Road Block on Mental Health

Stigmatization and Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia, as well as other psychotic and mental illnesses, are often the targets of stigmatization. It is unfortunately very common for those with Schizophrenia, or many other invisible illnesses for that matter, to face some form of stigmatization. Stigmatization, known as a group of stereotypes correlated with false beliefs, negative attitudes, and fears about a Schizophrenia diagnosis which results in the perception and comprehension of the disorder by others Stigmatization, which is often characterized as an external risk factor that can project its characteristics in many ways, may impact someone after they are given a diagnosis, but also can happen prior to a diagnosis, through small and subtle behavioral expressions of Schizophrenia An example may be judging someone due to speech differences or behavior that is stereotypically linked to Schizophrenia.

For Every Action, there is an Equal and Opposite Reaction

For one struggling with Schizophrenia, these harsh and false beliefs from others is hypothesized to cause negative psychological outcomes in the mentally ill, including those with Schizophrenia. Those with mental illness are already often socially rejected, which has a great impact on one’s general well-being and self-esteem. Someone may feel more depressed, anxious, isolated, embarrassed, scared, or angry. It is not unlikely for those with Schizophrenia to also have a social anxiety related disorder, so this added stigma only perpetuates the already isolating and adverse journey of Schizophrenia. Also, stigma only stops others from getting the help that they need.

What can be done?

Like most of us were instilled growing up, “Treat others how you would want to be treated.” How we view and treat others always comes with consequences. The choice is ours.

  • W.A.I.T.: “Why am I talking?”
    • Over the summer, I read a book that shared the acronym, “W.A.I.T.,” which stands for “why am I talking?” Since learning of this acronym, I have more often found myself thinking through my thoughts before blurting meaningless word jumble. Basically, think before you respond. Is what you are about to say helpful or harmful? To yourself? To others? When it comes to communicating about mental illness, ask yourself to WAIT. Figure One shows how judgement, stigma, and mental illness are all connected and how practicing “W.A.I.T.” can stop the cycle.
Abstract created by T. Zetocha

Figure 1: This abstract shows the stigma cycle that is often associated with mental illness and how simple techniques like “WAIT” can stop the cycle.

  • Recognition Between Mental and Physical Illness
    • You would not make fun of someone with cancer, a broken leg, or a physical disability. When you can recognize and understand that mental illness, like physical illness, is a disease, you may find yourself become hesitant to judge someone.
  • Educate Yourself
    • Before judging someone else, educate yourself. Ask someone else to share their story or personal experience, you may be surprised and humbled to learn about someone else’s journey. Always try to find the learning opportunities to help you grow in understanding and compassion for others struggles. Deepening your understanding and awareness disrupts the cycle of stigma.
  • Choose Compassion
    • Recognize the humanity of mental illness; the vital fact that every single human is vulnerable. We are all more alike than we are different. Choosing to show compassion through a simple, “hello” to a fellow human unifies us and reminds the world of what can happen when we choose compassion over judgement.

8 Ways to Decrease Your Risk of Developing AD

Insulin Signaling Pathway’s Relation to Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is identified by a buildup of amyloid-β plaque and neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs). Insulin signaling is disrupted in patients with AD leading to the increase of plaque and NFTs. Molecules such as Akt, mTOR, Grb, and RAS have decreased activation in patients with AD. Other molecules are overactivated because of insulin dysfunctions like SOS, MAPK, and GSK-3β. Figure 1 is a simple flow chart I drew of the molecules in the insulin signaling pathway; the green or red arrow next to the molecule signified whether it has increased or decreased activation in patients with AD. 

Figure 1: The insulin signaling pathway is dysfunctional in patients with AD.

When these molecules are under or over-activated, insulin abnormalities can lead to insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is linked with the build-up of amyloid-β plaque and NFTs. Patients diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes have increased chances of developing AD because both of these diseases are characterized by insulin signaling abnormalities and insulin deficiency.


Why should we care?

The public should care about Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) because developing it can be greatly impacted by someone’s lifestyle choices. There is no cure for this disease, but increased research of causational factors, early symptoms, and education about it will decrease the number of cases in the future. 

