The Cracked Stone

I know Concordia is trying really, really hard to meet its “Five Goals of Liberal Learning”. Before I begin talking about these goals, it might be important to state them.

  • Instill a love for learning
  • Develop foundational skills and transferable intellectual capacities
  • Develop an understanding of disciplinary, interdisciplinary and intercultural perspectives and their connections
  • Cultivate an examined cultural, ethical, physical and spiritual self-understanding
  • Encourage responsible participation in the world

And I am not going to lie, the liberal arts education I have received here has certainly met these goals. But has my “capstone experience”?
There are a few things to recognize about the capstone experience before we examine it further. First, it is a class that graduating seniors are required to take. Second, these classes are given the “capstone” listing with the understanding that they emphasize learning in a broader sense than typical classes (i.e. not from textbooks). Indeed, the Concordia College website defines the capstone as follows:
The Capstone Course sequence of the core curriculum focuses on student achievement of the Goals for Liberal Learning, and emphasizes writing intensity and experiential learning.  These courses have students reflect on the Goals for Liberal Learning and thus reinforce the connection between liberal learning and various academic disciplines.  This part of the new curriculum was implemented in the 2010-2011 academic year.  Faculty development will be devoted to managing capstone course development in each academic division.

I worry that Concordia has backed itself into a corner with this definition. How is it that a student can gain a “love of learning” when they are forced to take a class they may not be interested in? Of course, this is the precisely the reason why a large variety of capstone courses are offered: so that a student may find one interesting enough to take. But I was not allowed that choice. The ACS chemistry major (biochemistry concentration) lists neurochemistry as a required course. When I saw that listing, in and of itself, the class was changed from a “liberal learning” course to “just another chemistry course for my major”. It loses all other qualities, simply from my recognition that it was no longer my choice.
Indeed, I love(d) chemistry, and the course was also quite enjoyable from that standpoint. But it was not a “capstone” experience (for me). I wish I could say otherwise, but I would be lying. The writing assignments still felt like assignments, and the tests still felt like tests. And honestly, I cannot complain about the class itself, as I learned much. But to insist that the class behaved in capstone sense (for me) would be fallacious.
Regarding Concordia’s “Five Goals for Liberal Learning”, I had already met them, quite likely during my second year, if memory serves. And thus, as I see it, there is no benefit to the “capstone” experience being labeled as such. If Concordia is truly the strong liberal arts institution I regard it to be, the existence of such an experience is moot. Might I offer a solution that can make both the students and the administration happy?

Students are here to learn, but they do not want to learn everything that is asked of them. Yes, this is hypocritical, but for all intents and purposes this is the truth. Ask any student if they enjoy their homework, and the response will be “no”. And so clearly it follows from this that to “instill a love of learning”, Concordia must ensure that students can pursue their own paths of learning in a subject, however niche or specific that subject may be. And what could the students gain because of this (instead of a grade on a transcript like the capstone course gives)? The students could create whatever they feel fit to create. We already have a Celebration of Student Scholarship each spring. Could it not just be an extra requirement to make seniors showcase their projects then?
What I am proposing, in its most simple sense, is this:

  • Set up a 1-or-0 credit class that is called the “capstone”.
  • Let a student pick a faculty member to work an independent study (one-on-one) with. They can meet once per week.
  • The student must produce something tangible (g. a book, published journal article, work of visual art, composed music, theatre event) to be showcased at the end of the year
  • The faculty member gives the student an appropriate grade based on perceived work ethic. (This could even just work as a pass/fail.)

The reason this should work well, is that by senior year, most students have figured out where their passions lie, and if they have not, a single “capstone” class isn’t going to be a “massive epiphany” to them, but conversations with a respected professor might. Even further, this allows each student to leave the institution with something that they can look back at and marvel, saying “I did that”. Administrators would be happy too, seeing a drastic increase in student research and publication (i.e. something they can brag about when trying to convince prospective students to attend).

