What do diet and memory have in common?

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) involves degeneration of tissue in the brain while type 2 diabetes (T2D) involves an problem with insulin resistance. At first glance it may seem that these two diseases are vastly different and have no connection. How could a disorder of glucose regulation in the blood have anything to do with neurons dying in the brain? Interestingly, recent research has suggested an intimate connection between the two diseases. It turns out that the onset of either of these two diseases will increase the likelihood the other will develop. Like many diseases, type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease involve overlapping neurochemical pathways resulting in a complex interaction between the two.

Insulin resistance in the body and brain

Insulin is a vital hormone used in glucose regulation in the body. When this molecule binds to insulin receptors, it signals the cell to let glucose in to be used in energy metabolism. In type 2 diabetes, this process is hindered. Insulin continues to be excreted by the pancreas but cells are unable to respond to it preventing glucose from entering cells. This resistance to insulin can have negative effects on both the body and brain. In the brain, insulin is used not only for energy metabolism but can also play a critical role in signaling. Insulin in the brain can be used for hunger regulation and spacial memory tasks. If this molecule is not being used properly in the brain, bad things happen.

What came first, the insulin resistance or the neuronal degeneration?

It is unclear whether degeneration of neurons in AD causes T2D or insulin resistance causes neuronal death. There is evidence for both cases suggesting that the onset of either of these diseases involves many different aspects. On one hand, it is thought that insulin resistance can arise from over inflammation of the brain due to an abnormal immune response. On the other hand, insulin resistance can be more directly correlated to a poor diet resulting in excess fat on the body. Both of these theories are valid and a combination of both is probably what is happening in most cases of AD-T2D comorbidity. Insulin resistance from excess fat reduces regulation of neuron growth causing some neurons to be destroyed when they shouldn’t and some unnecessary neurons to remain. The death of neurons from an abnormal inflammatory response can lead to a cascade of events leading to further degeneration and insulin resistance within the brain.

Where do neurofibrillary tangles fit in?

Neurofibrillary tangles are composed of clusters of proteins that conglomerate in the brain. The Tau protein is commonly used in neurons to strengthen microtubules and increase the efficiency of transport within the cell. These proteins have a tendency to be misshapen due to problems with insulin resistance further up the signaling pathway. When these proteins are misshapen, they will not do their job in the cell and will clump together. This causes problems in the brain by increasing toxicity and ultimately causing neurons to die. The death of these neurons are what causes many of the symptoms commonly associated with Alzheimer’s disease such as amnesia.

What to take away from this research

  • Alzheimer’s disease is a result of neurodegeneration
  • Type 2 diabetes is a result of insulin resistance throughout the body and brain
  • These two diseases are linked through complex interacting mechanisms in the brain
  • Diet and exercise can be helpful to prevent the onset of both diseases
  • Genetics can play a role
  • Further research is necessary to fully understand how these two diseases are linked but some aspects of the connection have been uncovered




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What causes autism?


Introduction to autism:

Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disease that results in impaired functioning in social communication and abnormal behaviors. People with autism generally use less eye contact, fail to know when or when not to use non-verbal gestures, and fail to recognize the emotions of others. Abnormal behaviors seen in autism include but are not limited to repetitive ritualistic behaviors, extreme interests in specific topics, and a need for unvarying routine. While it is difficult to draw the line between a normal and abnormal brain, research has suggested evidence that with autism spectrum disorder there are differences in neurochemical pathways that limit normal functioning of people with the disease.

Environmental causes:

The complex interaction among neural processes associated with autism begins early in development. During pregnancy, even slight changes in the environment can result in tremendous change in the development of the child. A pregnant mother could become infected with a minor pathogen and pass the infection on to the child through the placenta. This transfer may induce a change in the child’s immune response resulting in excess inflammation. Unfortunately, there is only so much preventative action mothers can take during pregnancy. Proper nutrition and avoidance of harmful chemicals and pathogens is all a mother can do to diminish problems with development. It is important for mothers to know that everything they do could in some way affect the baby, but it is also important to know that it is impossible to reduce all environmental risks down to nothing. Along with countless environmental factors associated with ASD, numerous genes have also been identified.