Humans have adapted harmful lifestyles that are expected to offset any decreases seen in the AD cases. Especially in the United States, many people smoke, have high body mass indices, and consume large amounts of sugar, fat, and cholesterol. The amount of people with AD has been increasing for decades and is projected to continue growing. Humans live longer than ever before and that is not without its difficulties. The following video from the Alzheimer’s Associated provides a summary of the facts and figures of AD and their projected numbers in the future: 


8 Ways to Decrease Your Risk of Developing AD

There is not one thing in particular that causes Alzheimer’s Disease, but we know about many life choices that can alter your chances of developing it. While living with AD is not on most people’s minds throughout the day, the ways in which we spend our time can help reduce the risks of developing symptoms. The most effective way to prevent Alzheimer’s is to start making the following choices early, consistently, and effectively. 

  1. Learn a New Skill – The brain will form new synaptic connections when exposed to new stimuli. It is beneficial to consistently learn something new in order to decrease your risk of developing AD
  2. Spend Time with Loved Ones – Strong social interactions are linked to stronger neuron connections and preventing neurodegeneration. Experts are not exactly sure how social stimulation does this, but there is evidence to support the hypothesis. 
  3. Minimize Alcohol Consumption – Excessive use of alcohol can damage brain cells over a period of time. Decreasing the amount of alcohol one drinks can decrease the likelihood of developing AD.
  4. Prioritize Adequate Sleep – People who get more hours of deep sleep (REM cycle sleep) are less likely to develop AD. Researchers hypothesize that this is because the brain clears out waste during REM sleep that has been linked to AD.
  5. Exercise – Experts recommend getting vigorous exercise for 30 minutes a day, 3-4 days a week to experience maximum health benefits. Exercise reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and neurodegenerative diseases, which can be closely linked to each other.
  6. Avoid Smoking – Smoking can cause oxidative stress, inflammation, and cancer. It provides no benefits to the human body and only does harm. Avoiding smoking can decrease the risk of developing AD, cardiovascular disease, and brain hemorrhages.
  7. Meditation – Meditation has been practiced for centuries, but researchers must conduct more experiments to learn about the specific benefits it can provide. People who practice meditation report lower levels of stress than those who do not meditate. High-stress levels are positively correlated with the chances of developing AD; meditation can reduce stress which, therefore, can reduce the chances of AD.
  8. Care for Your Mental Health – Mental health is strongly linked to physical health. It is important to minimize stress levels, maximize time spent doing things you enjoy, and prioritize caring for yourself. A healthy body needs a healthy mind to take care of it

Untangling The Brain: What’s New With Neurofibrillary Tangles

Tangle Stock Photos & Royalty-Free Images | Depositphotos

What’s the big idea with tangles?

As some of you already know or have heard me talk about, neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) are insoluble collections of microtubule particles that collect on the inside of a cell in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients. These collections of particles occur when the tau protein is hyperphosphorylated and causes it to be misfolded. The tau protein is usually used to help stabilize the structure of microtubules but in this misfolded state, it causes the destruction of these microtubules. This is what cause NFTs!

Neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's Disease .... |  Download Scientific Diagram

New to the light in tangles


Knowing how NFTs occur is old news in terms of neurological disorders. So, what have been people been working on since? Well, researchers at ASU-Banner Neurodegenerative Disease Center at the Biodesign Institute have found a correlation between these NFTs and a protein called RBBP7. The dysregulation of this protein appears to be correlated to the eventual development of NFTs.

 RBBP7 is exclusively found in Homo Sapiens and is a core histone-binding subunit that may target chromatin remodeling factors to their histone substrates in a way that is regulated by nucleosomal DNA.

The figure above is a picture of RBBP7 coming from the Protein Data Bank (PDB). Because RBBP7 is a part of many complexes that regulate chromatin metabolism, its overexpression has been linked to AD as well as some types of cancers.

