Memories and Stress

What is PTSD?

PTSD is post-traumatic stress disorder. It is characterized by a number of symptoms that follow a traumatic event in someone’s life. PTSD symptoms are organized into four clusters: re-experiencing, avoidance, arousal and reactivity, and cognition and mood. An example of re-experiencing symptoms would be nightmares or flashbacks of the event. Avoidance symptoms involve staying away from places or people who are reminders of the event. Arousal and reactivity symptoms include angry outbursts and hypervigilance. Mood and cognition symptoms include negative thoughts about oneself and a distorted sense of guilt. It is interesting to note that of all the people who experience trauma that would fit the diagnostic criteria for PTSD, only about 10-20% actually develop it.

Animal Models for Anxiety

When studying the effects of stressful situations, animal models are typically used. A research article by Reul focused on the use of commonly used mouse models and stress paradigms. One common paradigm is known as the forced-swim test. The photo above is a depiction of what a forced swim test looks like. In this test a mouse is placed in a container of water with sides that are high enough that it is unable to escape. Eventually the mouse will no longer try to escape or swim and will just float in the water until it is removed. Even in this stressful situation, the mouse will remember that it has no means of escape from the container and on a repeated trial will spend less time trying to escape. This particular test has shown itself useful for the testing of antidepressants. An effective antidepressant will prolong the amount of time that the mouse spends looking for an escape. This also allows us to look out how the brain changes when we make memories under stressful circumstances.


The linked video does a fantastic job of explaining what epigenetics are. How does that relate to PTSD and anxiety? One thing that can cause epigenetic changes is environmental stress. The environmental stress can be the traumatic experience that leads to PTSD. Stress causes the release of hormones known as glucocorticoids. Glucocorticoids can affect cellular functioning and when their levels are elevated long term it can have detrimental health effects. The particular area of interest in epigenetic changes associated with PTSD is the hippocampus. The hippocampus is the part of the brain that is crucial for the formation of memories. Changes here can lead to loss of memory functioning.

The Dentate Gyrus

The dentate gyrus is a small portion of the hippocampus that receives sensory information that has gone to another part of the brain first. This means that it is not receiving raw information, but rather information that has been partially processed. The figure above is a view of the hippocampus that shows where the dentate gyrus is located. The dentate gyrus plays a role in the formation of memories but is also important for pattern separation. Pattern separation occurs when, for example, a red pen and a blue marker activate different responses in the brain. The dentate gyrus is responsible for making the representations of those two different things in the brain more different. What research has found is that the hippocampus and dentate gyrus is smaller in people with PTSD. This could be leading to a lack of pattern separation that makes something that was not associated with trauma cause fear because it cannot be distinguished from another thing that was associated with trauma.

Benefits of Exercise

It has been said a hundred times that exercise has huge benefits for your health. One mental health benefit is that exercise has been shown to reduce anxiety. Exercise has been used in conjunction with therapy to alleviate symptoms for people who have been diagnosed with anxiety disorders. Exercise should not be overlooked as a way to relieve anxiety that is so common in many of our daily lives.

Relationship between Alzheimer’s and Type 2 Diabetes

Research has consistently found that there is a link between Type 2 Diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease. People with one condition are more likely to develop one disease if they already have the other. What is happening here? A recent article by Vieira, Lima-Filho, and Felice advances the role of insulin resistance in Alzheimer’s Disease

What is Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 2 Diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance in the body. When food is eaten, it is broken into glucose and enters the bloodstream. Insulin is released from the pancreas in response to glucose entering the bloodstream. Insulin’s job is to help cells absorb and use glucose. In Type 2 Diabetes, the cells become resistant to insulin and can no longer use the glucose in the body. This causes elevated blood sugar levels and starves the body’s cells of glucose. The figure above is a graphic representation of insulin resistance.

What is Alzheimer’s Disease?

Alzheimer’s is a neurodegenerative disease that causes a loss of cognitive function. The figure above shows a comparison of a healthy brain to the losses sustained through Alzheimer’s Disease. The two characteristic features of Alzheimer’s Disease are a buildup of neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques. Amyloid plaques are formed when a larger protein is cleaved to form amyloid-beta. One potential form of this smaller protein, AB42, is harmful to the brain. In normal brains, AB42 is formed in relatively small amounts and can be cleared. In Alzheimer’s this process does not occur and amyloid-beta builds up and forms plaques in the brain. Neurofibrillary tangles occur when proteins known as tau begin to misfunction. In healthy brains, tau is a part of the microtubule system in cells that acts like a railroad system in the cell. In Alzheimer’s, tau detaches from the microtubules and builds up in the brain and disrupts functioning.

