Alzheimer’s Disease 101

Dancing Against Alzheimer’s Disease

My favorite video on the internet is of an elderly woman, who once was a ballerina, doing the upper body movements for one of the pieces she performed in the Swan Lake ballet. As a former ballet dancer myself, I enjoy hearing the music and watching others dance to it. Now, I don’t just love this video because it is ballet, but I love this video because the woman dancing has Alzheimer’s Disease. If you want to watch the video, which I totally recommend you do, the video is linked here.

Basics of Alzheimer’s Disease

In case you are unfamiliar with Alzheimer’s Disease, I will provide a brief crash course. There will be a quiz at the end of it, so make sure you’re paying attention. Just kidding. Alzheimer’s Disease is progressive disorder that leads to severe memory loss. Alzheimer’s Disease is biologically characterized by the death of neurons (brain cells) and abnormally decreased brain mass. The death of neurons tends to be linked to two things: amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. These words sound a little scary, but I will try to help them make sense.

Amyloid Plaques

Amyloid plaques are formed from beta-amyloid proteins, which are naturally occurring in the brain. These proteins, in an Alzheimer’s Disease brain, clump together and form a large mass between neurons multiple neurons.[1] With the beta-amyloid mass impeding on cell function and communication, the neurons begin to die.[2]

Neurofibrillary Tangles

An image of tau as a net.
Fig. 1. An image of tau sticking together to form a sort of net that blocks nutrients from passing throughout the neuron. Drawn by H. Almlie.

Neurofibrillary tangles are similar to amyloid plaques in that they both are an abnormal accumulation of protein. Where amyloid plaques are caused by the accumulation of beta-amyloid proteins, the neurofibrillary tangles are caused by an accumulation of proteins called “tau.” It helps to think of neurofibrillary tangles like nets made out of tau, as pictured below. The tau proteins, which are found inside of the neuron, stick to each other to block the transport of nutrients from the neuron cell body to the other side of the cell.[3] So, I know that was a lot of information thrown at you but, to sum it up, amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles are both present in Alzheimer’s brain and are both a build-up of proteins outside of the cell (plaques) and inside of the cell (tangles).


What Causes Alzheimer’s Disease?

An image of the insulin-signaling pathway.
Fig. 2. An image of the insulin-signaling pathway and the changes to the pathway seen in Alzheimer’s Disease. Drawn by J. Mach, copied down by H. Almlie.

Now, you may be asking yourself, “What causes Alzheimer’s Disease?” You pose an excellent question, and this is something I wondered as well. Researchers don’t know for sure what causes the buildup of these proteins, but many of them speculate it is a result of improper intracellular communication in the insulin signaling pathway. Again, I know this may not be a familiar topic, but I will try to explain it the best I can. To do this, I think it helps to have an image. The image below gives a brief rundown of the insulin signaling pathway and what changes are seen in brains with Alzheimer’s Disease, and I will talk you through what is going on in the image.

Insulin Signaling Pathway and Why it Relates to Alzheimer’s Disease

Usually, a hormone called insulin binds to a receptor in the brain, which is portrayed by the field goal post at the top of the image. The hormone binding to its receptor then triggers an intracellular communication pathway that starts with a protein called the insulin receptor substrate (IRS). Activation of this protein leads to activation of an enzyme with the acronym PI3K, which then signals activation of two different molecules: an enzyme referred to as Akt and a protein called mTOR. When Akt is activated, it inhibits glycogen synthase kinase (GSK-3B—another enzyme). In Alzheimer’s Disease, however, this entire pathway is abnormal. Firstly, there is less insulin binding to the receptor in brains with Alzheimer’s Disease due to something called insulin resistance. Because less insulin is binding to the receptor, there is less activation of IRS, which creates a snowball effect that leads to less activation of PI3K, then decreased activation of mTOR and Akt. Because there is less activation of Akt, GSK-3B is not inhibited as much as it should be. It is at this point where the two protein build-ups that I discussed previously can be explained. Therefore, because GSK-3B is not inhibited, activity is increased and leads to the formation of neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques as a result of neuroinflammation. This is a very simplistic explanation but following along with Fig. 2 is helpful in wrapping your mind around what is happening.




Top 3 ways to care for loved ones affected by Alzheimer’s Disease

What is happening in the world of Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is affecting individuals and families all over the world, and numbers suggest that it is a rapidly growing problem in all of society. Recent studies have found that abnormalities in insulin signaling have some major effects on AD, which is why it has been linked to Type 2 diabetes. But first, we we’ll look at some of the basics.