MMSE Scores and cognitive decline

A recent study focused on the combination of NFTs with the amyloid plaques found in AD patients. Most early research involving Alzheimer’s was focused on the amyloid plaques because of the increased toxicity of neurons that they cause. However, it wasn’t until recently that researches have been considering NFTs and amyloid plaques together in the onset of AD.

Mini-mental state examination (MMSE) - Oxford Medical Education

Figure 1: Pictured above is an example of what an MMSE test is. This test is used to assess the level of cognitive impairment of a patient with a mental disorder. This test is commonly used with AD patients as it can be used to assess the rate at which the patient’s cognitive function is deteriorating.


The research used MMSE scoring to assess how quickly patients with just amyloid plaque build ups decrease from month to month and then compared it to how quickly patients with both amyloid plaques and NFTs decrease from month to month. The study showed that there is a significant increase in degeneration of AD patient’s MMSE scores if both amyloid plaques and tangles are present: amyloid(+)tangle(+) = 0.40 points per month and amyloid(+)tangles(-) = 0.031 points per month.


RNA treatment paves the way to new AD treatments

Another study from August 2021 offers some promising news with NFTs! Research from Boston University School of Medicine discovered:

as the injured nerve cells accumulate misfolded tau protein, they put a tag on RNA, which is the genetic material that codes for proteins. The amount of tagged RNA called N6-Methyladenosine (m6A) increases about four-fold over the course of disease

The research goes on to talk about how inhibiting this RNA-tagging pathway, you can effectively stop neurodegeneration as a result of these tangles. While this research doesn’t address amyloid plaques, this discovery coupled with the one previously stated could mean an effective treatment method to decrease the rate at which neurodegeneration occurs. Sounds pretty promising!

Early Signs, Possible Factors, and Delaying Alzheimer’s Disease

Early Signs, Possible Factors, and Delaying Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease that the public should pay attention to. Alzheimer’s disease leads to a continuous decline in thinking and memory, along with a decline in behavioral and social skills. After spending multiple days looking at this illness, I believe the public should have more knowledge regarding early signs. Another important topic to share with the public relates to possible factors, such as increased insulin resistance, diet, and lifestyle, that could contribute to earlier signs of Alzheimer’s. The last topic will look at different ways that could potentially delay the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

Some Early Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease:

  • Memory problems: forgetting recent events, conversations, people, etc.
  • Trouble finishing familiar daily tasks
  • Confusion: time, place
  • Beginning problems with words when speaking or writing

Possible Factors Leading to Alzheimer’s Disease:

  • Insulin resistance
    • Less insulin crossing the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB)
    • Excess body weight, excess belly fat, lack of exercise, and smoking all play a major role in developing insulin resistance
    • Increases oxidative stress, cytokines production, neuroinflammation, and neuronal death: play a major role in developing Alzheimer’s Disease
    • As noted in the image on the right, brain insulin resistance has been identified in obesity, in normal aging, and in dementia. It is associated with metabolic dysfunctions and with cognitive decline regarding memory.
    • Factors like adipose tissue, hormones, nutrition, certain genetic mutations, overnutrition, and age are associated with brain insulin resistance.
  • Diet
    • Poor eating habits have been shown to impact the disease negatively
    • Diabetes (specifically patients that have type 2 diabetes) have a more likely chance of developing Alzheimer’s Disease
    • Obesity increases the chance of developing Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Lifestyle
    • Inactive lifestyles may put individuals more at risk for developing the disease
      • Physically and socially

Possible Ways to Delay Alzheimer’s Disease

  • Eating a healthy diet
    • Eat foods low in saturated fat, low in cholesterol
    • Eat many fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products
    • Eat whole grains, poultry, fish, nuts
    • Avoid fats, red meats, sweets, sugar, salt
  • Avoiding smoking
  • Avoiding excessive alcohol
  • Staying physically active
  • Staying socially active
  • Getting a good amount of sleep regularly


Reflections on Neurochemistry and Neurological Regulation

Many of the skills I’ve learned throughout college are skills I thought I already knew. Courses such as Christianity and Religious Diversity, Social Psychology, Organismal Biology and Philosophy of Art, among many others, have taught me how to think critically about different problems and the world itself. Our Neurochemistry course has undoubtedly improved my critical thinking skills as well- group discussions centered around research implications every week and exams that required synthesizing ideas instead of memorizing information have given me invaluable practice for processing and working with concepts in the moment. The biggest thing I’ve learned from this course, however, is how to learn itself. As a byproduct, this has exponentially increased my confidence in the scientific field.