Insulin Resistance in Alzheimer’s

The article mentioned at the beginning of my post investigated the role of insulin resistance in Alzheimer’s Disease. Researchers have found that insulin resistance appears to occur in the brain in the case of Alzheimer’s. As I mentioned, insulin resistance causes cells to starve because they cannot use the glucose that is in the bloodstream. The existence of this phenomenon in the brain can cause the death of neurons in the brain because they are not receiving proper nutrients. It would be irresponsible to suggest this as the absolute cause of Alzheimer’s. As a result, below I outline some other mechanisms and potential causes recognized in current research.

The Role of Inflammation

Inflammation occurs as an immune system response. In the brain, the cells that act as a part of the immune system are microglia. The microglia make attempts to clear the amyloid plaques that have built up, but for reasons that are still debated are unable to. This can be harmful to the brain because microglia can inadvertently harm healthy cells within the brain when they try to eliminate amyloid plaques. This can contribute to cell death within the brain

Chronic Inflammation in Alzheimer’s Disease

Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress

The endoplasmic reticulum is an organelle that is responsible for folding proteins. This is important because the amyloid-beta protein that is made within the brain travels to the endoplasmic reticulum to be folded. The endoplasmic reticulum is very sensitive to changes in the cell’s natural state and will not function properly when under stress. This means that the amyloid-beta protein is likely to be misfolded and contribute to the amyloid plaques. It is currently unclear what causes endoplasmic reticulum stress, some possible factors could be the existing disease pathology, inflammation, or aging.


There appears to be a strong link between Alzheimer’s and Type 2 Diabetes. This potentially leads back to Alzheimer’s Disease involving insulin resistance in the brain. There are a lot of other factors at play in the development of Alzheimer’s, including inflammation responses and cellular stress. Continued research will hopefully answer some questions but will likely bring in more questions about why some people develop Alzheimer’s Disease.

WHACK: Concussions and Neurometabolism

Concussions are a growing concern in athletics as we learn more about the consequences of multiple concussions and long-term dangers. Not only are large traumatic concussions of concern, mild traumatic brain injuries (TBI) that occur repetitively can also be damaging.

After the trauma of a concussion, the cell membrane is disrupted from stretching and increases the permeability of ions across the membrane. Large amounts of sodium and calcium enter the cell while potassium leaves the cell. Typically, sodium enters the cell for depolarization and potassium exits the cell only to re-establish the resting potential after depolarization. The flux of ions therefore, induces spontaneous depolarization of neurons.

Potassium levels are quickly re-establishing by potassium pumps. However, potassium pumps require energy from the hydrolysis of ATP to move potassium back into the cell. This requires a lot of ATP. Cells produce ATP through glycolysis in the mitochondria. Glycolysis uses sugars such as glucose to produce ATP, reducing power and pyruvate. Under normal conditions, pyruvate is converted to acetyl-coa and enters the citric acid cycle to produce further reducing power. The reducing power is used in the electron transport chain to produce large quantities of ATP. If glycolysis goes into overdrive, the pyruvate will be converted to lactate which is highly inefficient for ATP production. This hyperglycolysis depletes energy stores quickly and is unsustainable for the cell. Additionally, lactate can cause neuronal dysfunction, changes in blood brain barrier permeability, and brain inflammation, which are all associated with long-term damage triggered by concussions.

Neurometabolic Cascade after Concussion

This period of hyperglycolysis lasts about 24 hours before the polar opposite process occurs. For this part of the story calcium is the star and villain. To combat high levels of calcium, the cell sequesters calcium in the mitochondria. However, the stress of sequestering calcium leads to the increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) that typically act as signaling molecules. ROS impairs the mitochondria’s ability to perform glycolysis, which causes hypoglycolysis. As a result, the cell is in an extreme low energy state. During the period of hypoglycolysis, working memory is impaired. This phase will last between two and four weeks depending on the individual.

Neurometabolism gradually returns to normal, alleviating many of the symptoms. However, this can be deceiving because the brain is often inflamed for up to a year after the trauma. Though not completely understood, the event of repeated concussions can have long-term implications for individuals, such as the development of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) which is similar to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

The most vulnerable time for a repeated concussion is during the recovery period of a concussion. If a second concussion occurs while the cell is in hypoglycolysis, it is hypothesized that neurons cannot combat the extreme efflux of potassium as ATP in the cell is depleted. Therefore, it is common protocol to prohibit individuals with concussions to partake in activities that risk another concussion. A challenge is that recovery time differs greatly between individuals which makes it difficult to ascertain when the individual has recovered. More research in the indicators of concussions and the recovery thereof are essential to properly treat concussions and mild TBIs.

