Hippocampus is crucial for memory consolidation, from working memory to long-term memory. The subregions loop through dentate gyrus and CA3 and CA1 areas,.
Cortisol is released by the adrenal glands and is involved in glucose metabolism, blood pressure regulation, inflammatory responses among many others.
Cortisol is necessary when it comes to the fight-or-flight mechanisms, by causing faster breathing, heart rate in case of a stressful event. This is important in small quantity, due to anxiety behaviors caused by elevated cortisol levels in the body. It can potentially be caused by eating disorders, lack of exercise hence making it necessary to practice meditation, exercising, eating nutrient-rich foods.
Along with Cortisol, adrenal glands also secrete glucocorticoid in the hypothalamus, which similarly produces stress response and coping.
The exposure is largely caused by negative events affecting the brain. This could go even beyond into . There are three major ways that may lead to the occurrence of a trauma/ anxiety behavior. The event,the experience of the event, and the effctts of the event.