Expanding Alcohol to Addiction

Understanding the biology and chemistry of addiction is pertinent for not only health, but also social reasons. On a personal, level few people do not have friends or family who are addicted to some type of drug, even if it be nicotine.  The costs of addiction are spread throughout society via crime and taxes helping cover healthcare and incarceration expenses. Being able control addiction using medical treatment will prove beneficial on an individual level and to society. The first step in this direction is uncovering a disease progression model of addiction using basic scientific research.
One protein of specific interest is cAMP response element binding protein or CREB. CREB is a transcription factor involved in multiple addictive diseases including alcoholism. The following video helps explain transcription factors.
Transciption Factors
CREB is thought to be a major player mediating the effects of tolerance and drug addiction. The production of activated CREB is increased due to the use of many drugs including morphine, cocaine and nicotine. Although it is unknown exactly how CREB mediates the development of addiction, the link between the two is strong. Further research could elucidate pathways harboring new drug targets. Who knows, in the coming years we may be able to successfully curb our addiction with a pill.

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