(A)lleviate (S)ymptoms after (D)iagnosis
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) impacts every person differently. Currently there are no set treatments for ASD known to cure the disorder, however there are int...
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) impacts every person differently. Currently there are no set treatments for ASD known to cure the disorder, however there are int...
Anxiety through history The term anxiety has an ever changing image, and as time rolls on so does our opinion and understanding of the term. Originally anxiety ...
Introduction: Anxiety can be characterized by feelings of nervousness, fear, and stress. Having some anxiety in everyday life is normal and can be positive, but...
Adaptive behavior is described to be a behavior that allows an individual to cope with PTSD within their environment. It is also used to help with phobias, depr...
Given the trying times of the world today, we are all bound to endure and carry present or past traumas. The pandemic in which we live is a prime example of end...
Alcohol is a depressant to the Central Nervous System that causes the brain to slow down. However, that doesn’t mean that it helps your brain get a good n...
What is addiction? Addiction is characterized by an uncontrollable urge to engage in behaviors that are pleasure to someone, but can have extremely negative neu...
The Power of a Pill Treating individuals with addiction is not as easy as telling someone to simply “stop taking a drug.” There are many reasons this claim is p...
Signs and Symptoms of Schizophrenia can be categorized into three categories (Positive, Negative, and Cognitive). Below is a great diagram of the difference bet...