Did my neurochemistry course mimic anything remotely like this? Sadly, no. Simply put, I learned about neurochemistry. What a “life-changing”, “mind-bending” experience that “prepared me to conquer the problems of the real world” and “instilled a love of learning” in me. Indeed, I almost felt as though sometimes it did the opposite. This semester I had a mathematical breakthrough that will likely change the course of modern mathematical research, and instead of being able to devote my time where it was most efficient, I was writing blogs about neurochemistry that would never be read by more than a handful of people.
Perhaps I have become a cynic, but perhaps there is something inherently flawed about the capstone experience. I am not arguing against neurochemistry as a class, but rather the “capstone” subdiscipline with which it was assigned. I know this blog was supposed to explain how this class met the goals, but my morals got the best of me and I had to tell the truth. And please, don’t take my opinion as the tried-and-true fact; it is likely I could be the exception rather than the rule. If the opinion of the majority is in support of the capstone, then it is likely the best option.
With that said, I believe there is going to be a change in the capstone experience very soon. It is being replaced by PEAK (I don’t know if it is meant to be all capitalized, as I have only heard of it by word-of-mouth). And with any luck, this will let future students avoid some of the cynicism that I have felt my final semester of college.
(Don’t worry about me though, I am truly quite content with life right now. This was just my opinion regarding a very small matter, that in the end will not make much of a difference.)

Autism Is More Than Genes

Diseases like type 1 diabetes and sickle-cell anemia happen through a defect in a single gene.  Sometimes all it takes is one wrong letter in the genetic code to create a life-threatening disease.  If only autism were so easy to understand and treat.  
Unlike diabetes, autism cannot be explained simply by proteins or genes.  Diabetes has several obvious symptoms (frequent urination, excessive thirst, and exhaustion), it has one absent protein, and it has one mutated gene.  Autism is in another world of complexity on several levels.
First of all, autism itself is a slippery disease to diagnose.  Different people have different classic symptoms at different severities.  Sometimes autism is mistaken for ADHD or language difficulties, and vice versa.  There is no biological test for autism like there is for diabetes.  
Second, in autism, there is no single gene that explains the symptoms.  When we sequence the genomes of patients with a disease, sometimes we find one gene that is defective in all patients.  Diabetes is a great example of this.  We knew for decades that diabetics were incapable of making insulin, but only genetic sequencing could show that the cause was actually quite simple: the instructions for the insulin protein were mutated.  Only about fifteen percent of autism cases across the spectrum can be pointed directly to genes.  Multiple genes are involved, and some combinations of mutations seem to be worse than others.  These relationships are too complex for even the smartest scientists to understand.  
Twins can tell us a lot about the importance of genes in a disease.  When one twin has autism, what are chances their identical twin also has autism?  There is a 77% chance for males and 50% for females.  Why don’t these other twins all have autism as well?  Something must explain the difference.  
The missing factor in autism is the environment.  A similar relationship happens in cancer.  Cancer runs in families, so part of a person’s risk for cancer comes from harmful genes.  The other part of the risk comes from lifestyle.  A person with resilient genes may avoid cancer by living cleanly, but could still get lung cancer if they smoke three pack a day.  Likewise, someone with cancer genes can breathe only air their entire life and still develop cancer. 
Viral infection is one non-genetic thing that can add to autism risk.  A viral infection at a critical point in development before birth can alter the immune system of both mother and child, and eventually alter the fetus’s brain.  Vaccines are probably a vital part of autism prevention.  
A mother’s mental stress can explain some cases of autism.  This is true before birth and during birth.  For example, autism tends to increase after large groups of pregnant women experience disastrous events such as violent storms.  The trauma causes the release of stress hormones, which activate the mother’s immune system and can harm the baby’s developing brain.  Stress during birth can increase complications like low oxygen supply to the baby, which is of course harmful to the brain.  The old wive’s tale that traumatizing a pregnant woman will harm the baby probably has a grain of truth.  
Not only is autism a disorder of multiple genes, but lifestyle and environment of the mother are involved, too.  Many connected factors come together to produce many complicated effects.  It may turn out that the thing most affected in autism is the way our neurons are connected and knit together to send signals across the brain.  One molecule injected in someone’s veins probably can’t fix that.  However, by the time we understand autism enough to cure it, we will probably have understood it enough to lessen the burden we put on the autistic and maybe even appreciate what only they can add to our lives.

