Concussions: When enough is enough
Recently, the long term effects of repeated concussions suffered by NFL players has been huge news because of the increasing number of suicides that are ...
Recently, the long term effects of repeated concussions suffered by NFL players has been huge news because of the increasing number of suicides that are ...
Concussions are a problem in today’s athletes. Concussions are difficult to diagnose and their severities can vary greatly. The long term effects of frequent ...
Paul Oliver, Andre Walters, David Duerson, Junior Seau, Ray Easterling, Shane Dorness and Terri Long have three things in common. They are all former NFL player...
It seems as though every time we turn around some prominent NFL retiree is committing suicide, tired of being afflicted by the effects of the repeated concussio...
Alzheimer’s disease has always been a disease that older generations get and us youthful people don’t need to worry about it until later. That is wh...
Living in a society where overindulgence of food is commonplace and obesity rates are rampant, we are well aware that too much sugar and fat in our diets is bad...
Alzheimer’s – it’s the thing that a lot of us fear in the what-seems-so-far-off future. I often times complain about being a “forgetful” person. I’ll forget to ...
As your typical “Type A” college student, I am running through each day of my life at a million miles an hour. I complain about little things like l...
Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most prevalent neurodegenerative diseases in America. It is commonly known as Type III diabetes due to the prevalence of insu...
Marijuana has historically been a favorite villain in anti-drug campaigns across the United States. It has been given the status as a Schedule I drug, meaning t...