At the beginning of the course, I relied on the learning strategies that have always been enough in the past, and quickly realized that I would need to adopt new methods to succeed. Usually, I would copy down notes from lecture, read the textbook, and go through it all over and over before an exam. This had worked great for me previously, but since there weren’t any true lectures in the course, this process need to be replaced with utilizing new resources. These included information that my classmates had shared and learning how to conduct my own background research.

Neurochemistry was also the first time that I was pushed to understand research articles from top to bottom; this was a learning curve for me because I was used to just skimming the introduction and discussion of articles, but I was surprised by how much I was able to comprehend on my own by the end of course. While it definitely required more time and effort, the structure of this course taught me how to better integrate information into my foundation of knowledge, instead of passively absorbing content. More specific skills that I’ve also taken away from the course include pulling information together from various sources and communicating it in an effective way to different audiences. 

As my understanding and appreciation for neuroscience has grown since I began my studies in the field last year, I’ve slowly begun to see themes in the inner workings of the brain. Through investigating a diverse mix of neurological conditions/diseases and the cellular processes that underlie them, our neurochemistry course in particular has helped me piece together some overarching patterns. Interestingly, one of these themes is relevant on a larger scale, including life itself: balance. 

The Theme of Balance Throughout Different Neurological Disorders

On a biological level, this idea of balance is conceptualized as homeostasis, and as I learned in this course, loss of homeostasis can lead to many neurological disorders. The functioning of our brain is very tightly controlled, with many feedback loops and mechanisms for auto-regulation. An example that demonstrates how disruption of excitation/inhibition balance can contribute to pathophysiology – often meaning disruptions in glutamate or GABA signaling, the main excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters in the brain – is anxiety.

In general, overabundance of glutamate and low levels of GABA can lead to an anxiety response, with many underlying mechanisms and areas involved that are responsible for this happening. As I learned while conducting research for the course, one of these mechanisms involve GABAergic signaling in the amygdala; these circuits normally work to inhibit the amygdala’s interaction with stress, but chronic stress may cause the networks to reduce, lowering amount of inhibition and increasing anxiety as a result. Overexpression of glutamate is thought to contribute to many other disorders as well, such as autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia, while underexpression has been indicated in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Another type of imbalance between orexigenic and anorexigenic peptides can promote metabolic syndrome, essentially increasing food intake while decreasing energy expenditure. 

In attempt to resolve certain disruptions to homeostasis, the brain can implement compensatory mechanisms that counteract the disruption. Behavioral tolerance after consistent drug use is an example of this; through dopamine-mediated pairing of stimuli, the brain implements effects opposite of the drug when exposed to the associated cue, and this process can contribute to drug overdose and relapse. Compensatory mechanisms can even be seen after Traumatic Brain Injury, where ionic pumps shift into overdrive and cause hyperglycolysis in an effort to restore ionic and cellular homeostasis that were disturbed from the initial biomechanical blow to the head. 

While these connections may seem a bit out of context as a whole, balance has always been a significant challenge in my own life, and as a result it has become a major value. More than just juggling everyday priorities, I’m still figuring out how to manage my own levels of excitation and inhibition. Without constant and consistent effort, I quickly fall into patterns that only harm myself and perpetuate a cycle of dysregulation that can be extremely difficult to break out of. I would guess that in some way or another, many people can relate to this feeling of being out of control when it comes to regulating themselves or their lives. 

Of course, the etiology of these disorders are more complex than ‘imbalances in the brain’, as the common rhetoric often goes, but understanding that they can stem from impairments to our brain’s mechanisms for maintaining balance can ultimately help remove stigma and blame from the individual. Especially for conditions such as metabolic disorder, where many people have essentially been told that their struggles are completely due to their actions, learning the physiological reasons for what they are dealing with might actually allow them to find ways forward through education and empowerment.