Artstract by Zsofia Zelenak

Why is this happening?

Biochemists have the tendency to scramble the alphabet, pick a few letters, sometimes even add some numbers, put them in a seemingly random order, and at times finish up with Greek symbols. They will then assign these to proteins of various sizes and complicated pathways in our bodies, such as mTOR, Akt, MAPK, Grb, GSK-3β, and so on. Should you want to try and do the same, all you need is a quick PhD and you yourself could easily move from scrambling morning eggs to scrambling those ABCs in lab.

Now, I brought these complex molecules up for a reason, which is the fact that they all participate in the insulin signaling pathways shown above, making up an important part of the disease. When we say Alzheimer’s, what we really think of in a molecular level is lots of cell death and overall neuroinflammation. Sounds awful, right? Let’s take a look at why these two things might be happening:

  • buildup of amyloid- β plaques
  • neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) present
  • overactive MAPK, GSK-3 β
  • underactive Ras, Akt, mTOR
  • questionable action of Grb

How do we care?

At this time there isn’t a way for us to know who exactly will be diagnosed later on, so much of what science can offer for those concerned is a shot at prevention. The general public is encouraged to try and prevent the disease by making healthy lifestyle choices and training our “cognitive muscles”. Other than prevention, the sad reality is that once symptoms are showing there is little we can do. Here, I am talking to those who are simply curious, or eager to care for their loved ones, but have little idea on how to do it best. I have gathered the top responses to the question “how would you want to be cared for?” from our neurochemistry paper discussion and listed them below.

Top 3 ways to care for Alzheimer’s patients:

  1. Have patience

The most common answer in our discussion circle was to have people surrounding you that have lots of patience. Most of us love and need frequent social interactions, even if certain circumstances, such as cognitive and memory impairment, make it harder than usual.

  1. Don’t push the newest reality

As an interesting second came the idea of just letting one live in their own world. Some students expressed that sometimes it might be exhausting to be presented with a completely new reality to you than the one you might be existing in inside your head. This idea really just comes down to letting patients rest and go with their own world without challenging it.

  1. FAQ binder

For our creative ones we also got a DIY project on the list. I will have to say, it was also one of my personal favorites I sided with, and I mean, who didn’t love the ending of the movie 50 First Dates? Yes, it is a glorified representation of memory struggles, but why not use it to our advantage? Some of us just tend to lean towards logical reasoning and maybe would enjoy having an organized binder full of answers. It could include things such as bullet points of basic information (when/where/who/how), show pictures of close family and friends, and give short summaries of current conditions of the world. For those who question most things in life, this might be a quick relief as they get to have the answers right at their hands all in one place.



1. Akhatar, A., & Sah, S. P. (2020, February 18.). Insulin signaling pathway and related molecules: Role in neurodegeneration and Alzheimer’s disease. Neurochemistry International.

Should I care about Alzheimer’s? Yeah probably….

Artstract by: Alex Braun

Artstract by: Alex Braun

Protein basics

To understand how to help prevent yourself from developing Alzheimer’s disease, it helps to have some background information about the disease. Alzheimer’s disease is thought to be caused by the abnormal buildup of proteins in and around the brain cells. One of these proteins is amyloid, deposits of which form plaques around brain cells. The other protein, tau, deposits of which form tangles in the brain cells (NHS et al., 2021).


Amyloid Plaques

Amyloid is a protein fragment that the body produces naturally.  Amyloid plaques are hard, insoluble accumulations of beta amyloid proteins that clump together between the neurons. The reason these plaques are hard to dissolve in the fluid between cells is because the enzyme that cuts the amyloid precursor protein (APP), cuts strands that are too large. Since these strands are too large, they are “sticky” and start clumping into deposits which are referred to as plaques (BrightFocus et al., 2020).

NFT and Amyloid plaques: comparing a normal brain with an Alzheimer’s diseased brain.

Neurofibrillary tangles

Neurofibrillary tangles are insoluble twist fibers primarily consisting of the protein, tau. These tangles form when tau is misfolded in a peculiar way. Specifically, in Alzheimer’s disease, tau forms a C-shape in the core in the core of the tangle with a loose end sticking out randomly. Once a tangle has been started, more tau proteins are recruited to make it longer (BrightFocus et al., 2020).


