An Unemotional Approach to Parkinson's
If you look at Parkinson’s disease from an unemotional perspective, it is one of the many reasons the world is becoming more and more overpopulated. Simp...
If you look at Parkinson’s disease from an unemotional perspective, it is one of the many reasons the world is becoming more and more overpopulated. Simp...
Autism while not a positive thing to have it is also not as bad as some of the things that people avoid in order to not contract autism. There are many various...
Obesity is often a very difficult topic. So many Americans are getting diagnosed with obesity every day. Some people may want to simply say it is their own faul...
I can honestly say that I have very little pruning experience myself, less a few trees in the back yard. When I see a perfectly trimmed tree, bush, or shrub I o...
Did you know that obesity can be considered a brain disorder? That it can effect the way our brain is working, that all the extra fat and sugar in a person’s di...
It has been well and widely substantiated that vaccines do not cause autism. DO NOT. In any way, shape, or form. Yet, there has been a drastic increase in the p...
The main problem with autism in my opinion is in the diagnosis of the disease. The spectrum of autism has a ridiculously large range, spanning from Asperger...
Nitric oxide is normally a part of the brain’s mechanisms. It functions as a neurotransmitter to either promote or block signals between neurons. However, damag...
First I just want to make it abundantly clear, vaccines do not cause autism. The main paper that people cite in order to show that autism and vaccines are relat...
Having had a brother with Downs Syndrome, the conversations I have had with my parents over the years on their initial reactions after his birth have been very ...