Why is Marijuana still Illegal?

Marijuana Physiology Background
The main two chemicals found in marijuana are tetrahydrocannabidiol (THC) which is known for its cognitive impairment effects, and cannabidiol (CBD) which is a non-psychotropic cannabinoid. These two chemicals were the heavily looked at in the past two decades for medicinal uses in many countries (more than 25 countries worldwide).
Medical marijuana grunge rubber stamp, vector illustration
Many studies provide support for targeting the eCB signaling system for therapeutic benefits in many devastating diseases such as MS and many neurodegenerative diseases.
CB receptors are found all throughout the human body, both in the CNS and outside the CNS. In the brain the main receptor is the CB1 receptor. Activation of this receptor by THC mediates the psychotropic effects of marijuana. CB2 receptors are primarily found on cells of the immune system. Activation of these receptors either increase or decrease immune responses.
It is clear that cannabinoids can affect pain transmission and, specifically, that cannabinoids interact with the brain’s opioid system and may affect dopamine transmission. This is an important physiological pathway when observing potential medicinal purposes.
The Debate
Only twenty three states in the US have legalized marijuana in some form. That means in twenty seven states there could be people struggling with a disease such as MS, anxiety, depression and many other diseases that are treatable with marijuana but can’t because of a stigma.
People think marijuana is dangerous because it was used as a hallucinogenic drug in the 60s, and was labeled a schedule 1 drug (no medical purpose and high abuse potential) in 1970. It was given a stigma that has proven to be extremely difficult to surpass.
Medical Marijuana Comes in pill, liquid, or bud.
Cannabis has been traced back to 3000 B.C. where traces of the plants seeds were found in tombs. The Chinese have been using cannabis for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Heck, George Washington grew cannabis on Mount Vernon in the 1700s. But now its too dangerous and has no medical purposes.
Yes, marijuana has some negative side effects associated with it, but what drug doesn’t? Advil, if taken incorrectly has very serious side effects. Pepto Bismol, if taken incorrectly has very serious side effects. Methamphetamine (schedule 2 drug) is currently legal for prescription in all 50 states. Do you think that has some negative attributes? A doctor isn’t going to prescribe something that they don’t think will help the patient. It is a matter of whether or not the benefits will outweigh the costs.
Cigarrettes have horrifying consequences of addictive behavior and yet we have put it up to the person to decide if they want to risk them. Alcohol has equally or more dangerous effects than cigarettes. Possibly because of the impairments that they show when under the influence or the dangers that become attributed to the person when they get behind a wheel. And yet, these are legal substances.
In my opinion, it is up to the people to decide what to put in their bodies. We live in a free country and freedom to say and do what we want. It is none of my business if someone wants to smoke cigars or snort heroin as long as they know what they are getting into, maybe their benefits outweigh the costs.
Im not saying I am all for making recreational marijuana legal because there are a lot of negative effects that effect others around them such as increased marijuana-related car accidents, and marijuana related hospital visits. But, I think more research should go into medical marijuana so people who need the drug to suppress neurological disease symptoms can get the relief they need. And who knows, maybe research will prove recreational marijuana safe enough to be legal everywhere.
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