This all sounds scary, so how can one help prevent developing Alzheimer’s disease

Well, it’s not exactly as simple as just “do this and you won’t get Alzheimer’s” because life would be too easy if that was the case. You can however, live a healthy lifestyle and keep an active brain to help reduce your chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease


Cardiovascular and Alzheimer’s

Cardiovascular disease has been linked with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease. You can reduce your risk of developing both cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s disease by not smoking, drinking alcohol in moderation, eating a balanced diet, and exercising (NHS et al., 2021). I know this sounds redundant to say, but seriously, just live healthy and you’ll be better off.

Stay healthy to help prevent developing Alzheimer’s

Staying mentally active

There’s some evidence to suggest that rates of dementia are lower in people who remain mentally and socially active throughout their lives. One may be able to reduce their risk of Alzheimer’s disease by reading a book, learning a new language, playing an instrument, group sports, being social (NHS et al., 2021) One could also play “brain training” computer games which haven’t been fully proven to prevent Alzheimer’s, but who knows, you might even have some fun.


Other factors

Factors that are not directly responsible for Alzheimer’s disease but play a role in development include hearing loss, untreated depression, and loneliness (NHS et al., 2021) So, if you know someone who is lonely or depressed, go be their friend so you can help them reduce their risk of developing Alzheimer’s.


Works cited

Amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. BrightFocus Foundation. (2020, March 13). Retrieved from


NHS. (2021, July 5). Causes of Alzheimer’s Disease. NHS choices. Retrieved from

Signaling in the Brain is The Tightest Regulation Around

Have you ever felt like you are following too many rules in your life, or that you have too little control in major life events? This phenomenon is all too common, but in the brain specifically it takes regulation and rules to a whole new level. In the brain it is dangerous to have both too much or too little of many chemicals and proteins, so much so that diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease can be cause both by too much or too little of certain chemicals that our brain depends on for normal function.

What is Grb and What Does it Do?

Grb is one of many vital proteins in the brain, and it is part of the MAPK pathway. This pathway is one of the most tightly regulated pathways due to its ability to both help and inhibits the usage of insulin in our brains. There are two separate mechanisms of insulin: regular insulin signaling and the competition against insulin, where MAPK performs exactly the same function in two different environments.

Breaking down the two pathways; too little normal signaling can be compared to a traffic stop where the light is green and there is a car not proceeding. When that car is not moving, the entire normal pathway is slowed and insulin can’t perform its vital functions in the brain. On the other hand, when the competitive insulin pathway is overstimulated, the situation is similar to a traffic junction where a car blows a red light and starts to cause a traffic jam in the intersection. In this case, too many “cars” in the signal pathway causes a blockage that prevents insulin from doing its job in the brain. Notice how in the two images below the left pathway (MAPK) never changes, but the end result is two entirely different impacts on the insulin binding site. More on Grb and these pathways

Why is this blockage bad?

When insulin is blocked in the brain, there is a wide host of problems that can occur, one of those many problems is the beginnings of Alzheimer’s disease. Many studies have linked Alzheimer’s disease to the inability to properly regulate insulin. Due to the above pathway obstructions (both too little normal signaling and too much competition), insulin will build up and cause a hyperglycemia in the brain. This buildup of sugar leads to the two telltale signs of Alzheimer’s disease; amyloid beta plaques outside the neurons and phosphorylation of a dangerous tau protein inside the cells. These work together to cause irreparable damage to the brain, specifically the neurons that help transmit information. Individuals infected with Alzheimer’s see a substantial drop in their cognitive function, which leads to major quality of life impacts. Once this destructive pathway becomes active, there isn’t much we can do to stop it with current technology outside of treating the symptoms and placing the individuals under the care of another person as their own capacities begin to fail.  This demonstrates how important it is to follow the rules and regulations of the brain, even if you don’t necessarily follow all the rules outside the brain. More on insulin and Alzheimer’s Diesase

Exploring the Caspase Family in Alzheimer’s Disease

An Overview of Alzheimer’s Disease: 

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressively worsening executive cognitive functioning, including memory impairment and overall cognitive deficits. The symptoms start small and may not even be noticed but for the following years, the disease will become much more apparent. Hyperphosphorylation of the tau protein causes the production of neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid-beta plaques, which trigger neuroinflammatory pathways, eventually leading to neurodegeneration/apoptosis, decreasing brain size. Frontiers | The Role of P2X7 Receptor in Alzheimer's Disease | Molecular  Neuroscience

The Caspase Family:

The caspase family includes caspase 1-12 and are all protease enzymes that play significant roles in neuroinflammatory and pro-apoptotic processes. As proteases, these enzymes (caspase 3, 6, and 7) break down proteins into peptide chains, then further into individual amino acids.

