Queen Victoria Smoked Marijuana… to Relieve Cramps

Marijuana has been at the forefront of news headlines since Proposition 215, which made medical marijuana legal in California, was passed in 1996. However, marijuana has an illustrious history tracing back before the Romans and Greeks. Medical marijuana use finds its origins in China around 2727 BCE. Throughout centuries and generations marijuana mades its way to India, Africa, Europe, and the rest of the world. Even the first settlers of the Jamestown Colony way back in 1619 Virginia grew marijuana. The medicinal properties of marijuana were sought after many individuals. For example, Queen Victoria is prescribed marijuana in order to relieve cramps. Even with its medicinal aspects marijuana was banned in 1937 by the U.S. federal government. Although illegal, marijuana avoided harsh punishment by the Federal Government until Reagan administration in the 1980’s where a war on drugs was proclaimed. During the Reagan administration’s war on drugs an astounding amount of individuals where arrested, one person every 38 seconds. Since then marijuana has become one of the highest sold illegal drugs.

Here’s a short video outlining the history of marijuana, which was produced by Showtime for their hit show Weeds:
In order for marijuana to stay prevalent throughout history it must possess some positive medical application. Marijuana has been shown to relieve pain, nausea, and vomiting. In addition, marijuana also heightens a person’s senses. This the result of increased neurological activity due to the chemicals which make up marijuana: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol. These chemicals play in active role in stimulating the Endocannabinoid system housed within the brain. The Endocannabinoid system is a neurotransmitter system, which means that it responds to certain stimuli and sends a chain of signals throughout the brain to entice a physical reaction. Specifically, the Endocannabinoid system targets emotional balance and cognitive function. However, this system can be impaired if an overabundance of marijuana is taken which can lead to psychological disorders, such schizophrenia.
More research is required into the topic, however, there is a correlation between prolonged marijuana usage and increasing the onset of schizophrenia. Some of the main contributing factors to this correlation is the fact that marijuana use amplifies feelings of anxiety and depression. The cause of these factors comes from interactions between THC and cannabidiol with the Endocannabinoid system which not only affect emotion balance but other areas and neurotransmitters in the brain. It’s like a domino affect one neurotransmitter does not simply react by it self. It sets off a chain reaction through multiple pathways which, in a complex system like the brain, can have a devastating effect on an individual. Perhaps when more research is conducted a definitive answer will be found connecting neurological disorders and marijuana usage.
For further reading refer to this research article explaining in further detail neurological disorders and marijuana:
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