Genetic influences:

Thousands of genes have been linked to ASD creating a nightmare for scientists trying to fully understand why this disease occurs. One of the most common genetic abnormalities seen in ASD is a mutation in the MECP2 gene. This gene codes for a protein used in regulating the transcription of other genes. It helps to regulate synapse formation in the brain and makes sure that only necessary connections are made in the brain. People who have an alteration in this gene will have abnormal connections of neurons causing miscommunication among brain domains. Related to this gene is the process seen with the mTOR pathway. In this pathway, unused connections of the brain are removed allowing for normal communication between neurons. This pruning process is essential in normal brain functioning and it thought to be severely impaired in autism resulting in an unusually high density of neurons.

The role of the immune system:

The immune system plays a large role in both in peripheral body tissue and the nervous system. It is used to eliminate intruding pathogens and rid the body of any harmful substances. To do this, a close interaction of T and B cells is orchestrated. T-cells are a type of white blood cells used in initiating an immune response. They release chemicals that cause inflammation and notify the rest of the body where the infection is. These cells are also used in the destruction of harmful pathogens and infected cells. B-cells release antibodies that attach to invading substances and mark them for destruction by T-cells. It is thought that an abnormality of this general process in the brain leads to symptoms associated with autism. Careful regulation of these cells allows normal brains to eliminate harmful substances while preserving delicate brain tissue. In autistic brains, however, regulation of these immune cells is hindered causing excess inflammation. It is this point where many aspects of autism are thought to arise. The extra chemicals in the brain causes excess inflammation without enough regulation. From here, abnormalities in other brain processes are initiated leading to permanent damage during development.


The pathophysiology of autism is extremely complex and difficult to map out. There are many different aspect of the disease that affect different pathways in neurochemistry. While we do know many of these parts and how they interact with each other, the exact order of events remains unknown. Perhaps genetic predispositions lead to higher probability of in utero infection leading to a malfunctioning immune response in the brain etc. Or perhaps the pathophysiology is much less linear and requires interaction between different processes all at once. Nevertheless, a complete understanding of ASD may never be reached but further research on the disease could provide helpful insight for prevention and treatment of ASD.

Autism: Trying to Put the Pieces Together

What is autism and why does it matter?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by challenges in social communication and restricted, ritualistic or repetitive behaviors. As a spectrum disorder it varies greatly in the type and severity of symptoms the individual experiences.

ASD has three categories, broken down by how severe the diagnosis is: high-functioning, autism, and severe autism. One key thing to note however is that a person can fluctuate in their location on the spectrum throughout time as it is not a rigid system and they continue to grow and develop.

This disease continues to become more and more prevalent as years go on. In a 2014 study done by the CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network it was found that about 1 in 59 children were identified to have ASD, an increase of 15% since the two-year prior 2012 study. With this prevalence on the rise researchers have begun trying to find a link that will explain ASD and how it has multiple, perhaps interlocking, causes.

So, what do we know?

Autism is at least in part genetic.

We know there is a genetic factor by looking at the concordance rate within families, the probability that if one sibling has autism another in the family will also have autism. For identical twins this value is 77%, in fraternal twins it lies at 31%, and regular siblings are around 20%. What we learn from these numbers is that it accounts for a lot of the risk but not all of it. Identical twins do not hold 100% so it cannot be solely genetic. Environmental factors come into play with the fraternal twins, holding the similar but not same genetic coding but sharing the same environment, at 31% but regular siblings at 20%. An 11% difference due to the shared environment.

It’s been found that there are over 1,000 identified genes linked to autism we cannot say one single gene causes it due to its spectrum. It may be one gene for one child/ family but a combination for another, each case is different. We are starting to group them together by their roles and pathways. Genetic mutations play their own role adding in to the overall problem and each case will have different ones, this is how it was not passed genetically from the parents but was created within the child.

The genes involved tend to code for proteins that regulate gene transcription, excitatory/ inhibitory signaling, and overall brain development. These mutations can be a due to a change or lack of single letter, an entire section or even the entire gene leading to profound effects on the brain. These include location errors of the neurons leading to altered morphologies and malformation, dysregulation of development commonly involving plasticity, maintenance, autophagy which is the body’s ability to consume its old or unnecessary cells, and much more.

Autism is at least in part caused by environment.

We know that while the fetus is growing and developing, especially during brain development, it is very vulnerable and susceptible to different agents. Exposure to some of these agents increase the risk of autism. It was found that mothers who were diagnosed with two or more infections during pregnancy were at a higher risk of having a child with autism than those with one. Certain infectious agents themselves can also cause autism.

