How Neurochemistry Shaped My Future

Welcome to my final blog post of the semester! As an international student from Rwanda studying at Concordia, my experiences in the neurochemistry class have been unique and have allowed me to integrate and apply the skills and competencies that I have gained throughout my education here.

At Concordia, the emphasis on liberal learning and becoming responsibly engaged in the world has been a guiding principle for me. In particular, the five goals for liberal learning have been instrumental in shaping my educational experience. As an international student, I have found that these goals have been especially important in helping me develop a better understanding of American culture and its connections to my own culture.

Over the course of the semester, I have gained a deeper understanding of neurochemistry and its connections to other disciplines such as biology, psychology, and pharmacology. By examining neurochemistry from these interdisciplinary perspectives, I have developed a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of this field. This learning has allowed me to apply my foundational skills and transferable intellectual capacities in new and exciting ways.

In addition to enhancing my understanding of neurochemistry, the skills and competencies I have gained in this class are highly applicable to my future aspirations of becoming a healthcare professional. As an international student from Rwanda, I am well aware of the challenges that lie ahead in pursuing a career in medicine. However, instead of being discouraged by these barriers, I feel more determined than ever to overcome them and make a positive impact in the healthcare industry. The insights gained from studying neurochemistry have given me the confidence to tackle complex problems and approach patient care from a holistic perspective. With a deep understanding of how the human body and mind function, I am confident that I can provide excellent care to patients from all backgrounds. Ultimately, I believe that the skills and competencies I have gained through this course will be instrumental in achieving my long-term goals of becoming a compassionate and competent healthcare professional.

To me, learning at a liberal arts institution like Concordia means developing a well-rounded understanding of the world that prepares me to be a responsible and engaged citizen, not just in the United States but also in my home country of Rwanda. It means approaching problems from multiple perspectives, cultivating my own sense of self-awareness and ethical responsibility, and developing the skills and competencies necessary to be successful in a rapidly changing world.

One of the skills that I have improved upon this semester is my ability to think critically and solve problems using multiple disciplinary perspectives. As an international student, I have had to navigate cultural differences and overcome language barriers to succeed in this class. Having a supportive professor and a positive classroom environment played a crucial role in my success.

Overall, I am grateful for the opportunity to study neurochemistry at Concordia and to apply the skills and competencies that I have gained throughout my education here. As an international student with aspirations of going to medical school, I know that the journey ahead will be challenging. However, I am confident that my experiences at Concordia have prepared me well for this journey, and I look forward to applying these skills and competencies as I pursue my future goals in healthcare.


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