BrainSTORMing to understand Autism Spectrum Disorder… and Rain Man

Rain Man, a breakthrough Hollywood film from the late eighties, brought us a representation of a man with autism. The film enabled us to better understand how one specific individual with autism perceives the world. We as a society can do better at giving individuals with autism the necessary resources to allow for them to have the comfort and safety in their everyday lives.

While this film brought autism to the public attention, we must be careful at what we take away from this film. We must not walk away from this film with the impression that all individuals with autism are savants, as Oscar winning actor Dustin Hoffman displayed in his portrayal of Raymond Babbitt. We must realize that autism falls under the umbrella term, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and that individuals with ASD can express many different symptoms and behaviors.


The symptoms and behaviors that correspond with ASD affect each individual differently on how they understand and react to the world around them. No two people are affected in the exact same way.

“If you’ve seen ONE child with autism, you’ve seen ONE child with autism.”

There are many questions to why this statement is true. However, research has been done to help explain the complexity of the vast array of symptoms and behaviors.



 There are a number of factors that can influence the development of ASD including genetics. Genetic mutations can be visible in many different proteins and genes such as SHANK, UBE3A, MECP2, and TSC1-TSC2. Increased risk of these mutations may also be due to environmental reasons, complications during pregnancy, or older aged parents.



Genes encoding for the SHANK protein are seen in individuals with ASD. These proteins are known as scaffolding proteins, which function in synapse morphology. When this protein is mutated, which has been performed in animal studies, various symptoms and behaviors that fall under ASD are observed. Motor behavior and social interaction is most noticeably affected.



UBE3A is a gene that is essential for neuronal growth and codes for an enzyme that breaks down other proteins within the cell. In ASD, this gene has been noticed to be mutated or deleted. Without this gene, an important protein known as ARC continues to be made. The ARC protein weakens the synapse by removing AMPA receptors. AMPA receptors are integral to plasticity and synaptic transmission. A weakened synapse leads to ASD related symptoms.



MECP2 acts a transcription repressor and is involved in ensuring that DNA is folded into chromatin properly. When this gene is mutated, DNA is not folded properly causing an imbalance between inhibition and excitation. Too much or too little MECP2 protein leads to ASD symptoms.



TSC1-TSC2 are proteins that work closely with growth factors such as brain derived neurotropic factor (BDNF). When these proteins are activated a, GTPase activating protein (GAP) is reduced leading to a cascade of proteins being activated. Rheb is activated, followed by mTOR. When TSC1-TSC2 proteins are mutated, the activation cascade is disrupted leading to abnormal protein synthesis and ASD symptoms.


These genetic factors are just some of the reasons for the vast array of symptoms and behaviors associated with ASD. The effects of all disorders under the umbrella term are unpredictable and wide ranging. On top of that, many of it is not completely understood.


The umbrella has continued to expand. As more research continues to be done, the umbrella will most likely continue to expand. Whether you think it is right to have a broader spectrum or not, we can all take more time to brainstorm and educate ourselves on what falls under the umbrella.


The film, Rain Man, successfully brought massive public awareness towards one specific autism spectrum disorder. It is up to us, however, to maintain a momentum of interest and action so that efforts in understanding ASD and treating the disorders under the umbrella can continue to improve.


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Just Because We Can, Should We?

Austism spectrum disorder (ASD) includes a large range of conditions that is characterized by difficulties with social skills, communication, and repetitive behaviors. As of right now, there is no cure for ASD, and the current treatments include behavioral management therapy, medication treatments, nutritional therapy, and more.

Since ASD is largely a genetic disorder, it is justified to presume any effective cure would be based in gene altering practices. However, with gene altering technology comes things such as protecting and securing DNA data bases and each family’s confidentiality. The most controversial of all considerations might be the abuse of further research of gene altering technology to moving into the realm of eugenics, which is controlled breeding by choosing favorable genetic traits. This begs the question, should we knowingly alter the genes of an unborn child because those genes might lead to ASD?

The Debate

Many believe a cure should be pursued. Those suffering from or supporting those that suffer from the more severely debilitating symptoms of ASD have seen the worst of what the disorder can bring: extreme difficulty with sleeping, focusing, communication, and much more. Those advocating for a cure might not see ASD as being an integral part of who someone is but more of a chain holding someone back from living a fulfilling life.

But of course, not everyone on the spectrum suffers from severe symptoms. Many that have experience with the less severe symptoms advocate that a cure is an unethical pursuit. They believe that by pursuing a cure for autism it would lead to completely and irrevocably changing a person, and there is no justifiable reason to do so.

A Slippery but Useful Slope

The pursuit of a cure would undoubtedly lead to major advancements in understanding the human genome with hopefully having the ability to know exactly what genes cause ASD and why. But the case made here is if a cure is pursued, one must be deliberate and proactive in their research.