Problems in the immune system, especially regarding inflammation and abnormalities, have shown links to autism as well. Autistic children are more likely to have inflamed areas of the brain in addition to having denser, more neuronal regions as well. This is due to different pathways being nonfunctional such as autophagy which cleans up old and nonrequired neurons for the generation of better connections.

Some of this is even more prevalent due to zinc deficiencies as many components of the immune system require zinc to function properly. Without a properly functioning immune system the CNS won’t develop regularly. Immune responses can vary greatly, however with improper regulation autistic brains have reduced ability for knowing when to stop which leads to inflammation and damage within the brain.


Overall, autism is a very complex disorder with multiple causes likely interconnected. We are simply barely below the surface of what is all involved from genetic to environmental components. As more research comes out we are able to understand this disorder better and keep adding pieces to the puzzle that is autism.

Autism: A Different Brain


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has steadily increased over the years. The CDC estimates that autism prevalence will increase to 1 in 59 children in the United States. This is a substantial increase from data in 2004 that showed autism prevalence was 1 in 166 children1. ASD is a relatively new disorder. Its pathogenesis has eluded scientists since its initial characterization in 1943 by physician Leo Kanner2. Since then, ASD has evolved into an umbrella term for a disorder that is characterized by a myriad of behaviors. Repetitive behaviors, impaired social interactions, and language and communications abnormalities are a few of the many different common symptoms of ASD. Although researchers are still unsure of an exact mechanism in which ASD undergoes, they have a few pieces figured out of the complex puzzle that is ASD.

Too Many Neurons, Too Many Connections:

One of the most common findings of different research efforts is that ASD patients suffer due to impaired neural connectivity. This impaired connectivity stems from the significantly increased number of neurons present in autistic patients. The increased number of neurons diminishes the process of shaping and fine-tuning of neural circuits in ASD patients3. The impaired connections in the brain also cause reduced lateralization of the brain which is needed for higher order brain functions. A specific study exhibited that the corpus callosum of ASD patients had increased white matter (from too many neurons), and that this increase in size of corpus callosum inhibited the lateralization of each hemisphere that is used for language production and comprehension3. Simply, there are too many connections between too many neurons which as you can imagine creates too many signals for an autistic patient to comprehend, hence the symptomatic behaviors. This may cause someone to the question: What is causing the increase in neurons and connections seen with ASD?

Precious Pruning:

During “normal” development, cells prune unneeded connections between neurons. Microglia are the cells responsible for this synaptic pruning in babies’ brains. In autism, however, this pruning is not present. Therefore, they have nearly twice as many neurons after development compared to someone without ASD. This leads us to the next question: Why is there no synaptic pruning in ASD? Autophagy is not occurring in ASD brains; therefore, they are not getting a decline in synapses. Autophagy is related to the mTOR pathway, which induces cell growth, differentiation and survival, and down-regulates apoptotic signals and inhibits autophagy. In autism, the mTOR pathway is overactive, inhibiting the process of autophagy. If there is no autophagy, then there is no synaptic pruning, and ultimately leads to an excess of neurons. Researchers have then studied genes and risk factors during development to cause the lack of pruning.

Genetics Role in Autism:

After extensive research, it is clear that many certain genes and environmental factors contribute to the development of autism. There is no “autism gene.” However, there are affected genes that fit into several clusters that may underlie ASD. Mutated NLGN3/4, SHANK3, NRX1 genes alter the synaptic function and lead to autistic disorders such as Asperger’s syndrome3.  Other strong contributors to ASD are TSC1/2, PTEN, and NF1 which are associated with autophagy and the mTOR pathway. Finally, another cluster of genes that control gene transcription and translation are related to the pathogenesis of ASD. Mutations of these genes are hypothesized to cause a loss of normal constraints on synaptic activity-induced protein synthesis. This specific loss may be one of the several mechanisms leading to ASD.


Autism’s complicated umbrella is covering many families across the world. Understanding ASD will be more important than ever as we see its prevalence increasing across the United States. Although it is a very complex disorder, pieces have been placed together by researchers. Many genes affect ASD. In my mind, it makes the most sense focusing on the specific cluster of genes including TSC1/2, PTEN, and NF1. Mutations in these genes, which are associated with the mTOR pathway, could cause over-activation of this pathway. If the mTOR pathway in ASD is overactive, it inhibits the process of autophagy. This causes a lack of synaptic pruning, which proceeds by microglial autophagy. If microglia are inhibited, a build-up of neurons and connections between these could occur. The increased connectivity and neurons cause the symptoms associated with ASD. These are not all of the pieces to this puzzling umbrella disorder, but it is a starting point to understanding ASD.