The inflammatory caspases (1, 4, 5, 8, and 11) initiate the inflammatory response after a pro-inflammatory cytokine binds to the corresponding receptor. Different caspases communicate with each other to transduce the cytokine’s signal to the cell nucleus, where pro-inflammatory gene transcription is upregulated, leading to higher degrees of cell inflammation. In terms of AD, inflammatory caspases can aggravate the neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques, which can trigger neurodegenerative processes, eventually leading to apoptosis. 

Crystal structure of Caspase-3 (3DEI), the caspase gaining most attention as a possible therapeutic target

The pro-apoptotic and neurodegenerative caspases (2, 8, 9, and 10) are responsible for initiating the apoptotic pathway, leading to the breakdown of various proteins inside the cell into peptides and amino acids, which can lead to the neuron or cell becoming nonfunctional, which triggers programmed cell death pathways. This explains why post-mortem analyses of AD brains are significantly smaller in size than non-AD brains.

The figure below illustrates this idea of how NFT/AB plaques, neuroinflammation, and neurodegeneration are all related through the caspase proteases.

Apoptosis and Neurodegeneration:

It is important to note that caspase-mediated neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative pathways are not themselves impaired in AD progression. Caspases do not like neurofibrillary tangles or amyloid plaques. Their interaction stimulates cytokine release and the pathway that follows responds the way it is supposed to. These proteases are behaving exactly the way they are meant to, but the dysfunction of the upstream pathways is constantly triggering these events.

Can we Treat AD with Caspase Inhibitors?

The short answer is yes, but it may not be a very effective therapeutic aspect in terms of “curing” Alzheimer’s. The formation of neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid-beta plaques is a required prerequisite for hyperstimulating pro-inflammatory cytokine release and thus neurodegeneration and apoptosis. These steps are consequences far downstream from severe kinase pathway dysfunction and developing successful caspase-targeted drugs would not do anything to stop or retard the progression of the disease.

Caspases are at the end of the signal transduction pathway. The progression of AD is not a simple, one-road track. This disease is caused by severe dysfunction of nearly every protein involved in an already complex signal transduction pathway. The caspases are far downstream from these proteins and their actions are a result of chaotic impairment of upstream functioning. Developing a caspase inhibitor could marginally increase the cell lifespan, but in terms of AD pathogenesis, it would do nothing to prevent the disease from progressing. This paper goes further into the neurochemistry of caspase-mediated apoptosis in AD and explains caspase-targeted drug outlook more in-depth.


Caspases are largely responsible for inflammation, neurodegeneration, and apoptosis in Alzheimer’s Disease. While their specific pathways are not dysfunctional themselves, their activity is a result of dysfunction throughout upstream pathways that lead to tau hyperphosphorylation. As proteases that are towards the end of the AD-progressing pathway, using them as drug targets could prolong cell life and may increase cell lifespan at best, but the progression of the disease is much more complicated.

Lifestyle factors can impact brain health


Figure 1: Artstract by L. Hinckley

Alzheimer’s disease:

New research keeps shedding light on Alzheimer’s Disease prevention and treatment. New studies have linked Diabetes Mellitus Type II, which is a major disease in the United States, as a major factor that can contribute to someone developing Alzheimer’s Disease in the future. Insulin functioning in Alzheimer’s Disease is a major topic that is being explored.

What is insulin?

Insulin is a hormone that is released by the body after food is eaten to lower blood sugar. Insulin helps to lower blood sugar by activating cells to store sugar in a long chain, called glycogen, which can be used as a fuel reserve as a gas tank is a fuel reserve for a car.

Variations in diet, even genetics, can change how much insulin needs to be produced by the body. Diets high in sugar and saturated fats, think of fats that are solid at room temperature like coconut oil, can increase insulin production. Eating diets that are high in sugar and saturated fats for many, many years, can increase the likelihood of developing insulin resistance as seen in Figure 1.

What is insulin resistance?

Insulin resistance essentially means that the cells of the body are no longer being activated to the same capacity because the cells have gotten used to so much insulin. Think of this as putting a phone on energy saving mode compared to never putting the phone on energy saving mode, the phone screen is not as bright, the screen turns black faster when not being used, and does not function as usual.