This is to say, with the knowledge of how to alter gene expression ultimately comes the ability to change genes whether or not they are harmful, so preventative laws or policies to avoid the use of eugenics must be enforced. Pursuing scientific advances isn’t always ethical, and in the case of gene altering technology, crossing the line can be far too easy and appealing. (If you want to read more about the ethics of gene altering technology, click here.)

Freedom is Key

Ultimately, the choice of whether to change a child’s genome before they are born to prevent ASD would be left up to the parents. If this were to ever become a reality, it should never be forced upon a parent given the sheer lack of knowledge of how ASD would affect the child in the future.

The Science

As mentioned before, ASD is predominantly a genetic disorder. Furthermore, the implicated causes for ASD are genetic in nature.  A mutation in the following proteins are linked to certain forms of ASD:

  • L-VSCC in Timothy syndrome
  • RSK2 in Coffin-Lowry syndrome
  • CBP in Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome
  • Ube3A in Angelman syndrome
  • MECP2 in Rett syndrome


Additionally, strong evidence has linked mutations of neuroligin and neurexin synaptic adhesion molecules to ASD. Neuroligin and neurexin work together to modulate the formation and function of synapses. For example, neuroligin-3 ASD missense mutations in knock-in mice showed similar characteristics known to ASD.

Another example of a gene mutation linked to ASD is the mutation of the FMR1 gene that causes Fragile X Syndrome, which leads to the decreased expression of the protein FMRP, which regulates the translation of certain mRNAs at the synapse.

Autism: a Disorder to Cure or a Personality Change to Accept

Autism Spectrum Disorder is characterized by presence of particular symptoms explained by certain DSM-5 criteria.  To summarize, the disorder is characterized by problems with social functioning across multiple contexts, repetitive or restrictive behavior, presence in early development, impairment that is significantly different than normal, and exclusion of any other intellectual disability to better explain the symptoms a person experiences.  In addition to this, the DSM characterizes the disease based on severity.  These levels can largely impact what kind of treatments are desired or available.  Level 1 “requiring support” is characterized by inflexibility that significantly impairs ability to switch between activities, and organize or plan for future events.  Level 2 “requiring substantial support” is characterized by behavior inflexibility, difficulty coping with change, or other repetitive and restrictive behaviors.  These impairments are obvious, even to a casual observer.  Communication skills (both verbal and non-verbal) are significantly impaired and social interaction is limited.  Level 3 “requiring very substantial support” is often referred to as severe autism.  People with this level of disorder experience severe distress when attempting to transition to new activities or thoughts.  They also suffer with lack of flexibility in behavior but this inflexibility interferes with all contexts.  Coping with change is severely compromised and social interactions are rarely sought out.  When social interaction is sought out, attempts are made in inappropriate or unusual ways.  Despite knowledge of the genetic component, little is known about the exact mechanism that causes autism.  New research suggests a pathway as well as possible drug treatments for the disorder.

Neurological Underpinnings

In a normally functioning brain, release of a chemical called glutamate leads to opening of certain channels that allow movement between adjacent cells and extracellular fluid.  This movement leads to ion flux which activates a variety of downstream effects through modification of transcription.  Transcription is a vital aspect of DNA replication that leads to genes being read and used properly.  In ASD, Calcium channels are open too much leading to excess Calcium entering the cell and changes in transcription.  Genetic information is then read improperly, leading to the behavior we characterize as Autism.  One possible genetic predictor of ASD is SHANK protein.  SHANK proteins are separated into several different categories, but SHANK 2 and SHANK 3 are best understood in term of ASD.  SHANK 3 is largely responsible for social interaction deficits and repetitive behaviors while SHANK 2 is largely responsible for abnormal motor behavior and problems with vocalization and socialization.  Identification of these has pharmaceutical impacts.  A drug that partially blocks a certain kind of receptor and a drug that activates a gene that regulates ion flux have been shown to decrease behaviors commonly associated with autism.  These studies have been done on mice, but these drugs shed light on potential interventions to cure the underlying mechanisms of Autism Spectrum disorder.


Vital to human existence is our ability to relate to those around us.  We crave connection and relation and when we feel misunderstood, we feel isolated and alone.  In these times, we reach out to anyone we can.  For many families living with autism, reaching out has turned into so much more. Parents of children with ASD often form community forums and support groups.  These pages aim to educate other parents and share useful resources for parenting children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

One argument against “curing” autism is that people with autism are a part of a certain community due to their disability.  This is similar to people who experience deafness and have the opportunity to use a cochlear implant.  At first glance it seems like an amazing opportunity: for the first time a person can hear their own voice or the voice of a loved one.  There are countless heartwarming videos when a child hears their parent’s voice for the first time, but there is so much more to the journey.  The brain has to develop new pathways to accomodate this new sensation.  This new sensation can be overwhelming and challenging to deal with.  In addition, this person no longer relates to the deaf community as they once did.  They no longer have a support system who fully understands what they are going through.  This is similar to the experience people with autism would have if they were “cured.”  They no longer would have a community that fully understands what they’re going through.

