Autism: What it is and Why it Happens

The Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurological disorder that is often characterized by impairments in communication, inappropriate social behavior, and repetitive behaviors. Traditionally, ASD has been thought of as a genetic disorder. While it is true that genes play a role in ASD, there are also other environmental effects that can contribute to it as well.
At a very basic level, ASD can be thought of as an imbalance of excitation and inhibition in the brain. Normally there is a balance of “excitatory” neurons that send signals and “inhibitory”  neurons that can stop these signals. In ASD, this balance becomes lost, and improper signalling takes place causing the symptoms that we can see. This can happen because of genes that your parents pass on to you making you more susceptible to these changes, but it can also happen because of many different environmental factors as well.
Prenatal viral infection, zinc deficiency, abnormal melatonin synthesis, maternal diabetes, prenatal and perinatal stress (stress during or around pregnancy), various toxins such as valproic acid, thalidomide, and some psychiatric drugs during pregnancy, parental age, and heavy metal poisoning postnatally have all been linked to higher rates of ASD. Interestingly, almost all of these exhibit their effect during development before the child is born. There seems to be a developmental window in the fetus that if these factors come into play they can significantly increase the risk of ASD. I also think it is important to mention that scientifically, vaccines are no longer a risk factor for autism.
These different risk factors can all play a small role as well. Any combination of these may result in some immune system abnormalities and it is these abnormalities combined with a zinc deficiency that be the major environmental causes of ASD. The zinc deficiency can compound the effects of immune abnormalities and these can then work together with the genetic factors of ASD to cause the disease. Therefore, ASD can be thought of as a rather complex disorder that may have many factors working together to develop these brain imbalances. Part of the way we can help to possibly stop this disorder from growing even more rapidly is by possibly protecting the developing baby from these factors like zinc deficiency and toxins. Genetic testing could also help determine if birth or adoption might be the best choice for you.

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