  1. https://www.autismspeaks.org/science-news/cdc-increases-estimate-autisms-prevalence-15-percent-1-59-children
  2. https://www.spectrumnews.org/opinion/viewpoint/leo-kanners-1943-paper-on-autism/
  3. https://moodle.cord.edu/pluginfile.php/723245/mod_resource/content/0/pathophys%20of%20ASD%202017.pdf

Autism On the Rise – Can it Be Prevented?

Autism is a relatively newly recognized disorder that is quickly affecting more and more children as time progresses, affecting 1 in 68 today compared to just 1 in 150 in 2000. While much progress has been made in recent decades with the understanding of the mechanisms of autism, its cause is still widely misunderstood. There is no solid proof of the exact cause of autism, but it seems that individuals with susceptible genes are triggered by environmental toxins and deficiencies, leading to defects in neural signaling. Because environmental factors can trigger gene expression for autism, the preventions and treatments of autism are intriguing areas of study.


What is Autism?

Autism is a spectrum disorder, which means it has varying degrees of severity. All classifications of the autism spectrum involve difficulty socializing and communicating with others, and most cases involve repetitive behavior.


What Goes Wrong in the Brain?

  • Increased number of neurons leading to oversized and overactive temporal and frontal lobes
  • Ineffective elimination of unnecessary synapses
  • Imbalance of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters
  • Heightened levels of immune cells in the brain
  • Defective blood-brain barrier

How Do Toxicities Lead to Autism?

There are over 77,000 man-made toxins in our environment that were not meant to be taken in by humans. Toxins, whether they are pesticides, heavy metals, or plastics, must be removed from our bodies through innate mechanisms, or the biochemical processes in our bodies will go haywire. When an individual has a toxic overload, their body is depleting all of its amino acids in attempt to detoxify. Unfortunately, these depleted amino acids are necessary for normal brain function, and this inability to efficiently detoxify the body can lead to autism.


Most people understand that pesticides and fossil fuels are harmful to our health, but one overlooked toxicity is heavy metals. A lot of metals are essential to our body’s function, such as iron, but when any of them are too concentrated, problems arise. Specifically, high concentrations of copper in the body are very common in autistic individuals. Copper is an antagonist to zinc, which means they work together to make sure concentrations of each stay in check. When copper levels are too high, zinc is depleted. Low zinc levels have been correlated to autism because it leads to a dysfunctional immune system.

Does Gut Dysfunction Affect Immunity?

The answer to this question is yes. Scientists are now saying that at least 80% of our immune systems reside in our gut, and at least 90% of autoimmune diseases correlate with gut dysfunction. So fixing our guts will fix all of our health problems? Well, actually in most cases, yes. A compromised immune system is pointed to as one of the main factors in developing autism, and we just learned that 80% of our immunity lies within our gut. But first, lets learn how our guts became compromised in the first place.

“Leaky Gut” has been coined as the term describing increased intestinal permeability. It means that the large intestine is letting things through its walls that shouldn’t be leaking through. Bacterial cells can leak through the weak gut lining into the bloodstream, eventually into the brain where they can wreak havoc on neurons. Leaky gut can be caused by a variety of factors, including an imbalanced microbiome, poor diet, stress, and toxicities. Remarkably, repairing “leaky gut” in autistic individuals has been shown to dramatically decrease symptoms.

Can Autism Be Prevented or Cured?

