Too Stressed to Sleep: How Benadryl addiction creeps up on college students

The drug Benadryl (diphenhydramine) is an OTC antihistamine used to treat symptoms allergies. The drug itself is not supposed to be used for easy sleep, but it has a sedative effect when taken, which is what causes some people to repeatedly take advantage of this medication. While many associate over-the-counter drugs with little to no abuse potential, Benadryl comes with various risks when overused (all of which the FDA has identified).

How it all starts

Artstract by Zsofia Zelenak

If you have ever experienced some itching, maybe even accompanied by small bumps on your skin, you probably have been offered those little pink pills before. And in regular cases it does help. With that being said, you also probably experienced getting drowsy about 30 minutes after you have swallowed the medication. The experiences of fighting off the sleepiness often ends up as fun stories at your get-togethers, and may even end with sharing how you eventually gave in and took a little nap. Oftentimes, it is followed by “actually, it wasn’t too bad”, the words that will pick your mind at taking it again the next time you need help with allergy symptoms.


Misuse of the drug isn’t considered concerning until you reach for the bottle in order to get the side effects, and not just to use it as it should be, such as allergies. The very things that makes it possible for younger people to abuse somethings, the availability and price. Benedryl is easily found in all pharmacies, and can be bought in bulk at just about any supermarket. The more or bigger bottle you buy of it, the cheaper it will be in the long-run.

Possible complications of antihistamine overuse:

  • respiratory distress
  • GI issues
  • strain on cardiovascular system
  • liver dysfunction
  • altered mental state
  • weight gain

Possible complications of antihistamine overdose:

  • Seizures
  • Lifelike hallucinations
  • Psychosis
  • Coma
  • Death


Recognizing the problem

It is important that we know to identify a problem before trying to treat it. Some might think a “few harmless little pink pills” won’t do much if they take it a couple times a week. But that might already be a sign. Some questions to think about are related to whether you use it for the intended effect or the side effect, if you turn to it under stress, and if you use it for over the recommended time period without a doctor’s approval.

Backstab at students

It really is ironic how students are the most likely to be overusing or abusing antihistamines, while it is not helping the sleep cycle, which in turn will not benefit learning. As discussed in class, sleep and learning are very closely related, which detailed by our paper on memory associated with sleep. Memory consolidation happens during specific times in sleep, and antihistamines will disrupt those cycles, making the whole stress-sleep circle snowballing down the tallest hills. In conclusion, it is recommended by various health sites that students look for help in counseling rather than being quick to self-medicate for the sole purpose of getting the side effects, drowsiness and sedation.





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