Capping the Stone – The Culmination of My Concordia Experience

If any one of you decides to attend Concordia be prepared to hear a lot about BREWing. However, unfortunately this BREWing is not of the alcoholic variety (generally). So if you were getting excited there for a second I apologize. So for the few that are still reading this article and want to know more about Concordia’s academic goals, BREW is an acronym for Becoming Responsibly Engaged in the World. And I can understand if this definition sounds like nothing more than pretentious academia gobbely-goop that people use as ammo against liberal arts colleges. However, the concept of BREW has intentionally bled into every one of my classes at Concordia from the driest of math lessons (no offense math) to the lofty existential discussions in religion that have made me question my entire purpose.
The concept of BREW was at its most importance in my Neurochemistry capstone course as the function of a capstone course is to take all that you’ve learned with you liberal arts education and put it together to create something meaningful (a.k.a. BREWing). And I will say with utmost sincerity I truly felt that happened in Neurochemistry. We covered a variety of difficult topics like obesity, Alzheimer’s, ALS, mental illness, and addiction in a very nuanced way. Of course the primary aspect of these diseases that we covered were related to neuroscience. However, the most important thing that was stressed in this course was that science doesn’t exist in a vacuum. In real life scientists don’t just sit in dark rooms spouting off random scientific jargon at each other and either agreeing or disagreeing with each others’ findings.
What makes science important and special is when findings can be conveyed accurately to the public as well as being able to make a real world impact. Furthermore, science is directly affected by larger forces such as society, culture, economics, business, and politics. And these topics were brought up many times. Questions like how can we relate to people that vaccines don’t cause autism or is there even a scientific way to treat the obesity epidemic were brought up. I know that as a freshmen going into college I wouldn’t have been able to even think up these sort of question let alone look at them in a multifaceted way. How we can impact and respond to a world where it seems like everything is becoming more and more complicated is important. What’s even more important is being engaged in this crazy world in a responsible and informed manner – especially since there seems to be an even bigger blurring of information despite so much of it being readily available. And now on the cusp of graduation, I feel like I’ve reached a point where I can.

Alzheimer’s – What Makes Memories

Alzheimer’s is all around us. It’s pretty hard to ignore considering it not only is the the most common form of dementia but it also affects over 3 million Americans each year – mostly folks over the age 65. However, one of the biggest misconceptions about the disease is that it is normal aging when it is in fact, it is progressive neurological disease. Despite a net loss of neurons occurring, most Alzheimer’s patients do not die directly due to the disease but often of other pathogens like pneumonia. But as many can attest the effects on the quality of life is devastating. And despite many years of research and clinical observations we are still no where close to curing it.
So this leads to the question – what is going on exactly? Like most neurological diseases the exact cause of Alzheimer’s is unknown. But an interesting hallmark of Alzheimer’s is the presence of neurofibrilary tangles. What these essentially are tangles of the misfolded protein tau that clump together within various brain regions. Research has found that these tangles can occur in the entorhinal cortex, hippocampus, and cerebral cortex. These brain regions are specifically associated with spatial memory, emotion, and higher cognitive thinking. So its pretty easy to figure out how the symptomatology comes about.
Another thing of note is that working memory generally decreases with age due to changes in cellular firing and signaling. But one study did find that with rhesus monkeys they could reverse the negative effects on working memory with cyclic AMP, an important messenger in cellular signaling processes.

5 Things Your High School Gym Teacher Didn’t Tell You About Concussions

Like many other students at Concordia College, I am (was) a student athlete. I wrestled for three years at Concordia, and I wrestled all the way from high school back to kindergarten. Only my senior year did I decide that enough was enough and it was time to hang up the wrestling shoes. And yet I feel guilty despite all the time and energy I spent cultivating my skills. My reasoning for quitting was that it was time to give my brain a break.
Nearly a year ago today I was wrestling with a teammate. It was the off season, so we were just messing around. My partner took a low shot, which I blocked with my knee. We had gone through this motion probably a thousand times before, but this time the knee cap to his temple knocked him out. He was fine, but he was unconscious for a few moments.
Instances like my wrestling practice are all too common in American colleges and high schools. Our obsession with sports is often chalked up to their ability to help young people develop character traits like tenacity and team working cohesiveness. But what’s the catch?
Our Concordia College neurochemistry class reviewed whats happening to our brain cells following a concussion, and there’s five things happening on a molecular level that you should know about.

