More Than Meets the Eye: Obesity in the United States
While obesity and weight issues continue to be a huge problem in our society today, the most recent research suggests that obesity may in fact be a brain diseas...
While obesity and weight issues continue to be a huge problem in our society today, the most recent research suggests that obesity may in fact be a brain diseas...
Many degenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease or ALS show very distinct physical and mental symptoms that others can directly see. Bipolar dis...
Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depressive illness, is a mental disorder characterized by extreme unusual shifts in energy, mood, and activity levels, imp...
Bipolar disorder is a disease that most people in the general public have heard about but had little experience with. For me, it is a disease that I find extre...
The brain is a mysterious part of our bodies, and we have yet to explore all its depths. It is made up of complex networks of billions of neurons, which control...
Bipolar disorder (BD) is a mental disorder known for its manic and depressive episodes. Unlike our previous topics, it is not neurodegenerative, but it is neuro...
The pessimistic conclusion I have come to after about 2 months of studying various neurological diseases is that we are all doomed. OK, not really… but s...
Mental illnesses have been more of a focus in medicine in the last decade because of the increased number of diagnosis. Bipolar otherwise known as manic-depres...
Bipolar disorder (BD) is a mental disease characterized by swings from a manic state to a depressed state. Although each individual is affected in a unique way,...
If you have ever witnessed someone with Parkinson’s disease suffering from tremors, it is a heartbreaking experience. To see someone trapped in a body they cann...