Obese Brains


Ohhhhhhhhh obesity…such a big topic in the world we live in right now.  It is usually discussed within the context of food and how people in our country overeat.  This is true.  Especially compared to other countries.  I am not so convinced that it has to do with not eating only things that say “low fat” or “low carb” on them.  I had the opportunity to live and study in France not too long ago and interestingly I only noticed maybe two people who would be pointed out as fat or obese in the United States.  During my time there, I ate normal bread, whole milk cheeses, and pastries made with fresh fruit.  I ate everything the French eat and they don’t get fat from it.  They eat small portions and walk everywhere.  So if it is as simple as that, why don’t people in America just snap out if it and reach a healthy weight?  Some answers may lie within the brain.

Overnution is seen to start people on paths that they may not even choose themselves and the article we read calls it a “biological trap”.  This can be begun by the way one’s mother ate while they were in the womb.  High fat and energy rich diets while a fetus is in the womb can cause their brain to develop with a predisposition towards this type of a diet.  Adults can also get stuck with a problem of obesity being in their brain.  Overnution puts stress on the cells of the brain, which can cause what is called oxidative stress.  This then can lead to learning impairment, decreased attention, memory, and locomotion as well as the increase and weight.  But this is the kicker.  This oxidative stress messes with control of food intake, which then forms one big circle.  It’s a vicious cycle.

After reading this news, I believe this research could lead to effective treatment/prevention of the effects of overnutrition.  I should think that drugs could be made that will effectively disrupt these pathways so this does not affect people.  My concern is with what seems to be the root of the problem: overeating.  I do not think it is doing people a service to simply prevent the negative effects of overeating while they keep doing so.  I just hope that a drug will not be discovered that keeps someone from getting obese while they still eat too much and have all the other problems associated it.  I do realize that there are conditions that some people are born with and cannot control that could lead to a higher propensity overeating and obesity.  Drugs helping them with that could be good.  I just think that the overeating issue should be dealt with just as much.  It is cheaper as well!  Does it really make sense to have a drug that keeps people alive longer by preventing/curing the bad effects of overeating while they still eat more than is enough for their bodies to function?  

One implication of this would be that doctors would not have to spend the time and money to treat the conditions associated obesity.  Although, people would still have to spend money on a drug, but that would probably be cheaper.  However would people still be spending money on excess food?  Also, I think treating/educating people about overeating would have a great effect on our society as a whole.  People would be more mindful and not waste money on excess or rather spend that money on quality food, which would be better for them.

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