  1. Ionic Flux-  After that big hit, your brain cells are reeling, and the ions (sodium, potassium, and calcium) are flying all over the place. Lots of positive ions move out of the cells, and they can’t signal anymore. This doesn’t allow the brain to communicate effectively.
  2. Energy crisis- Dealing with an injury takes a lot of energy. When the ions start moving around, your brain cells try to move them back against their gradient. This takes up a ton of energy, and the brain cells end up exhausting their energy stores rather quickly. In turn, your brain cells are subjected to metabolic stress, which is not a good thing.
  3. Cytoskeletal damage- If your brain cells were a building, and you threw those buildings against a wall really really hard, you’d expect there to be some damage right? This also happens to your brain cells during a concussion. The mechanical support system that holds your cells together (called the cytoskeleton) can break apart from the force of the hit.
  4. Axonal damage- Axons relay signals between brain cells, and they look like a long bridge projecting from the cells. Unfortunately these long bridges are also prone to breaking just like the cytoskeleton. Cells with broken axons tend to shrink and/or die.
  5. Protease dysfunction- Proteases are the small molecules that recycle proteins. To do this however, the protease needs energy. Remember the energy crisis that’s going on in your brain? Well if we don’t have the energy to keep your cells alive, we probably won’t be breaking down any proteins. This results in the accumulation of proteins within cells. This isn’t a big deal in younger brains normally, but as we age this can cause problems.

Even with all this evidence that hitting each other with our heads is bad for us (duh) we continue to engage in sports that consistently cause concussions. After thinking about this, I think I would still wrestle even if I knew it I would get a concussion. I believe that it’s easy for people to glaze over the life lessons we can take away from sports, but I definitely would not be going to medical school without having wrestled first. Wrestling taught me to stay on task and keep grinding even when things aren’t going well. I likely would have given up on my dream of being a physician without sports, so the brain trauma was worth it for me. But I think it is important to educate younger people about the risks involved in contact sports, so they can decide for themselves.

Having Trouble Remembering Simple Every Day Tasks? Read This!

I forgot that my research group was meeting in our classroom instead of the professors office? Does that mean I have Alzheimer’s disease?
To answer my own question, no that does not mean that I have Alzheimer’s. One of the common misconceptions by the general population (myself initially included in this group) is that anyone having memory problems, particularly older individuals, has Alzheimer’s. In actuality, Alzheimer’s is a sub category of a neurodegenerative disease called dementia. Although Alzheimer’s makes up the majority of dementia cases (roughly 50-60%) it has specific criteria that separates it from other forms of dementia.
Alzheimer’s is usually noticed by people’s family members and friends first. However, it can be tricky to spot because some of the early symptoms are easily brushed off, such as forgetting newly learned information and confusion. It seems like this happens to most of us on a regular basis, but with Alzheimer’s  people continually are in states of confusion and have difficulty performing every day tasks. More advanced Alzheimer’s is easily identified.
I was at a rotary club meeting for lunch while I was shadowing a physician, and the local Alzheimer’s chapter was giving a talk on when you should see a doctor about dementia. The example was that the speaker’s grandmother made chocolate chip cookies every week her whole life. As she was getting older, the grandmother had trouble remember the recipe that she normally would never have to look up. It is instances like these where you should see a physician soon.
What’s happening to my brain if I have Alzheimer’s?
The Alzheimer’s Association does a fantastic job of helping people visualize what’s happening on a cellular level with Alzheimer’s ( Here’s a link to their website )
Image result for alzheimers What physicians and scientists are seeing on a molecular level is that the brain’s cells (fancy people call them neurons) are dying from an aggregation of proteins. These proteins form a plaque, and they prevent the neurons from functioning normally. Wondering how and why these plaques are forming? I was too! So my neurochemistry class decided to read a paper on what might be going wrong in Alzheimer’s.
Two main points can be taken away from our group’s discussion on Alzheimer’s.