It has been proven that a compromised immune system is correlated with the development of autism. Therefore, keeping an eye on a child’s immune function as it develops could be key in preventing autism. Three factors that have a negative effect on immune function are inflammation, nutrient deficiencies, and toxic overload. They can be addressed in a variety of ways:

  • One of the most prominent causes of inflammation is leaky gut
    • To fix leaky gut, removing food allergens is a great place to start
    • Additionally, restore healthy gut bacteria with probiotics, and stay away from antibiotics
  • Nutrient deficiencies can be tested for and supplemented until levels are healthy again
  • Once inflammation and deficiencies are taken care of, the body has a much easier time detoxifying and reducing free radicals


Image 1: https://www.google.com/search?safe=off&biw=1280&bih=613&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=0BS0W_zGBKa-jwSWhqnIBw&q=leaky+gut&oq=leaky+gut&gs_l=img.3..0i67j0l2j0i67j0l6.519207.520291..520406…0.0..0.199.908.6j3……1….1..gws-wiz-img.ujjU5nAd6Ms#imgrc=mOhjZuZTWzpH5M:

Image 2: https://www.google.com/search?q=environmental+toxins&safe=off&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjqn92EjOndAhWG64MKHSVgBm4Q_AUIDygC&biw=1280&bih=613#imgrc=QNVaZiJeDV80sM:

ASD: What’s the Deal?

What is autism? This is a very difficult question for people to answer for a variety of reasons. The biggest reason is because a wide spectrum of symptoms is experienced by individuals. This is because Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are not caused by a specific gene mutation, but rather by a vast variety of environmental and genetic factors that all play a part in how the disease is presented in individual cases. Three of these factors will be discussed: Neural Connectivity, Mirror Neurons, and Excitation-Inhibition Imbalance. After discussing these factors, hopefully we will have a better understanding of what may lie as the root of the problem for ASD.

Neural Connectivity

In individuals’ brains with ASD, there is a significantly increased number of neurons. This is because there is a problem with ‘pruning’. In healthy brains, non-functional neurons are pruned away to give more room for working neurons to work and actually increase their power. This pruning process is done a lot with the mTOR pathway. This pathway enables apoptosis (cell death) and autophagy (cell absorption) to take place and effectively prune out the areas that are overgrown/unneeded. When the pruning does not take place, it leaves a crowded circuit causing lots of extra ‘noise’ causing the brain to function less efficiently. This is analogous to plants. Unhealthy branches are pruned off to give room for healthy ones to grow further and make the whole plant healthier.

Mirror Neurons

Do you ever wonder why you yawn when you see somebody else yawn? This is because of mirror neurons. Mirror neurons form connections that enable an individual to learn from its environment by imitation. In individuals’ brains with ASD, these mirror neurons are much less concentrated and possibly broken. This could possibly be the cause of those with ASD to have a lack of empathy for those around them. This could also cause lack of understanding of other individual’s movements and lead to the poor development of communication skills exhibited by many of those who suffer from ASD.

E/I Imbalance

There is a delicate balance in the brain called excitation and inhibition. Glutamate neurotransmitters are excitatory and GABA neurotransmitters are inhibitory. When working effectively, this balance gives the proper action potential to cells enabling them to fire or to rest. However, when this balance is not maintained only glutamate neurotransmitters can be activated. This causes excessive excitation in the cell. The glutamate then becomes excitotoxic and can kill cells, causing further damage to neurons and neural connections in the brain.


Though we have just scratched the surface of the possible causes of ASD, this does help to give us an insight into what is happening in the brains of those around us that live with ASD. It’s important for us to try to understand these things as ASD is becoming more and more prevalent as 1 in 68 children today are diagnosed as being on the spectrum in some way, shape, or form, so we likely know someone living with ASD or we will know someone living with it in the future. As we know there is no real cure for ASD right now, but the first step to curing something is to understand what is going on and to identify the problem. Hopefully sometime soon we can start to put all of the pieces in place and figure out what is going on.

Image 1: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjm5-GouOjdAhWS2FMKHdZ5ABQQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.advocate.com%2Fcommentary%2F2017%2F3%2F10%2Fintersectionality-autism-and-homosexuality&psig=AOvVaw1BYhUZHItYbanwbFEWa_d1&ust=1538593128147246

Image 2: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjX_tvSsejdAhWHtlMKHXmpD_QQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.starkbros.com%2Fgrowing-guide%2Fhow-to-grow%2Fberry-plants%2Fblackberry-plants%2Fpruning&psig=AOvVaw0UYxq3b2QfhfeY1U-4LFTt&ust=1538591360803633

Image 3: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiA-uijsujdAhVJ2VMKHbY4CPYQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=http%3A%2F%2Femotionaldetective.typepad.com%2Femotional-detective%2F2011%2F07%2Fmirror-neurons.html&psig=AOvVaw0VF8plYgQMis2PeXiQ3wxi&ust=1538591521789825

