Confidence and Self-realization: a Capstone Course Experience with Dr. Mach

It is the fourth year of my excellent under graduate school experience here at Concordia College. I am graduating in May of 2016. Three and half years of hard working, being challenge, and growing to a responsible, open minded, and critical thinker person. I am very blessed to be able to attend Concordia College, which is a place that obtaining a perfect grade by the students is not the only concern of the professors. I have been thought to think critically, reason, and devote to the common good of the world. “Being responsibly engaged in the world” is the mission of Concordia College, which I was taught since freshmen year. Throughout my years of education, I realized that I am given the chance to truly practice and prepare for a future life of “being responsibly engaged in the world”. This is the goal for which the classes are structured and the professors are teaching accordingly.
Neurochemistry class as a capstone course for seniors taught by Dr. Mach. This is where the students are given the opportunity to make connections between the materials learned in different classes and the real life problems in the society. The concern is not keeping up with taking notes in the class nor only listening to the professor lecturing for the entire class time. The concern is to encourage students to speak up, participate, contribute to the class, research, use what learned from other classes, communicate, discuss the issues going on in our society, and try to think of ways to make a difference. Dr. Mach plays role of a friend, who is also learning in the process; even though she has taught this class for years. I style of teaching is unique and a totally different experience. Dr. Mach and the structure of this class have supported, and helped me to become more confident of my abilities. Thank you Dr. Mach.
Words cannot do justice to describe my feelings of appreciation to Concordia College and all my professors including Dr. Mach who taught me Biochemistry and Neurochemistry as a capstone course. The lessons all of you have taught me will help me succeed in my future life and career. Thank you is all I can say.

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