Developing insulin resistance can be increased from having an excess amount of body fat, which can result in obesity. Severe insulin resistance can be diagnosed as Diabetes Mellitus Type II.

Insulin resistance and Alzheimer’s disease

Developing Type II Diabetes reduces the effectiveness of insulin in the body and brain. Insulin is mainly produced by the pancreas. The pancreas is not the only organ to produce insulin, neurons within the brain produce also insulin. Insulin is essential for neuronal function, especially memory and cognition.

Reducing the effectiveness of insulin within the body can contribute to some of the physical hallmarks of Alzheimer’s Disease in conjunction with memory loss and decreased cognition. In one review article, insulin resistance from Type II Diabetes Mellitus completely disrupts normal neuronal functioning. Typically, insulin and insulin growth factors stimulate insulin receptors, which activates IRS, recruiting PI3K, which activates Akt. Akt will deactivate GSK3b, and Akt will go on to activate transcription factors, such as mTor. mTor will activate genes in the neuron to produce more insulin receptors, as well as helps the neurons to grow and survive, as seen in Figure 2.

When insulin receptors are no longer stimulated to the same capacity by insulin and insulin growth factors due to insulin resistance, IRS, PI3K, and Akt activation is decreased or completely stopped, which will allow GSK3b to become overactive. This protein can decrease a neuron’s capacity for growth and life by producing factors within the neuron that stimulate death, as well as neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) and amyloid beta (Ab) plaques, seen in Figure 2. NFT and Ab plaques are hallmarks of Alzheimer’s Disease. These buildups are toxic to neurons and cause neuronal death, which is why symptoms of impaired cognition and memory loss are common in Alzheimer’s Disease.

NFT and Ab plaques can be regulated by insulin. Insulin can help to clear Ab plaques and helps to stop NFT formation, which is why insulin resistance is being looked at for potential therapies to treat Alzheimer’s Disease.

Now what?

Alzheimer’s Disease does not have a cure, but exciting research is being done on drugs that target the insulin pathway to slow and potentially stop the progression of Alzheimer’s. One major factor that can be controlled is diet and exercise. By reducing the amount of saturated fat and sugar in the diet can decrease the likelihood of developing insulin resistance later on in life. Exercise can decrease precursors of saturated fat in the blood and muscles, which promote insulin resistance.

Why care about Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer’s Disease not only takes a toll on people who are diagnosed with this disease, but also their families. More and more people are becoming diagnosed with this, especially in the United States, and more preventative care and treatment options need to be developed.

Forgetting to Live Healthy

Introducing the problem

As advanced as modern medicine is, there are still anomalies which have the scientific community confused. Increasingly Alzheimer’s disease is gaining attention as it becomes more prevalent in society. While chronic diseases take a toll on the patient, there are few more devastating than Alzheimer’s. Friends and family have to sit on the sideline and watch as loved ones deteriorate into an unrecognizable shell of their former self. While we wait for a pharmacologic silver bullet, there are ways to buy time. By simply understanding the basics of the disease we can make lifestyle changes to swing the odds in our favor.

Getting to the root of the problem

To understand Alzheimer’s, you must understand Amyloid plaques and Neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs). These are the two physiologic trademarks of Alzheimer’s. They stimulate changes in the brain like neuroinflammation and neural cell death. The question we ask then is about the origin of these dysfunctions in the brain. Research is pointing in the same direction as the well-known disease Diabetes.

 Insulin is a hormone in the blood which helps regulate blood sugar levels by breaking down glucose and redistributing it as energy throughout the body. Insulin resistance occurs when there is consistently too much sugar in the blood stream and the body’s cells begin to react differently to the hormone. In the body this is the hallmark cause of type 2 diabetes, in the brain it may be the leading cause of Alzheimer’s.

Insulin resistance and its affects

In the brain, insulin resistance affects different signaling pathways which normally have healthy regulation and affects. When insulin receptors are bonded PI3K is activated, this leads to the activation of the protein kinase AKT which inhibits GSK-3B. Conversely, PI3K disruption is responsible for the hyperphosphorylation of TAU proteins, which are the main component of NFTs. Also, when GSK is not activated it leads to the deposition of Amyloid plaques. This is not the only pathway affected by insulin resistance. The MTOR pathway is activated by PI3K and its normal function is healthy, when disrupted it leads to TAU phosphorylation and AD pathogenesis. “Insulin resistance boosts the detrimental forces like oxidative stress, cytokines production, and apoptotic process. These phenomena instigate the neurodegenerative process causing impairment in memory and cognitive behavior”-


While we cannot directly control the signaling pathways in our brain, we can control our blood sugar levels by eating healthier and being more active. There are also other external risk factors we can limit to help reduce the odds of developing AD. Oxidative stress caused by fatty diets can cause neuroinflammation. There are also correlational studies linking stressful lifestyles, specifically occupations, to increased chances of developing AD. The most important external factor we cannot control. Age is the biggest risk as we see the eventual death of brain cells with aging.


