The Truth About Schizophrenia

In the DSM V, a diagnosis of Schizophrenia involves a range of cognitive, behavioral, and emotional symptoms–including delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior, and negative symptoms such as diminished emotional expression. These symptoms must be persistent for a consistent period of time, as defined in the DSM V depending on the symptom category, prior to diagnosis.

Due to the portrayal of Schizophrenia in the media, many individuals incorrectly assume that all individuals with Schizophrenia experience intense hallucinations, delusions, and violent outbursts. Although often inaccurate, these portrayals are usually the only exposure to psychiatric disease that an individual may experience–especially Schizophrenia. Research has shown that the movies which include a character with a severe psychiatric illness also tend to be the movies with the most inaccurate portrayals of mental illness. A content analysis on movies depicting at least one character with Schizophrenia was found to most frequently display the negative symptoms of the illness, including delusions and violent behaviors toward self and others. The perpetuation of these negative stereotypes regarding Schizophrenia misinform the public and contribute to the stigma preventing further research into the condition.

Although delusions and hallucinations are symptoms of Schizophrenia, other symptoms exist too. And despite the media’s portrayal of violent individuals with Schizophrenia, very few individuals with the condition become violent. Additionally, these individuals are not “psycho” or “crazy.” Every symptom that an individual with Schizophrenia experiences is due to their neurological functioning. Educating the public remains an important step in humanizing and de-stigmatizing Schizophrenia. Likewise, it is important to note that Schizophrenia can be successfully treated and managed. Just because someone has been diagnosed with Schizophrenia doesn’t mean that they cannot have a fulfilling life.

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