Hidden Beauty

Creating a cure for a disease on a surface level sounds like something we couldn’t argue against.  In this case, it’s a little more complex.  Some people with autism feel a sense of freedom through their diagnosis while others are burdened by their social exclusion and inflexibility.  Despite this, there is a sense of beauty in something so unique.  Underneath the repetitive behavior, anxiety, and self injury is often a passion deeper than what is expected.  People with severe autism aren’t impacted by the world the way people without are.  The role they play is not defined by the success they have in traditional endeavors like careers and families.  Instead, success is defined by the little things: ability to interact with others, sitting, sleeping, playing.  Celebration is prolonged and exciting.  Anyone who has worked with people with disabilities can tell you just how rewarding it can be.  It’s the little things like teaching a child with autism how to make mac and cheese.  It was such a little event, but the sense of pride he developed from doing something completely on his own was like nothing I’d ever seen before, and it changed the way I see the world.  Every little victory means so much more.  Whether you believe in a cure, acceptance, or a little bit of both Autism Spectrum Disorder is so much more than what first meets the eye.

ARC: A Keystone Player in the Over-ARCing Storyline of the Development of ASD

Artstract by Allegra Bentrim

Autism spectrum disorders are genetic disorders and are present in about one percent of children. Differences in social behaviour and communication often stereotype ASD, with high-functioning individuals on the spectrum being thought of as intelligent, if quirky. However, there are much more serious and debilitating forms of autism that individuals experience. Termed severe or nonverbal autism, children with these conditions are unable to sit and focus, to eat, and even unable to sleep through a night.

Researchers have been looking for a mechanistic explanation for how ASD develops and is expressed in individuals throughout the spectrum. One review article focusses on the dysregulation of activity-dependent signalling at synapses in the brain. Diving into the genetic molecular causes for development of ASD, there is one key player that stands out: ARC.

ARC is a protein that seems to play a role in the development of autism. These proteins are made immediately following activation of an excitatory neuron, transcribed from a class of genes characterized by their quick transcription: Immediate Early Genes. Essentially, if all works normally, the ARC protein gets synthesized following an excitatory synapse and does its job to prune synapses. Transcribed in the right amounts, the ARC protein helps the right amount of AMPA receptors to be present in the synapse which allows the synapse to grow stronger at a healthy rate over time. ARC proteins function to modify synapses in all sorts of pathways including memory, addiction, and depression. It modifies synapses by pulling AMPA receptors out of the post-synaptic density, which causes the synapse not to strengthen to the same degree as if ARC had not played a role. The ARC protein is important because if excitatory activity lead to unmediated increase of synapse strength, then this over-stimulation of neural connections would contribute to dysregulation of synaptic plasticity.

Under transcription of the Arc gene leads to over-activity of synapses because there is less ARC protein around to influence and balance the synapse. This is a part of what we think is happening in the development and proliferation of ASD. This ARC inactivity hypothesis posits that the activation of neurons in the presence of an unhealthy diminished production of ARC leads to over-excitation and over-activation of synapses. Too much stimulation of synapses leads to long term potentiation of signals and if these signals repeatedly trace neural pathways enough times, morphological changes happen in the neurons. This property of neurons is productive under healthy circumstances: this is how we form memories and how we learn. However, over-stimulation and too much morphology could be why high-functioning and severe ASD is developing.

Other genetic diseases seem linked to the ARC protein as well. Fragile X Syndrome is an example of the opposite effect as what we see in ASD. In Fragile X Syndrome, over production of the ARC protein is linked to increased depression of synapses. The over-abundance of the ARC protein causes more AMPA receptors to be pulled out of synapses, weakening neural connections. Similar to the ARC deficiency seen in ASD, in tuberous sclerosis there is a decrease in ARC protein abundance stemming from a decreased translation of ARC mRNA.

ARC plays a fundamental role in the pruning of excitatory synapses, the dysregulation and dysfunction of which can lead to neural disorders on either side of the ARC balance.

Autism: A Spectrum of Disorders

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) have become a large topic of discussion in the public eye for many years. While previously it had been treated and diagnosed as many distinct conditions, the medical community eventually recategorized it as a range of disorders on the same spectrum. If you’re interested in the rich history of diagnosing and characterizing ASD, check out this article. It is particularly difficult to characterize and discuss because it is a complicated array of diseases that have a large variety of symptoms, signs, and related diagnoses. It is also very difficult to properly analyze because there is widespread misinformation about ASD, in particular regarding vaccines. Due to this, it is very important for scientists to share information, especially novel research about ASD to combat misconceptions and ignorance about the topic.

