The many causes and symptoms of Parkinson's
Most of us have heard about Parkinson’s disease and can visualize the symptoms of the disease. You probably picture Muhammad Ali or Michael J. Fox exhibi...
Most of us have heard about Parkinson’s disease and can visualize the symptoms of the disease. You probably picture Muhammad Ali or Michael J. Fox exhibi...
My previous knowledge on this week’s topic came from the movie “Love and Other Drugs.” In the movie, Anne Hathaway plays a woman in her early 20s living with th...
The first time I heard of Parkinson’s disease was when I watched an interview of Michael J. Fox. I was a huge Back to the Future trilogy fan. I remember s...
Everyone (undoubtedly) remembers Michael J. Fox for his work in the Back to the Future movies. However I don’t believe his acting career will be what peo...
Concussions are a tricky subject in sports. On the one hand, there are risks in just about anything one does: a car accident is possible when making a short tri...
It’s just a head ache right? Why should we be so concerned about concussions? Every one of my coaches in high school and college have reminded me that I a...
If you wondered what many Americans were doing Sunday afternoon, I could give you an answer. They were watching football. Baseball claims that its America’...
Recently, the long term effects of repeated concussions suffered by NFL players has been huge news because of the increasing number of suicides that are ...
Concussions seem like such a common thing. It happens because we fall off the jungle gym on the playground as kids or because we run into the walls during a bas...
Concussions are a problem in today’s athletes. Concussions are difficult to diagnose and their severities can vary greatly. The long term effects of frequent ...