Considering that many mental health and neurological disorders involve an aspect of difficulties with self-regulation on a behavioral level as well as a physiological one, treatment plans may often benefit from a multi-dimensional approach. To me, this stresses the importance of integrating the psychological and neurological fields as much as possible; as someone who is interested in a mental-health related career, I intend to do just that, equipped with the skills I’ve gained from our Neurochemistry course. 

Discussing Nuerochemistry

Instill a love for learning

When I was accepted to Concordia College, I knew I would be attending a liberal arts college, but I honestly had no idea what this really meant and the benefits that this has on students. All I knew when coming to college was that I love biology and that I thought the brain was an extremely interesting organ, so I decided to pursue majors in biology and neuroscience. Concordia College offers their students an extremely diverse set of classes. The core curriculum itself requires classes that I never would have taken, but have thoroughly enjoyed. The unique course set has allowed me to expand my knowledge not only in the various sciences, but also in areas like religion, foreign language, art, and others. This aspect of Concordia’s liberal arts education allows for students of all backgrounds to come together and take classes with each other when we normally would most likely never have had any classes together. This makes for great discussions and additional view points to every core course. This allows for a person to expand their knowledge and to continuously learn about new things. These aspects of a liberal arts college make a person want to continue learning and love doing so, and a great example of a class that has this impact on its participants is Neurochemistry.

Develop foundational skills and transferrable intellectual capacity

A class which is named “Neurochemistry” may come off as intimidating, even for a senior neurochemistry major. Entering this semester, I definitely felt as though I was going to have a hard time with this class and keeping up with and understanding the material, but this course was so different than any other science course I have taken thus far at Concordia College. The people who take this course have backgrounds in all different types of majors. Rather than being a fully lecture based course, this class was a discussion based course. This meant that each week we would come prepared having read a research article or review expanding some realm of neurochemistry and spent the rest of the week discussing the topic more in depth. My future career goals involve working with and researching neurogenerative diseases and disorders, so this class felt extremely applicable to my future. I feel as though I have bettered my ability to read and annotate research articles as well as have gained a clearer understanding of molecular pathways that occur in the brain. Both of which will be extremely beneficial aspects in my future.

Develop an understanding of disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and intercultural perspectives and their connections

As mentioned above, the Neurochemistry class involves students from various backgrounds. Since part of our week was spent discussing topics that interest us but are involved with the topic of that week, we were able to hear a multitude of perspectives from various disciplines. This involved implying different perspectives outside of the science explained in the paper such as economic, societal, or political aspects revolving around each topic. We have also had the opportunity to collaborate with students in the social work program during this course. We came together and discovered the similarities and differences that go into each of our disciplines while working with our peers and our community. Being able to sit down with students who are of different educational or cultural backgrounds than one’s self improves the knowledge gained from the class as a whole. This is reflective in classes other than Neurochemistry at Concordia as well.

Cultivate an examined cultural, ethical, physical, and spiritual self-understanding

The freedom this course gave in choosing what aspects of each topic to dive deeper into had additional, extremely beneficial impacts. Students are able to understand more about themselves as they are able to reflect on what interests them the most as it has been seen to be continuous throughout the course. Some students will take a political, cultural, or even spiritual approach to these discussions. This has not only affected the student doing the research, but also the students who are listening to them. There are so many unique aspects that go into neurochemistry that allow for students to develop a stronger understanding of each topic. It has been extremely interesting to reflect at the end of this course to fully understand what all we have gained from it outside of the science side of this course.

Encouraging responsible participation in the world

Concordia College has taught me an insane amount of things about myself and about the real world. I never would have thought that students studying neuroscience would collaborate with students who are in the social work program or that a student studying art would have so much in common with a student studying political science, but Concordia has shown me that this is what will happen in the real world. Although my plans for the future involve working in lab, I now realize that engaging with people in other career fields should be anticipated since we will be able to feed off of each other and learn from each other. Neurochemistry specifically has shown me just how real this will be since we have worked with the community and people of different backgrounds throughout the semester. I feel more prepared than ever to enter graduate school and eventually the work force.