What is ASD?

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the DSM5, or the diagnostic manual that psychiatrists use in practice, ASD is characterized by three main persistent deficits. First, is deficits in social- emotional reciprocity. People with ASD may struggle to share emotions, participate in normal back-and-forth conversation, or may have poor approach to social situations. Second, ASD is characterized by difficulties with nonverbal communication skills. Those affected may struggle making eye contact, lack of facial expressions and gestures, and an inability to interpret facial expressions and gestures from other parties. Finally, those with ASD will most likely struggle with interpersonal relationships. Adjusting to social context may be challenging or there may be a disinterest in peers overall. ASD includes a wide range of disorders, and the severity varies by a large number of characterizations as well. Additionally, characterization of a variety of related issues can coincide with a diagnosis of ASD, including identification of a intellectual or speech impairment, a behavioral disorder, or an underlying genetic cause, like Rett Syndrome.

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Autism: Losing the Trees in the Forest


Autism is a very broad topic, mostly because the disorder manifests itself differently in every single person who has it. There are people with autism spectrum disorder who have difficulty completing daily tasks. There are also people with the disorder where it is completely invisible. Focusing on the broad, overview of autism masks the more complicated mechanism of the disorder. It is in these mechanisms that treatments for autism and its symptoms lie.

Some Context

Most neurological disorders can be classified into two categories: too much excitation of the neurons (neurons firing too much) or too much inhibition (neurons not firing enough). For example, excessive excitation in the amygdala is linked to anxiety disorders. Autism arguably fits into both categories, as it is linked to mutations that mess with the balance of inhibitory and excitatory neurons.

Image result for parts of a synapse"


How a Cell becomes a Neuron

Our experiences is what drives neuronal development. Excitatory synapses form on the dendritic spines (the spikey parts of the neuron). This makes since as glutamate (an excitatory neurotransmitter) binds to NMDA and AMPA receptors, which promote the development of dendritic spines. Additionally, these receptors help strength the synapse so it fires more quickly.


In our DNA[ii]

Dna, String, Biology, 3D, Biotechnology, Chemistry

We tend to think of DNA as something that is static, like something that is kept up in a safe and rarely pulled out. In reality, DNA is dynamic, playing a vital role in cell functioning and differentiation. How DNA interacts with the rest of the cell is determined by our experiences. For example, glutamate and the NMDA receptors trigger an increase in calcium inside the cell. This activates multiple pathways (outlined in the figure below). These pathways then activate transcription factors, which influence which genes get turned into mRNA. mRNA then helps make the proteins, which perform a specific function.

Autism is a genetic disorder. In the context of transcription, this means that mutated genes get transcribed, altering synaptic growth and development as a result of experience. Well, there are many different genetic mutations that lead to autism, there are two main proteins that are affected: neuroligins and neurexins and SHANK proteins.


Neuroligins and Neurexins

Neuroligins and neurexins are examples of adhesion proteins. They are involved in neuronal differentiation. Neuroligins are post-synaptic proteins, serving as receptors for neurexins. Certain neuroligins are excitatory whilst some are inhibitory. Neurexins help bind other postsynaptic proteins together.

Mice with a mutation on the neuroligin-3 gene show altered social behavior similar to that of autism and increased inhibitory transmission.  However, the mice show no problems with excitatory transmission, creating an imbalance between these two types of neurons. Similarly, mice with an overexpression of the Nlgn1 gene (which codes for these proteins) increases excitatory synapses. Overexpression of the normal gene leads to a decrease in excitatory synapses, along with weaken of those present. When the gene is completely removed, problems with NMDA receptor mediated currents arise.

Overall, neuroligins and neurexins affect multiple pathways. All these problems may explain the broadness and diversity among autism.


SHANK is a scaffolding protein. (For an explanation of scaffolding proteins, click here). These proteins help in the differentiation and function of synapses. Autism is linked to mutations in three different variants of the SHANK protein, creatively named SHANK1, SHANK2, and SHANK3. Mice without these proteins show varying symptoms. For example, mice without SHANK2 show problems with motor behavior and vocalization whereas those without SHANK3 show more problems with social interaction. All this might explain the diversity of symptoms of autism.[iv]

Comorbidity with Other Disorders

Autism may not be an isolated disorder. In some cases it can be, but it can also be a symptom of larger more complex disorders. Like autism these disorders come from genetic mutations and imbalance in excitatory and inhibitory neurons.

Fragile X syndrome: This disorder is caused by a mutation on the FMRI gene, located on the X chromosome. The mutation leads to a decreased amount of the FMRP protein. This protein plays a vital role in synaptic plasticity, basically ensuring that the synapses stay strong. Without the protein, dendritic spine growth becomes excessive, leading to too many immature spines. This causes behavioral issues and developmental delays.