Image 4: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwir3KPhtejdAhUL2FMKHTGhBJwQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.psychologytoday.com%2Fus%2Fblog%2Fconsciousness-self-organization-and-neuroscience%2F201701%2Fexcitation-and-inhibition-the-yin-and&psig=AOvVaw2dTF0zuDod7TowQE63OTKt&ust=1538592472441778

Image 5: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiDyLHpvejdAhUOtlMKHcxBBqsQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fleader.pubs.asha.org%2Farticle.aspx%3Farticleid%3D2595625&psig=AOvVaw1KFyRY_Nfdww24O0CDTOkh&ust=1538594564362690

Neural Connectivity-Understanding Autism

With a rising frequency of affected individuals and increasing visibility in society, diving into the current knowledge of how autism affects the brain is important to inform us on how individuals with ASD’s (Autism Spectrum Disorders) experience the world from a different perspective. The following topics are of interest when considering autism’s cause and how the symptoms play out for individuals at any point on the spectrum. One of the most impactful and studied components of autism is the neuronal function/dysfunction that occurs in individuals with ASD’s.

Neural Connectivity and development:

In brains with autism, dysfunctional neural connectivity plays a large role in the manifestation of common symptoms seen in individuals with ASDs. Neurons are vital in passing chemical information from areas of the body to different areas of the brain. In brains of individuals with autism, these conversations between neurons are affected by an increased number of neurons and a lack of good communication between individual neurons. This concept can be understood by thinking about a 10-way phone conversation. With all ten individuals talking at once, it is impossible to pick out important bits of information and communicate the correct message to all the individuals! This is similar to the type of dysfunction seen in the neurons of brains with autism.

Another common developmental abnormality in brains with ASDs is the improper migration of neurons. This migration occurs before being born, and helps to place neurons where they need to be to function properly and align with each other. This has been connected to genetic mutations in the Reelin (RELN) gene that plays a huge role in the proper migration of neurons.

Genetic Mutations Contributing to Synaptic Malformation 

In nervous system, synapses are the gaps located between neurons which neurotransmitters and other molecules travel across to transmit signals to the next neuron in line. This process is vital to the proper communication between neurons, and outcomes in the cells. In individuals with ASDs, a common trait seen is malformed synapses between neurons. These malformations cause signaling, which is already at an increased level, to be inaccurate at transferring chemical information.

There are a few genetic mutations studied that play a role in the malformation of synapses in brains with ASD’s. This class of mutations has to do with the formation of Neurexin and Neuroligin, trans-membrane proteins tasked with physically docking the pre-synaptic (sending) neuron with the post-synaptic (receiving) neuron. Mutations causing deletions or mutated versions of these proteins negatively affect the ability of signals to reach the receiving neuron correctly.

These abnormalities play one piece in the puzzle of ASD’s, but is an important one to understand symptoms manifested in individuals with autism. Individuals with autism have symptoms related to complex malfunctions in the nervous system, immune system, and environmental stimuli that combine to create the experience of life with an autism spectrum disorder.

Rodent Models for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism is defined by a set of symptoms which includes impaired social interactions, repetitive or restrictive behaviors, and language abnormalities. According to the CDC, in 2014 1 in 59 children was identified as having autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a 250% increase from a similar survey done in 2000.

ASD poses an issue for society, “The total costs per year for children with ASD in the United States were estimated to be between $11.5 billion – $60.9 billion (2011 US dollars). This significant economic burden represents a variety of direct and in-direct costs, from medical care to special education to lost parental productivity” (cdc.gov). The total cost per year is projected to increase as cases of ASD increases.

Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Basics

ASD is very complicated (for further details, check out other blog posts on this site!) and has many moving parts already, and scientists do not even know the entire story yet. But here are some factors that are linked to autism:

Connectivity of Neurons
The brain is commonly likened to a circuit: neurons are wires and the chemicals are like electricity flowing through the wires. But a neuron is a wire that makes connections to more than one output. In autism, many neurons are not making good connections to their target outputs. Individuals with autism have too many possible outputs on the neuron which gets in the way of sending a clear message; this is a result of improper synaptic pruning. This essentially causes noise in the circuit by allocating the signal to the incorrect neurons thereby dampening the signal to the target output.