With Finals Time Approaching, How About Some Music

If you are anything like me, the time around finals is when your immune system goes extinct. This happens every year during mid December for me. Finals start approaching and stress levels begin to rise. I have tried a variety of different things to do to avoid getting sick, but nothing has seemed to work. A recent article that we discussed in class offered a potential therapy or “treatment” to possibly help prevent this. This therapy is music.

In the article, music is talked about like it’s a special drug. The reading discussed how music helps lower stress levels and improve immune system markers. Studies showed cortisol levels before and after the listening of music. The results showed a significant decrease in cortisol. This lowers stress as cortisol represents stress levels. One musical aspect researchers looked at was group drumming. The drumming allowed for participants to engage in a rhythm based beat together. Lymphocyte numbers increased as well as immune system markers such as IL-6 during this engagement. The article also referenced positive feedback after participating in group singing. During group singing, s-Iga concentrations rose by a drastic amount.

Is it Really Music?

One big question that was common throughout the whole class was the actual power of music. In many of these studies, there were other contributing factors that may have lead to the positive feedback. Examples of the singing and group drumming are the social aspects of those. While drumming in a group or singing with your choir, you are surrounded by people who I would assume you like to be around. So we question whether it’s the actual music or the environment. In many of the individual research that our class performs, many of them hinted that music does in fact improve your stress levels by a large margin over everything else. Me being the sports junky I am would assume that playing a game of baseball would provide the same benefits as an individual singing in the choir. This however has been overturned and said that music is still much more effective when it comes to reducing stress.

Still a Right Fit for You

A large amount of these studies have to deal with classical music. Studies often involve singing or listening to classical music. For many of you, classical music may not be your type. Although more research needs to be done, research still hints at it doesn’t matter whether or not you like the music. Engaging in classical music will still perhaps benefit you whether you like the genre or not. 

With finals time approaching, try something new this year. If you struggle with stress and see a decline in your immune system then you should try putting some music on. Through these studies, you can see the positive impact either listening or singing to music can play on your body. 


Neurochemistry: Traveling Away From Your Comfort Zone Can Be Beneficial

Registration for the fall of 2021 began during end of spring semester in 2020. To fulfill my PEAK requirements at Concordia, I decided I would sign up for Neurochemistry. As a chemistry major, I really was not looking forward to the class if I am being honest. I did not know much about the brain and felt as if I would be behind throughout the whole semester. When the semester was about to begin, Concordia sent out a notice telling students that they did not have to do two PEAKS. I had already had my one PEAK credit, so dropping neurochemistry crossed my mind. I kept going back and forth and finally felt the motivation to try something new and stay enrolled. When classes began, I was behind. This however gave me opportunities to learn new things. We first started class lectures by reading papers on certain signaling pathways and discussing anatomy of the brain. I started to become interested when I realized how real these pathways were. The interest in the course only became larger when we started to discuss diseases that could possibly be associated with the brain.

Throughout my time as a Neurochemistry student, I started to gradually learn more each time. I looked forward to class and hearing what others had to bring to the table. There were different perspectives and opinions all over the room, but the class allowed us to share our differences in a nonjudgmental way. One cool part about all the information the class provided was that I took that knowledge with me and discussed it further with my roommates. Unlike many other classes, neurochemistry built a platform that could take with me and easily show others what I learned.

Following Concordia’s goals, I was also able to learn more about different cultures. For example, we might have wondered why a certain country has more cases of autism than another country. I have always thought of neuro disorders as a worldwide diagnosis, but the class allowed us to see the cultural differences. Learning these culture differences was new to me and more information I could further share with others. Sharing with others, as you might tell, was a common theme in the class. Dr. Mach did a great job of creating an environment where everyone was engaged. Being able to share our information to others was awesome. This also is what encourages to further our engagement and continue to share with the world.