Tuberous sclerosis complex: This disorder manifests as benign tumors on various organs and often coexists with autism. It is caused by a mutation on two genes that make two proteins: TSC1 and TSC2, both proteins work very closely with brain derived neurotropic factor (BDNF). The exact schematic is described in the figure below. Basically, when the TSC proteins are activated, the activity of GTPase activating protein (GAP) is reduced. This activates the protein Rheb, which in turn activates the protein mTOR. Without the activation of TSC, this pathway is disrupted and abnormal protein synthesis. It is still unclear exactly how this disorder is connected to autism.

Timothy syndrome: This disorder causes complications in many areas of the body. Symptoms include: heart problems, deformities in fingers and toes, problems in the central and peripheral nervous system. It is caused by a mutation in the CACNA1c gene, leading to an increase in calcium ions in the synapse. This leads to activation of a variety of calcium dependent pathways, which are heavily involved in synaptic plasticity and cell growth.

Angelman Syndrome: Typically diagnosed early in life, Angelman syndrome is linked to seizures, lack of coordination, a microcephaly and other symptoms. Unlike other disorders, Angelman syndrome is caused by a deletion of a single allele, chromosomal region 15q11-q13 to be exact. This leads to a loss of UBE3A, a gene that is essential for neuronal growth.

Rett Syndrome: Caused by mutations in the MECP2 gene, Rett syndrome causes motor system disabilities and seizures in addition to autism. Normally, MECP2 is involved in ensuring that DNA is folded into chromatins properly. In Rett syndrome, this is not the case. Additionally, the gene may play a role in regulating the balance between inhibitory and excitatory synapses.

The Forest

Autism is a complicated disorder, with so many varying symptoms and causes. But, this is where hope lies. If improved treatments for autism are going to be developed, this is where they will be. Examining these details can improve the quality of live for people with autism. At the very least, it can help those without empathize with those who have autism.


[ii]Image courtesy of pixabay

[iv] Activity-dependent neuronal signaling and autism spectrum disorder

Artstract by Mitzi Probst





Linking the Ends of the Spectrum – A Cellular Basis of Autism Spectrum Disorder

When we hear the word “autism,” there are likely several things that come to mind. For many, it’s likely the image of the stereotypical “gifted” child – a child who often talks obsessively about unusual subjects, speaks in a specific tone, has trouble with social interactions or cues, and struggles to make friends. Maybe it’s the vaccination debate – if you’ve been around long enough, you’ve likely heard the social argument that “vaccination causes autism.” Or perhaps you’ve heard the term “autistic” thrown around as a derogatory slang term. Then again, some of us don’t even know what “autism” exactly is. Whatever it may be, the ever expanding subject of autism has made its way into modern day media through news, entertainment, stories, and even TV shows such as Netflix series Atypical, shaping the way that we define or view autistic individuals. Despite the stereotypes or television tropes you might have become familiar with, autism disorder is, quite literally, a spectrum – a complicated disorder that presents uniquely for each person, and one we are still far from understanding. Fortunately, advancements in research have allowed us to peer into the minds of these brilliant, fascinating individuals, and like most disorders, an understanding starts with studying things down at the cellular level. In this way, autism disorder is no different from the rest.

What is Autism?

The begging question still stands – what exactly is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Autism spectrum disorder, or ASD, as defined by the CDC, is “a developmental disability that can cause significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges.” This definition seems, frankly, quite vague. Typical symptoms include:

  • Intellectual and verbal impairments, especially during development, failure to hit developmental milestones
  • Repetitive actions and motions
  • Problems with coordination and motor development
  • Trouble interacting with, but having interest in others
  • Prefer to be alone and avoid physical contact
  • Trouble reacting to social cues
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Does not understand sarcasm
  • Lose skills they once had over time
  • Hyperactivity
  • ADHD
  • Unusual reactions, temper tantrums
  • Aggression and self injury
  • Digestive or gastrointestinal disorders
  • Potential seizures

For a full list of symptoms, be sure to visit the CDC’s ASD symptom page here.

But what’s the deal with the word “spectrum?” Because the severity of autism manifest themselves to varying degrees, the disorder is characterized by a spectrum. The stereotypical “gifted” child often depicted in media is an example of High Functioning Autism, characterized by someone who can function normally. For example, someone with Asperger’s Syndrome has a mild form of autism. They likely have deficits in social interaction and may either excel in school, or be stressed out by the social situation, but otherwise they can perform day-to-day functions. On the other end of the spectrum, there is Severe Autism. In this form of the disorder, those afflicted might struggle to perform day-to-day tasks such as getting dressed, eating, and even walking and sitting. The graphic below summarizes three notable markers on the autism spectrum.