  1. There is an involvement with the PI3k/Akt pathway
  2. Insulin resistance is occurring

PI3K/Akt pathway
The findings from our paper rather surprised me. From the other neurodegenerative disease we’ve read about, usually the PI3K/Akt pathway is suppressed. This makes sense to me, because this pathway is involved in cell proliferation and survival. I.e this pathway keeps brain cells alive. In Alzheimer’s however, this pathway is overactive, which results in several negative effects, and it could be contributing to the overall demise of brain cells.
Insulin Resistance
I was rather skeptical about the involvement of insulin in Alzheimer’s until I spoke with one of my peers. As he described what is occurring to me it made sense. Some scientists who are researching Alzheimer’s are actually describing it as Type 3 diabetes. Click on this link if you’d like to read their review article
Once the PI3K/Akt pathway is initiated, the downstream signaling proteins block the insulin receptor by internalizing it into the cell, and the cells become resistance to insulin. This occurs in type two diabetes in the pancreas and fat tissue, and it’s happening in the brain tissue of people with Alzheimer’s. Thus supporting the assertion that Alzheimer’s may be another form of diabetes, it’s simply happening in the brain instead of the pancreas this time. Mind=Blown.

Dopamine’s Other SECRET Job

You’ve likely heard about the neurotransmitter called dopamine. The first time I heard about it was in 7th grade health class when we were talking about illegal drug effects on the brain. I was surprised to learn that both stimulants (things like meth) and depressants (stuff like heroin) both cause a rush of dopamine in your brain. This creates the feeling of intense pleasure and even euphoria. However, dopamine also has a job you probably haven’t heard of…

To understand dopamine’s other job, we have to talk about what it actually does to your brain cells. Dopamine can be both excitatory and inhibitory. That is to say that it can make it easier for brain cells to signal other cells, or it can make it harder. There are two main receptors for dopamine (Receptors are small proteins usually on the surface of a cell that capture signaling molecules and relay their specific signal). The first is D1, which is an excitatory receptor. The other is D2, which is an inhibitory receptor.

The part of the brain that is shaded in red is one of the main hubs of dopamine in the brain. It’s called the substantia nigra because in a healthy brain the brain cells are actually black in color! This part of the brain plays a huge roll in regulating both desired and undesired movements. Brain cells from the substantia nigra have long projections that travel to the switchboard of the brain called the Thalamus, and to the reward center of the brain called the Striatum. These brain cells release dopamine, which bind to the D1 and D2 receptors I previously wrote about.
Desired Movement:
For desired movement, the substantia nigra releases dopamine into the striatum, which in turn does not signal the thalamus. This allows for an overall excitatory effect, which makes sense because rewarding the movement we just performed will make it happen again, thus creating desired movement.
Undesired Movement
Undesired movements, such as shakes and tremors, are inhibited by the substantia nigra. It does this by releasing a different neurotransmitter called GABA, which has an inhibitory effect. By inhibiting certain movements, we end up with an overall smooth stabilized movement. This is vital for simple tasks like picking up a class of water, or bringing a spoon to your mouth.
Parkinson’s: When the Substantia Nigra has a problem
A neurodegenerative disorder you’ve likely heard of is Parkinson’s disease. Simply put, Parkinson’s is the death of the substantia nigra. With the death of the substantia nigra, motor problems arise. There is no inhibitory effect on the thalamus, and tremors result. Additionally, dizziness, trouble sleeping, speech trouble, and loss of smell may also be present. On a cellular level, a type of plaque called Lewy bodies (composed of a protein called alpha synuclein) accumulates around the dead cells. Treatment for Parkinson’s involves replacing the lost dopamine with a precursor of the neurotransmitter called L-DOPA.
Current Research:
The paper we discussed for Parkinson’s highlighted the importance of a subset of signaling proteins called kinases. Kinases are activator molecules that relay tons of different signals in the cell. Scientists are beginning to investigate the role between kinases and the accumulation of the Lewy bodies. The kinases perform many different functions within the cells, but they mainly involve recycling mitochondria, oxidative stress, and inflammation. These kinases offer a chance to combat Parkinson’s and may be a stepping stone to curing this neurodegenerative disorder.

Four Things About Autism You’ve Probably Never Hear…

One word that parents always dread hearing is coming up more and more in elementary schools. Autism. For some it’s a debilitating disorder that impairs basic function. For others, it can be a minor hinderance, but one that can be coped with. Regardless of the severity, autism can offer several challenges for individuals who have been inflicted by the disease. With the rising amount of diagnosed cases of autism comes increased research on the disorder. In our Concordia College neurochemistry class, we discussed a paper on the environmental effects of autism, and I’m here to dispel several myths (and add a few truths) about what we currently know about autism.