The skills that were learned throughout the course were all new to me. Obviously, I knew some of the chemistry, but I had never applied it like this course taught me to do. All my learning was new information which was strange to me. I say strange as in a good way. All my life, I have been taking courses that I at least have some knowledge on. For example, in Calculus 2, everyone is around the same in terms of known information. The first couple of chapters are parts of Calculus 1 that you had already learned. In Neurochemistry, it was always something new. This new information was then able to be shared on our class blog. The blog allowed us to share what we learned from each of our papers. Not only was this fun to do, but it allowed me to transfer those skills into the real world. As a potential future pharmacist, I will have to provide information that I have studied to customers. This in a way relates to the blogs. I studied and received information and then shared the blogs for the whole world to see.

I must thank Concordia for providing a liberal arts education because if it weren’t for the initial PEAK requirements, I would have never thought about taking this class. This is something that one really does not understand until they go through the liberal arts education. Freshman year we see a lot of students upset about all the extra “dumb” courses they have to take. I will not lie; I was one of those students. If senior Toby Sayles could say anything to freshman Toby, I would call him the dumb one. The liberal arts curriculum has allowed me to branch off into a variety of different courses. All of the courses that were considered “extra” were my most memorable courses. The skills and information gained from the two PEAK courses I took will surpass any of the skills I take from other courses. I feel all students should experience a liberal arts education in the pure fact that it might make the world a better place.

Lastly, if I were to put a skill on my resume that has upgraded the most from Neurochemistry it would be my listening skills. By active listening, I was able to gain more information than ever have before. Although it was not always easy to listen to different opinions, I learned that by doing so I could better understand my own. Neurochemistry has allowed me an opportunity to better myself as an individual and a student and I will forever be grateful for that.

Neurochemistry: How it all Comes Together

All college seniors naturally find themselves at a point of reflection. During this time, seniors entering the work force, graduate school, medical school, ext. find themselves contemplating not only what’s next, but also the previous 3 years. Personally, I’ve had a significant amount of time this semester to look back at my time at Concordia and contemplate what I’m truly going to take away as a neuro and psych major. Neurochemistry gave me the opportunity to do this in a way I never thought possible.

The Landscape of Neuroscience

Neuroscience is a naturally interdisciplinary fields where chemistry, biology, and psychology all come together to tell the story of the brain. As a psychology major, I naturally find myself leaning towards psychology side of neuroscience, while the chemistry aspect of this story is something that made me nervous. I walked into the first day of Neurochemistry where many others had 3 full years of chemistry under their belts, and there was me armed only with my survey of organic and biochemistry class from sophomore year. While I was nervous, I quickly realized this is a class where my skillset would not hurt me, but help me and the others around me. The neurochemistry class is a team, with each member tackling questions and wrestling with ideas through their own expertise. I often found myself investigating the cognitive and psychological implications of various diseases, while I was very appreciative of those who studied the individual receptors and kinases of signaling cascades that I would have been scratching my head if I had to explain. In this facet, I see us going on to tackle the worlds problems in much a similar way. In any team, you rely on each other’s strength and weaknesses to come together to accomplish a goal, and it was fun to see this shine through in an academic environment. Through this environment, we naturally followed the goals for liberal learning that this college values greatly.

We fostered a love for learning as each week we had the opportunity to investigate what made our own wheels turn, and more importantly explain that in a way that makes sense to someone who may not know as much about that question.

We developed critical foundational skills allowing us to communicate and work together to share our ideas in one on one, and group settings where our intellect could shine. We listened and grew with each-other through discussions that merged science with everyday life.

Throughout the class, we saw how science can bring complex issues together. From the spiritual and implications of schizophrenic hallucinations, to the complex societal issues surrounding obesity, as both scientists and citizens we examined hundreds of interdisciplinary connections reaching much further than an 8-page review article.

One of the beautiful things about neurochemistry is the fact that it can be applied to each of our lives. Everyone has felt stressed, maybe had a sugar craving that felt like a withdrawal, or listened to their favorite song and felt a surge of reward. Understanding the neurochemical implications of these examples contributes to a deeper sense of self that brings science together with our conscious perception of the world.