The immune system is extremely important in keeping us healthy by fighting off germs and diseases. However, when the immune system is active when we are not sick, that poses problems for our bodies. Our immune system releases chemicals that tell our bodies there is something off about the environment, and those messages trigger a larger response. A common characterization of that response is inflammation, which in turn causes an entire cascade of biological responses.

During or before fetal development, a mother can contract an infection and the immune response of the mother can have an impact on the developing fetus. The mother’s immune can trigger a subsequent inflammatory response in the fetus, initiating a cascade of biological responses as a result.

Due to the complexity and prevalence of ASD, much more research should be done to better characterize it and to find possible treatments. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done, largely as a result of the complexity and unknown factors of ASD.

Animal Models

Current rodent models are models of autism, not for autism, meaning current models mimic symptoms of autism, but do not contain the entire picture of the disorder. Therefore, there are several animal models to attempt to cover as much of the disorder as possible. Typically, the models can be grouped into several categories:

Environmentally Induced
This mirrors maternal infection that leads to immune dysregulation. This can be done using chemicals found in the body (such as chemicals used in immune response), or other chemicals known to induce ASD-like symptoms.

Physical Damage
Physical damage or lesions seek to target a specific area of the brain to learn more about which structures in the brain are most vital for the development of ASD. However, when the brain is damaged, it takes measures to heal itself, notably neurons moving to fill the space of the damaged area. This makes it difficult to say for-certain damage to one area caused a specific behavior as presented in autism.

Genetic Modifications
Studying ASD with genetic modifications is very difficult because ASD is not caused by a single gene, but rather many genes functioning and influencing each other. However, by studying other diseases that share ASD pathology and that are impacted by a single gene; scientists can better study the complicated behavioral factors of autism through different diseases. Genetic modifications do not supply a model that presents with the same physical issues present in individuals with ASD, such as neuronal wiring discussed earlier.

There are limitations to any model, but there are large limitations with the available models for autism. State of the art behavioral software recently has been developed to a level that would prove useful for disorders as complicated as ASD, which will aid in the validity of studies, but as mentioned there is not a single model we can rely on to study autism. We must take a holistic approach and try to piece information learned from various models together to get a more complete picture of autism spectrum disorder.


The Many Levels and Factors of Autism

Autism spectrum disorders, or ASD, are unlike other disorders in that there is no single gene or factor that cause them. Rather, numerous scientific studies suggest that there are several factors that play a role. Of the several causes, two main issues are problems with the immune response and maternal infection.

The immune system plays a substantial role in developing our nervous system and shaping neurons in a healthy individual. One common feature that is seen in most ASD patients is inflammation of the brain (neuroinflammation). The molecules that cause this inflammation are known as cytokines. Cytokines are released as an immune defense response, and in most people, they are at the appropriate level. In autistic people, however, they are elevated in number and depending on the number, can indicate the severity of the disorder (the more cytokines, the more severe form of autism). From this neuroinflammation, the connections between neurons and neurons themselves are destroyed. There are ongoing efforts to discover drugs that combat cytokines and the damage they cause; to this point, there has been moderate success in clinical trials for similar neurological disorders.

Another major cause of autism is maternal infection. Studies have shown that mothers who suffer from infections (such as urinary tract infections, UTIs) are more likely to have children with autism than those without infections. Mothers that have multiple infections or infections closer to conception show an elevated risk of having an autistic child. One reason experts think this is the case is due to the mothers immune response releasing the previously discussed cytokines. They believe it could the mothers cytokines crossing over in the placenta to the fetus, or the mother’s immune response causing the fetus to release its own cytokines.

The Spectrum

Even though you can’t point to just one thing as the cause, there are a few common symptoms, including oddities in behavior, social interactions, and communication. However, the severity of these abnormalities varies case to case and leads to the formation of a spectrum, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. On this spectrum, the disorders include autism, Asperger syndrome, pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), and childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD).


Parents of children with autism will notice signs within the first few years of life. They will show repetitive behaviors, whether it be body movements, routines that must be done, or self-harming. Difficulties with communicating include avoidance of eye contact, issues starting and keeping a conversation going, and repetitive speech. Additionally, patients often have trouble sharing experiences or expressing emotions in social situations such as empathy.

Asperger’s Syndrome

People with Asperger’s will typically show signs at or a little before two years old and will last throughout his or her life. They will experience similar symptoms as autism, but on a milder scale. Like autism, people with Asperger’s will exhibit repetitive behaviors and interest in very specific areas that are pursued thoroughly. They will also show a lack of empathy and eye contact, as seen in autism, but will not be withdrawn from a conversation. Language and speech are usually quite normal and are not delayed in their abilities at a young age.