  1. There is no (zip, nada, zilch,) correlation between vaccines and autism, but there is a correlation with maternal viral infections.

That’s right. Vaccinating your children won’t give them autism, but some data has indicated that if the mother’s immune system could be playing a role in autism. The mother’s antibodies may be interfering with the development of the baby’s nervous system. ▲
2. Autism is not a disease that’s all or nothing, instead it’s a spectrum.
One thing that I’ve found rather interesting with the diagnosis of autism being redefined is that it’s a spectrum now. Now, some diseases that were once their own separate illnesses have been put under the umbrella of autism. In middle school I knew an individual who had some classical symptoms of Asperger’s syndrome and as such he was diagnosed with said syndrome. In high school, the idea of autism being a spectrum disorder received traction, and he explained to me and the rest of our class that his diagnosis had technically changed even though his symptoms had remained consistent.
3. Autism could all be caused by a zinc deficiency
Wait what?? A zinc deficiency? That’s it? Those were my thoughts as well. Interestingly, zinc is needed for proper neurological function as well as stabilization of some protein domains and proper immune function. It’s also a trace element, meaning we don’t need a whole lot of it. Women who become pregnant often do not know until many weeks after conception, and then begin taking their prenatal vitamins. Although zinc is unlikely to be the only culprit, it could be playing a significant role in autism’s development.
4. It’s a developmental disorder
One of the concepts that our neurochemistry class grappled with after reading the literature on autism is the actual onset of the disease. It still remains unclear, and there is added difficulty to understanding this problem since autism has a wide array of manifestations. One possibility is that the damage from autism has already occurred when the baby is born. This is one of the hardest things for people to wrap their head around, especially since we don’t typically see symptoms until the baby is a couple of years old already.
Although much remains unclear about autism, one thing is for certain. Scientist, psychologists, and parents are all hard at work trying to understand this disease and how we can deal most effectively with it. Moving forward, it is likely that more research on neural development under stressful conditions will be needed to fully comprehend this disorder.

My Capstone Experience

The main goal that Concordia College has for their students is that during their time in school, they learn to BREW – Become Responsible Engaged in the World. Part of the way that they do that is through their CORE curriculum, which requires students to get a variety of classes, even outside of their major and minor. Part of that curriculum is that requirement of a “capstone” class.
Neurochemistry is the class that I decided to take as my capstone class, and it was one of my favorite classes during my time here at Concordia. First off, I learned so much about the brain, signaling pathways within the brain, and how dysfunction of these pathways can contribute to some of the most common diseases that people experience in the United States. These included Alzheimer’s Disease, Autism, ALS, Concussion, Addiction, mental illness, anxiety/PTSD, Parkinson’s Disease, and eating disorders/obesity. The class was more interactive and discussion-based than my other classes I had. We would learn together as a class by reading through articles and discussing them together, as they could be difficult to wrap your head around at times. The brain is a really complex organ!