Artstract by B. Swanson


And of course, the most pressing question, how did we BREW? The reality is, we forget most of what we learn in our classes. We must ask ourselves, what can I takeaway from Neurochem and why does it matter? I think each of us should reflect and answer these questions for ourselves because it varies person to person. For me, I come from a strong psychology background, but the world of psychology is changing. With each fMRI and EEG study psychological concepts that were once explained by a superego can now be better explained though the function of the pre-frontal cortex and a signaling cascade. There are hundreds of examples where previous theories are now supported directly or indirectly by neural evidence. Indeed, in my view the world of psych and neuro are on a collision course and it would be wise to understand both worlds to become a modern psychologist. Looking back at my Concordia education, this is the edge I try to incorporate into each graduate school application. What I loved about this neurochemistry class is I saw so many different skillsets from my classmates come together. I saw neuro merge with psych, bio, and of course, chemistry. As each of us set out to contribute to the world, we do so armed with our own unique knowledge and experiences. In this class, we added diversity to our own worldviews over the course of the semester by taking in each other’s unique expertise and points of view. I am excited to see how this impacts the future doctors, professors, researchers, ext. in that room as we all integrate our liberal arts education with the hard sciences. While we all see the world through our own experiences, over the course of this semester, we merged our knowledge and experiences giving each of us a stronger and more diverse worldview. This will ultimately contribute to us tackling the worlds problems much like we tackled each paper that came our way; through a diverse set of perspectives that, when merged, created an enviornment of learning that would not have been possible without such variety. Thank you to you all for a fantastic semester!

Music on the Mind

There is nothing more unifying, but also diversifying than music. This juxtaposition is part of what makes music a critical interest to all, including researchers. Music is unifying in the way that everyone share some kind of experience with it; nearly every human can identify a memory that is triggered by a certain song. Perhaps a smell triggers a memory of a song, or a certain place brings back the memory of the first time you heard a tune. While we all share some aspect of a musical experience, these experiences vary greatly. For some, it is creating music themselves that encompasses their musical experience. For others, myself included, simply listening to music is the most prominent experience, as I have absolutely no ability to create it myself. Regardless of musical experience, perhaps where music is most unifying is within our brains, where music is processed similarly for most members of the population.

Music in the brain

Music elicits a variety of consequences in the brain; however none may be more prevalent than the rewarding, “feel good” effect. Where does this come from? Music, like many things can trigger the brain’s reward pathway which leads to a dopamine dump that keeps you opening your Spotify to listen to the next song. Your brain even begins to anticipate this reward, however the brains reaction to this anticipatory event remains unclear. Furthermore, music has been shown to alleviate stress in the brain by activating the Hypothalamic Pituitary Axis which has a calming effect to the individual by modulating other areas of the brain associated with higher stress and arousal. In light of these findings, the potential for music therapy as a future, empirically proven technique becomes a scientific possibility. In a world where pharmacological options for disorders involving stress are the most common treatment, music therapy opens the opportunity for a complimentary option with relatively no side effects.

Your Favorite Song

While the broad stroking effects of music are fascinating, what happens when your experiencing music much more personally, such as your favorite song? If you’re like me, when I hear my favorite song it’s accompanied by memories, a distinct happiness with the rhythm and beat, as well as a myriad of memories that flood my consciousness and allow me to immerse myself in the song. As it turns out, there is neural evidence to support this experience. When you’re listening to your favorite song, your pre-frontal cortex (sense of self), hippocampus (memory), and lateral parietal cortex (association area) all become active and link together. The research suggests the all-encompassing feeling of your favorite song is indeed represented in this circuit. While listening to music you don’t prefer, only the association area of the brain lights up, which is merely responsible for your perception of the rhythm and sound. This fascinating phenomenon provides evidence that your personal perception of music, is correlated with your brain firing together and providing an immersive experience that floods the reward center of the listener.


Whether you’re a musician, or just a music lover, music is often an integral part of our lives. As it turns out, it’s also a uniquely processed in our brain that can even be leveraged for therapeutic benefits. So next time you hear your favorite song, shut your eyes, relax, and let your brain take over.

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