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD)

Children with CDD will develop normally for their first few years of life, but will almost completely lose skills they have learned before the age of 10. These severely lost skills include speech, listening ability, social skills, motor skills, and control over their bowels.


PDD-NOS is the diagnosis when patients don’t fully exhibit the characteristics for another one of the disorders; this could mean late onset age or unique symptoms that don’t fit the other conditions. Symptoms for individuals with PDD-NOS will exhibit similar difficulties as the other disorders, including in communication and in social behavior. PDD-NOS is typically milder, but can also be more severe.

While multiple factors cause ASD and play a role in the development of the disorder, two of the biggest pieces are undoubtedly issues in the immune response and maternal infection, both of which leading to neuroinflammation. Not only is it the prevalence of cytokines in the brain, but the level of cytokines can determine the severity of ASD and where one may land on the spectrum, from mild to sever symptoms and anything in between. Better understanding of the entire spectrum will lead to better specialized treatment in every situation, as no one case is the same.





Image 1: http://www.tesidea.com/autism-signs-symptoms-and-diagnosis/

Image 2: http://www.thepipettepen.com/tag/autism-spectrum/

Picking Apart the Spectrum

The number of Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD cases is on the rise. Today the percentage of children with ASD is roughly 2.4% whereas in 2010 the percent was 1.47%. With such a rampant rise in cases it is important to break down the diseases associated with ASD, and the three levels of the Autism spectrum to help better understand what is encompassed by the “umbrella” of ASD.

Let’s talk about the disorders on the spectrum. Many people have heard of Autistic Disorder and Asperger’s, but fewer have heard of Rett’s Syndrome, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and PDD-NOS (Pervasive Development Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified).

Autistic Disorder often appears by the age of three through apparent developmental delays. Children with this disorder tend to have trouble with nonverbal behaviors, relationships, sharing enjoyment with others, and empathy. Autistic children tend to have problems with language usage, especially with sustaining conversations, imitative play, and repetitive use of language. Some of the common behaviors associated with Autism are preoccupation, rituals, and repetitive motor mannerisms.

Rett’s is appears anywhere from 5 to 48 months and is often characterized as a deceleration. Children with Rett’s experience loss of social skills, impaired expressive and receptive language, and loss of acquired movements. Rett’s only affects girls as it is found the X chromosome. If a baby boy is born with Rett’s he normally dies before or shortly after birth. This is because boys only have one X chromosome and if there is a defect on that one chromosome it can overtake the body. Since girls have two, the healthy X chromosome helps protect the body against Rett’s Syndrome.

Unlike the previously discussed disorders, Asperger’s does not have a significant delay in childhood development. Many of their niches with social interactions are the same as a child with Autistic Disorder. Like childhood development, Asperger’s does not have significant delays in language. Children with Asperger’s experience behavioral problems much like a child with Autistic Disorder.

Kids with Childhood Disintegrative Disorder start off their lives with normal development up until the age of 2. Then these children lose these acquired skills by the age of 10. Picking this apart even more these children experience the same loss of social skills experienced by children with Autism and lose their expressive language skills. Along with these symptoms these children lose control of their bladders, and motor skills.

PDD-NOS is solely used for children who have an apparent impairment, but they do not meet the criteria for a specific disorder.

Now that we’ve broken down the characteristics of the five disorders on the Autism Spectrum let’s talk about the three levels of the spectrum.

The first level is known as High Functioning Autism. A person who is in this level needs support, but their symptoms are only noticeable if they do not have support.

The second level is called Autism. These people need more support and their behaviors are still observable even with support.

The final level is Severe Autism. A person with level three Autism needs substantial support, and their behavioral problems, and social skills cause problems and or impair everyday life.

Having five disorders under the ASD umbrella and three levels to the spectrum may make a diagnosis seem “nice and neat”. However, not everyone with ASD will fall into a “perfect” diagnosis. It is important to remember that ASD is a SPECTRUM and each case is UNIQUE!

Image 1: http://www.myaspergerschild.com/2011/08/autism-spectrum-disorders-everything.html

Image 2: http://discovermagazine.com/2017/jul-aug/autism-spectrum-disorder

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