The first couple weeks of the semester was review on signaling pathways and molecules, but the rest of the semester followed the same pattern. We would read the article over the weekend and discuss it on Monday, trying to make sense of what was going wrong in the brain and affected neural synapses or release of hormone and neurotransmitters, and how it differed from the normal functioning. For Wednesday, we would each research something that the class wanted to know more about related to the topic for the week. We would then do “speed dating,” each giving our spiel in about three minutes. Then Friday would be just a class discussion. There would be discussion leaders, but it was informal and some really interesting comments and discussions ensued during those times. We would then write blog posts every week on Area Voices related to the topic, so that we were able to convey our knowledge to the public.
One of Concordia’s goals is to instill a love for learning. For me, this class did this as the topic were relevant to my interests and future, as I am planning to go to medical school. I was able to tie what we were learning about to previous classes and understand the biology and chemistry of synaptic signaling in the brain to a deeper level. The way the class was set up I think also peaked students interests to be engaged.
Concordia also strives to develop foundational skills and transferable learning capabilities. This class was relevant to other classes I have taken in my major, and I know that I will use the knowledge I learned in my future medical classes. It also improved my skills in being able to read and understand scientific articles.
Concordia also wants to develop understanding of disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and intercultural perspectives and their connections. Like I mentioned, neurochemistry is related to many other topics in biology, such as physiological processes, immune system processes, and other. Some of the research students did in this class also looked at differences of some disorders in different areas of the world. It also brought to light how some different cultures may view sickness in a different light than we do in the United States.
Another goal Concordia has is to cultivate an examined cultural, ethical, physical, and spiritual self-understanding. These are things that would come up in our discussions. Questions about how cultures experience illnesses in different ways. It is also interesting to look at the prevalence differences between races and parts of the world. This class also provided information for me to better understand what goes on in my body, and how it may have certain effects if it is altered. It helped me to understand what is happening in the brains of people who do struggle with the diseases that we talked about.
Finally, the biggest part of BREW is responsibly participating in the world. We each were involved in a community action project. The one my group did was on addiction in the community. We had representatives from Dakota Medical Foundation and an addiction counselor come in and talk as part of our presentation. They had great things to say, and it really addressed how addiction is a problem in our community here, with their statistics and stories that they told. My group wanted to emphasize to our audience how addiction is a disease, as there are actual chemical and structural changes that take place in the brain that make it essentially impossible for that person to break free from their addiction without help. We wanted to encourage students here and others in the community to get help if they need, or to address the issue with someone they know is struggling.

Like I mentioned, neurochemistry was one of my favorite classes I took over my four years at Concordia. It encouraged my participation in class and in the community. It required me to think critically and take knowledge from other classes to better make sense of the topics we discussed. It also pushed me to think about the future and how these diseases may be cured, prevented, or new treatments developed to help people.

Capstone Courses Are Pretty Neat

Sometimes we like to make fun of liberal arts degrees.  I may not understand my tax forms, but at least I know about quantum tunnelling!  Those kinds of comments happen often.  Learning about seemingly random things you never thought you were signing up for is tedious at times, but when you step back and look at what four years has done, you start to appreciate it.
During senior year, students take a capstone course as the culmination of their liberal arts education.  The courses are designed to blend disparate fields of study and bring them together to deepen students’ knowledge about a topic.  Capstone courses also involve cultural awareness and involvement in the local community.  At Concordia, topics of capstone courses include world musics, dangerous literature, and the biochemistry of cancer.  I took neurochemistry for my capstone course.  Don’t worry, it was actually a lot more fun than I expected.  
What do capstone courses have that others don’t?  That became clear in our weekly group discussions.  We would break into small groups and discuss aspects of the disease/ issue/ chemical pathway of the week.  During our week on schizophrenia, a student brought up an idea from an Indian religions class.  A person with schizophrenia living in India might not be avoided as a dangerous anomaly.  Instead they might be treated with respectful distance or even valued as someone with a gift.  Maybe the way we shun people with mental illness in America contributes to poorer outcomes for patients.  In a normal neurochemistry class, no one would have ever raised that question.  
When our different skills came together, our overall understanding grew tremendously.  As we tried to understand a research article on addiction, students from different fields had different perspectives to give.  Neuroscience majors explained the mechanisms of reward and long-term changes in the dopamine neurons of the striatum.  Psychology majors told us about how the reward pathway works on a larger scale with classical conditioning and state dependent memory.  Pre-med students understood that many addictions begin with prescription narcotics, and that the opioid epidemic is driven by more than individual brains, but by systemic, bureaucratic problems.  With many people adding their own experiences to the pile, everyone developed a broader knowledge of the issue.  
The ultimate aim, of course, is coming closer to fixing intractable diseases– of brains and of society.  A sweeping, entrenched epidemic like we see with opioids can not be solved using only neuroscientists.  Medications need to be prescribed by vigilant doctors and accompanied by therapy from perceptive counselors.  We will need meticulous statisticians to help to manage the health of millions of people.  Only social workers are able to help the families of addicts, and sometimes to heal fully you need a musician or a comedian thrown in for good measure.  Before I took my capstone course I knew that teamwork would be necessary, but the course showed me how to make that teamwork happen, and how powerful a synthesis of minds can be.  

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