Final Commentary About Neurochemistry

When I first signed up for neurochemistry, I was worried about my lack of knowledge in regard to chemistry, but I knew I had a love for neuroscience that I wanted to learn more about. Concordia has given me the opportunity to take what I love and learn about it in more ways than one. While taking other neuroscience classes here I have learned the basics and lightly touched on different pathways that are involved. However, it was never to the extent of what neurochemistry had to offer, which is understandable to have a class fully designated to looking at all different signaling pathways and their correlations to many different areas in the brain. I knew I would struggle with my lack of chemistry knowledge but with the help of many classmates I became more familiar with the information that was given during class. Having a good background in chemistry is important for this class but do not think that your lack of information will make your opinion less than that. Everyone comes into the class with knowledge about different topics and experiences that aid in conversations regarding every topic. When thinking about this struggle, Concordia’s motto of BREW was engraved into my mind. We as Concordia students base our four-year educational experience from our rooted value being BREW. Becoming responsibly engaged in the world is a way of life. It’s looking at the world and understanding the problems that each person may face, helping always, and stepping forward when everyone else might be afraid. The experiences and lessons I learned in this class taught me how to engage in my world, while also showing me how I could help others from the lessons I learned. This class has also deeply enforced my love for learning, especially when it comes to something that I may not feel the most confident in. It has made me reach out of my comfort zone when asking other students for clarification and well as showing me different study methods that are more beneficial than what I had been using previously. For example, previously I would look over the topic at hand and try and memorize what was being discussed. However, this was not the most efficient method for this class, instead, I found it better to draw out the different signaling pathways in order to see what exactly they followed and how different proteins interacted within that pathway. The types of learning that were involved in neurochemistry highly centered around group work/discussion. For this type of class I think this is the most beneficial way in which the subject can be taught. If we were to sit down and have the class purely lecture based, I feel as though it would not be as enjoyable. Though it is important to understand the baseline of what the different articles are talking about we would miss all the questions that we as individuals have on varying topics. This also teaches us how to question what we are reading and find ways to answer the questions we have through the use of published research. If I were to highlight a skill this class has provided me with would be critical thinking, how to ask questions and find the answers on your own. This way of learning is just another way in which liberal art institutions like Concordia College seek to benefit their student more than other institutions. We are able to ask questions and seek out different ways to solve them. Even more so, students that took part in this semester peak project were able to conduct research on a given topic and see how our local area is affected by this. Many of us were able to give back to the community in so many ways and help those that are in need. That is also something I love about Concordia College. We aren’t just a school focused on good grades and going through the motion of life, we are an institution focused on seeing problems within our community and reaching out a helping hand. This way of problem solving/helping will be instilled in all of us for years to come.  

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