression. Since its discovery DISK 1 has been found to regulate the stability of b-catenin through GSK3, resulting in better gene transcription. Further studies are currently being done to identify other genes which can could lead to the manifestation of this disease.

The stigma surrounding schizophrenia resembles a crazed individual who hallucinates and is plagued by voices in his or her head. However, this is not an accurate representation of the disease. Schizophrenia is very complicated its symptoms manifest itself in a variety of ways. Currently scientists are learning more about the disease in an attempt to break the stigma and help enlighten the public. Only once this misconception is broken can individuals struggling with the disease come forward without fear of humiliation or ridicule.

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