Symptoms often manifest when a child is 2-3 years of age, and the disorder is often diagnosed around this time as well, though diagnosis is more common in males than females. Above all, what can explain the curiously diverse range of symptoms seen in a single disorder? Keep reading to find out!

[Autism spectrum disorder] is a developmental disability that can cause significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges

Where Does the Spectrum Arise – Why does ASD Happen?

We often think of autism as being characterized by hyperconnectivity and too much brain activity. But is it true?

As we learned, autism can present as various combinations of symptoms across the spectrum. Behind it all, though, what happens in the body that leads to such a vast array of symptoms? What dictates whether or not a child will be born “gifted?” Like many pathologies and disorders in modern medicine, it all traces back to the brain – that big, pink, wrinkly organ that dictates our every move, behavior, judgment, and thought. Down to the core, autism is largely a genetic disorder, meaning that the changes in the brain that predispose someone to autism are already there, even before birth (though that’s not to say that behavior of autistic children can’t be shaped by their social environment as well). Other factors, such as exposure to toxins and parental age can increase a child’s likelihood of developing autism as well. Despite some misconceptions, autism is not a result of poor parenting, and it is a legitimate brain disorder – thus the term “autistic” should not be used as a negative label or slang term.

Fortunately, recent research has shed some light on the microscopic processes that lie behind the broad spectrum. Normally, when learning, neurons in the brain fire and result in one of two processes: long term potentiation (which results from high intensity firing and memory formation, such as reciting a word over and over to remember it) or long term depression (which results from low intensity firing and weakening of memory formation). To learn more about LTP , LTD, and synapses, be sure to visit my previous blog post, or the previous links. Both processes must be regulated to ensure a child’s brain develops properly, with just the right amount of neural connections, or synapses, in a process called pruning.

Similar to pruning a tree, neuronal pruning is an important regulatory process during development. Maintaining a balance between growing and removing synapses allows for just the right level of function.

The best way to explore the spectrum is to find which genes are affected to begin with. Notably, these include:

  • UBE3A: This gene is mutated or deleted in ASD. UBE3A normally codes for an enzyme that breaks down substances in cells. One of these substances is another protein, named ARC. The job of ARC is to reduce neuron excitation by pruning and weakening a synapse by removing AMPA receptors. When there’s too much ARC, too many of these receptors are removed, promoting LTD and decreasing synaptic strength.
  • SHANK: This creatively named protein refers to a protein found in synapses. It is quite literally a scaffold that supports the placement of receptors. It’s safe to say that mutations in genes that code for SHANK proteins could result in defective scaffolds and poor or irregular placement of receptors in a synapse. This could lead to deficits in learning, memory, and development.

Depending on the severity of the mutation and the degree of biochemical damage done downstream, autism symptoms can manifest at various points along the spectrum. Because autism is so complicated, another easier way to understand the spectrum is by studying other disorders that share common mutations with the disorder:

  • Angelman Syndrome: This genetic disorder often has a comorbidity of ASD and shares many common symptoms. Similar to ASD, it is marked by the loss of a gene called UBE3A.
  • Tuberous Sclerosis: Also a genetic disorder, this syndrome is marked by mutations in genes called TSC1 and TSC2. Normally, these genes are tumor suppressors. Mutations in these genes might lead to the development of benign tumors, or too much growth or hyperconnectivity as seen in ASD.
  • Fragile X: Yet another genetic disorder (see a trend here?). The gene at focus here is called FMR1, found on the X chromosome (as noted by the name, Fragile X). Mutation to this gene prevents the production of a protein called FMRP, which is important in proper brain development.

By connecting what we know about autism and similar disorders, we can get a small glimpse into the microscopic world that creates the spectrum and each unique case of autism. At the end of the day, some might find themselves asking, should we cure autism, if the advances of modern day technology and genetics allow us to? Throughout history, autism has been viewed as a gift, a blessing, and for some, a curse. For some, if a cure allows their child to eat, talk, sit, and even walk on their own, then a cure might be the blessing they need to improve their child’s quality of life. But then again, history has seen dozens of gifted individuals who have been, or are suspected to have been, on the spectrum. Among these are Hollywood director Tim Burton, actor Dan Aykroyd, and Scottish artist Susan Boyle. Records even suggest that the genius himself – Albert Einstein – might have shown symptoms characeristic of the spectrum! It’s no doubt that the contributions these people brought to the world have been gifts. But whether you view autism as a blessing or a curse, it all goes to affirm one true statement – at the end of the day, we are all, simply, unique.

For more information about autism, be sure to visit this page, by the Autism Speaks program.





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