While there is no magic pill a person can take to cure Alzheimer’s there are things a person can do to help limit your chances of developing this terrible disease. Being mindful about diet, exercise, and personal stress levels can increase your chances of growing old without losing your memory.

Hmmmm…. APOE…. why should I care?


We’ve spoken quite a bit about the impacts that amyloid plaque can have on the anatomy of our brains, and subsequently how those changes in anatomy can have negative effects on our cognitive function. But in case you forgot I will provide a brief overview. Plaques accumulate over time naturally, however, in Alzheimer’s our brain fails to keep up with the demand for clearance and is therefore overwhelmed by the buildup of these plaques. The abnormal levels of these plaques clump together and are found positioned between neurons, ultimately disrupting cellular function as shown below (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). 

Consider for a moment that we could simply remove these plaques, it may not solve our problem entirely but perhaps it could lead to a decrease in negative symptoms momentarily. Lucky for us the advancement of technology has provided new techniques to not only decrease amyloid plaque formation initially, but to potentially remove it from an area entirely after is has begun to accumulate. 

It might be helpful to first provide some background information that is required to understand the topic. Embedded within an amyloid plaque lies a protein called APOE. APOE is located near the center of the amyloid-APOE complex and is accessible from the exterior given the right circumstances. These complexes come together with AB Fibrils, proteins that are initially soluble but become insoluble after their assembly is altered, this combination is what forms the amyloid plaques that we are so used to talking about. You can see this without my poor explanation in the figure shown below.

Changes in APOE proteins are thought to be one of the largest risk factors for Alzheimer’s, different unnatural changes to the protein can lead to differing severities of the disease. The figure below demonstrates the negative side effects that can come from the unnatural variations of APOE. 

Researchers at Washington University recently discovered antibodies that can target and initiate removal of plaques from the brain by directly binding to the APOE domains. By doing this the antibodies effectively flag the compound for degradation by the local immune system. Although it is meant to be a humorous take on the immune systems response to APOE, the picture that I altered may help you remember this point

When these immune cells target the APOE, scientists discovered that the immune cells would also carry away the connected amyloid plaque that had formed around the APOE. In this situation you can think of the APOE-plaque complex as the metaphorical saying “throwing the baby out with the bathwater,” except in this case it’s a positive.

It should be noted however, that there is a caveat to this claim relating to the removal of plaques via antibody binding. Scientists believe that using antibodies may only be effective during the early stages of amyloid plaque build-up. The scientists from Washington noted that if too much plaque is present, that the addition of antibodies might not be enough to counteract the inevitable disease that is Alzheimer’s.

“Okay,” you might say, “but surely APOE has other important roles in the body, degrading all of it would be bad.” And indeed you would be right, APOE does have other important roles in the body such as “the transfer of cholesterol and phospholipid between cells” (Liao et al, 2017). Luckily however, researchers found an antibody that only affects the APOE in the brain and not throughout the rest of the body. Initially the researchers were stumped as to why the antibody (antibody HAE-4) only affected the APOE in the brain. But of course, someone else had done their research for them, it turns out that there are three different naturally occurring isoforms of APOE. Different isoforms are present depending on the region of the body, the brain having its own individual isoform entirely (from what I gathered from the article). This difference allows antibodies, and therefore researchers, to target the brain’s APOE without worrying about damaging the subject. Because of this discrepancy, researchers can potentially use antibody technology to prevent Alzheimer’s disease in the future.


Liao, F., Yoon, H., & Kim, J. (2017, February). Apolipoprotein E metabolism and functions in brain and its role in Alzheimer’s disease. Current opinion in lipidology. Retrieved September 27, 2021, from   

ScienceDaily. (2018, March 26). Antibody removes alzheimer’s plaques, in mice. ScienceDaily. Retrieved September 27, 2021, from  

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). What happens to the brain in alzheimer’s disease? National Institute on Aging. Retrieved September 27, 2021, from  




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