Why Medical Marijuana Should (not) Be Illegal
The United States is currently struggling to decide whether or not marijuana ought to be used as medication. This seems like a pretty tough problem and houses o...
The United States is currently struggling to decide whether or not marijuana ought to be used as medication. This seems like a pretty tough problem and houses o...
It seems that American society is constantly on the lookout for the next miracle diet drug or weight loss pill. After certain ideas go awry due to ineffectivene...
Autism spectrum disorder is the term used to describe a range of neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by communication difficulties, social impairm...
Obesity is frequently demonized as a disease of laziness – one that people could avoid if they would only get off the couch and eat healthier. Recent research, ...
Obesity and sedentary behaviors are commonly viewed as a reflection of cultures with widespread availability of cheap high-calorie and high-fat foods, often in ...
If you have ever witnessed someone with Parkinson’s disease suffering from tremors, it is a heartbreaking experience. To see someone trapped in a body they cann...
The neurodegenerative disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), has been the center of YouTube videos and Facebook feeds for the past few months. It has bee...
This week we discussed an article that claims obesity is a brain disease and that over-nutritious diets change our brain chemistry. In contrast the to “eat les...
What comes to your mind when you think of Parkinson’s Disease? Shaking, tremors, spasms and Michael J. Fox were probably at the top of your list right? Th...
This week, our class discussed the detrimental effects of insulin resistance as seen in Type 2 diabetes mellitus. It has been established that Type 2 diabetes c...