Capstone Closing Comments

This semester has been full of information that would make most people’s heads spin! Some of the material could be so dense at times that reading it three times and going through the words with a dictionary sometimes still didn’t give you a specific answer. This makes the course frustrating because you want to know but getting a headache while trying to read/understand is not on your to-do list. But your quest for knowledge outweighs the frustration you feel while reading the material (this is my case). This course brought forth so many different topics to study and learn more about. The topics covered ranged from addiction to aging and a large variety in between.
The range of topics really made the class more interesting because you weren’t talking about the same things over and over again. Every week it was a different subject and different discussions that brought up good points and brought new light on some things that some of us hadn’t thought about. Learning this information in a small group setting really helped us learn it better and it actually made us want to do our homework and study. The type of environment we were in really made it easy to learn. It wasn’t a class where the professor did all the talking and the students simply sat there and took notes. This course was a fully student run course where the professor was more of a student and learned the information right along with us.
The part of this course that really caught my attention was that no matter what subject we talked about, they were all connected by one part of the brain or another even if they were complete opposites of each other. And knowing this is a scary thought because you know that if you were to damage one specific area of your brain there is a chance that you could lose multiple abilities. Doesn’t that scare you? Cause it scares me…but it’s so hard not to pursue more information because the complexity, mystery, and danger of the brain is so fascinating and we are a society that needs to have answers to everything.
This class was a fantastic class and I really enjoyed it. Even though the material at times was hard to understand and it could be a lot at times the class was still worth every second and I would recommend it to any student that asked about it.

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